10 Negative Thinking Styles That Causes Depression

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We know that thoughts influence our behavior, and our behaviors influence our feelings and vice versa. They all affect one another. So what happens when our thinking are mostly negative? How does negative thinking lead to things like anxiety or depression? Watch this video to find out.

In this video we cover:

1. #Catastrophizing
2. Overgeneralization
3. Mind reading
4. Minimizing
5. Black and white thinking
6. Maximizing
7. Predicting
8. #Self-blame
9. Filtering
10. Disregarding the positive

Let us know if you recognize any of these!

Also, we recommend this exciting anxiety meme IG page if you're interested:

Writer: Sid Thompson
Script Editor: Isadora Ho
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
VO: Amanda Silvera
Animator: Naphia
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong


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I already said this once but I'll say it again.

Telling someone with:

-Depression to "just be happy"
-Anxiety to "just stop worrying"
-Self Harm issues to "just stop cutting"
-Insomnia to "just go to sleep"
-Anorexia to "just eat"
-Bulimia to "just keep it in"
-Problems to "just get over with it"

Is like stabbing yourself with a knife saying "just stop bleeding" then you'll magically be healed

*that's not how it works*

Lots of love from a small youtuber💕I hope the coming days fill all the cracks of your heart and you are reminded that you are not alone, because you are loved 💖🌈


“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
― Albert Einstein


Mindset and perception are everything. They literally change how we see the world ✨


“We suffer more often in imagination than in reality”
― Seneca


As a person who has anxiety, i can totally relate to these



1. Catastrophizing
2. Overgeneralization
3. Mind reading
4. Minimizing
5. Black and white thinking
6. Maximizing
7. Predicting
8. Self blame
9. Filtering
10. Disregarding the positive


"Your perception may not be my reality."

-Aporva Kala


Us boosting our self esteem: "Atleast we got 10 out of 10 in this."


I hate people who think depression is fake.


Anxiety is repeatedly experiencing failure in advance. Depression is like being colour-blind and constantly being told how colourful the world is. Worry is like a rocking chair: it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere. Pain is temporary; Fear is a reaction; Courage is a decision. It will always get better, but get help 🖖


Oftentimes parents have this perception that they can "shape" their child's overall persona, instead of first working upon shaping their own. They fear that they may have to face uncalled societal criticism on upbringing of their child. This anxiety of parents definitely leads to an unhealthy, unhappy and messed up childhood for most children. Like seriously some people give birth to babies just because they "love babies" (as if its any toy to play with🙄), or may be also because of some societal norms or pressure. And then during the growing up years of their children, the parents are left stressed out by all the time being anxious on whether they're parenting correct or not and wondering when will their responsibility finally end.


Once, back in January of this year, I told my mom of how I felt. I only scratched barely at the surface of it.
"All girls your age go through this. You'll be fine."
I told her how I felt like killing myself would be an easy way out.
"Don't kill you're self... We can't lose you."
I told her I've tried cutting myself before.
"Don't do that. You're just scarring yourself."
Fast forward two months.
My mom sees my arms.
"What is this?"
I shrugged. "I dunno."
I feel as if my family doesn't love me.
My grandpa also recently died in May, so it felt heavier than before.
I feel as if he loved me less than my siblings and cousins.
It feels as if he didn't love me at all.
I also remember that day so well.
I hate it.
I know I made my mom sound ignorant, but she really isn't. She's a nice woman. She just doesn't understand.
She said she'll try to get me help in Febuary.
Seems like she forgot.
(Sorry this was so long. I just felt as if I needed to get a bit off my mind.)

I've read through all the replies I got and thank you so much. This- AHH-!!! I'm just really happy to know that there's still hope. Thank you so so much. If anyone needs any help or someone to talk to, we're here. I'm here.


It's almost 5 in the morning and I'm sitting here listening to this


“Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems”
― Epictetus


Yes, this is totally me. It's difficult to stop this negative thinking, and I blame myself for not being able to. Might have to get some professional help sometime.


“Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor.”
— Thich Nhat Hanh


It's like you guys know exactly what I'm feeling at the moment.... Each video post is on par with my current mood


Filtering is definitely something I do. It's not that I ignore the positives, it's just that it feels like a drop of honey in a cup of really strong coffee, it's sweet but it's almost impossible to taste under all the bitterness.
Honestly, I'm just trying add more honey to my life so that it will someday be balanced enough for me to confidently say, "Yep, that was a sweet cup of coffee."


Who else relates in 10/10 of the situations in video?


Me: “mom I am

My mom: hahahah you’re just 14..why would a 14 years old will have depression!! Your a kid!!

Depression isn’t from your age
It’s from the things you have faced....
