How I Taught Myself Perfect Pitch (True Pitch)

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This works, guys. True pitch. Even my brother who is a drummer is getting it now. Perfect pitch is of course superior over true pitch but we mortals are not out of hope. In the end, it really doesn’t matter in your playing ability, it’s just a trick used to impress people.

Music Saxophone Clarinet Mario Kart Perfect Pitch Alto sax classical jazz violin
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Most people claim they cannot memorize pitch accurately. Their audiation (hearing a note in your head after you’ve heard it externally) may last a couple dozen seconds, then they forget the pitch till they hear it again. This video explains how to get a permanent audiation - where the notes you hear in your head never leave. You can generate it from your subconscious at any point without a reference.
So yes... it’s not absolute perfect pitch. We’re out of luck on that one, folks. I made a follow-up video recently called “An Alternative To Perfect Pitch” where I admitted this video is a bit of a clickbait - to lure people without perfect pitch and show them that there is still a way that they don’t need an external reference to identify any note. Sorry for being misleading! I hope this helped out anyway. We don’t need perfect pitch to have strong ears or permanent audiation 😎 !


When I was 5 I discovered that our house vacuum cleaner was an F and now I recognize every F. Only the F's. Do I have the shittiest perfect pitch in the world?


Ive tuned my guitar so many times that the sound of the e string is engraved in my brain


Rick Beato is having a heart attack over the title right now.


This is 100% possible. Every music student in Taiwan, where my wife grew up, learns to recognize absolute pitch in ear training class. For some reason, in the west, we have this idea that you're "born with it".


I feel like Bruno Mars and Dwayne Johnsons baby just taught me perfect pitch. Thanks dude!

EDIT: Haha so many likes. Check out my music: Rooze - Malibu


This is like the only "perfect pitch" video on youtube thats actually helpful and not just talking about its imposible to learn perfect pitch as an adult.


I feel like 95% of people could make a video like this and it would be cringy. This was actually pretty funny and helpful.


"I won't call it perfect pitch"

*Calls it perfect pitch in the title*


Going to try this and report back in a few weeks. I hadn't heard this method. It sounds way more intuitive than the "colour" method I've tried before. I have very good relative pitch from playing trumpet, piano, and being a vocalist but I've never been able to figure out perfect pitch. I think this is gonna work as your few samples, I heard the vowels you were saying and think it's genius. Great work sir.


Me and him: C
Shows keys it's a b flat
My head is aguring it's a C then I rember I play a b flat clarinet.


You nailed it! And it IS actually a stage of genuine perfect pitch.

There are different stages of pitch awareness:
1. Chroma awareness = You´re aware of a fixed, octav independend quality of the pitches, called chroma.
2. Chroma discrimination = You can identify the tones on your own familiar instrument. Here true perfect pitch begins.
3. Refined chroma discrimination = You can tell if a tone on your instrument is too sharp or flat.
4. Universal chroma discrimination = All chromas are clearly perceived through the "disguises" of many different timbres.
5. Spectral discrimination = Refined chroma discrimination across all timbres and sounds.
6. Aural recall = Without actually hearing a tone, you can imagine its chroma and sing it out in the right pitch any time.
These progressive levels of chroma awareness are not completely sequential or isolated from each other.

"True pitch" is Chroma Discrimination. The vowels you "transcribe" are the chroma!


If this dude shaved his head... He would look like Dwayne Johnson


If my future child does not have perfect pitch, I'm getting a refund.


“Eating dirt and playing super smash brothers, ” that hits deep man. That hits deep.


I always felt like the prevailing wisdom that adults can't learn perfect pitch is lazy thinking. Just because we haven't found a reliable method for everyone doesn't mean we should give up looking. That's why I'm glad to see videos like this.


i've listened to the black parade so many times that i can easily recognize a g note on any instrument


I accidentally developed perfect pitch. As a kid, I HATED sight reading (still do, but I was basically musically illiterate at 5 lmao) so I just learned to associate my piano teacher’s fingers with the correct sounds. Later, I didn’t need to visualize my finger or a keyboard in order to recognize a sound.


10:45 imagine skipping to this part of the video or being somebody watching this without context.


This is what I did to an extent, but I guess I have really good memory. I memorized a bunch of songs starting notes and relate those notes to what Im hearing so:
A to me is the first note of Paganinis 24th Caprice
B is Rondo alla Turca by Mozart
C is the main melody from Berliozs symphonie fantastique 5th movement
D is Canon In D's first note
E is either Seven Nation Army or Fur Elise
F is the fortnite theme (yes, as a meme),
G is welcome to the black parade
Bb is The chicken by jaco pastorious
Eb is Demons by Imagine Dragons
C# is This is How I disappear by MCR
G# is Na Na by MCR
F# is All Star
