Unhelpful thinking styles

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We don't have to think The same to think together.

Life is a series of moments, and when you're in each moment, it's easy to forget the one just passed the one just ahead.

Here is a list of 10 Unhelpful Thinking Styles that steals us away from the moment and leads us down another path less favourable.

One – Mental Filter. This thinking style includes filtering in and out parts of a situation and only focusing on one area. Instead of seeing the whole picture, we only focus on a negative detail.

Two – Black and White thinking. This involves only seeing one extreme or the other, without acknowledging the grey area. As Oscar Wilde said, the truth is rarely pure, and never simple.

Three – Jumping to conclusions – This happens when we assume we know what others are thinking or predicting some aspect about the future.

Four – Overgeneralising – this is where we take one instance and impose it on all current and future events. For instance, nothing ever good happens to me.

Five – Personalisation – This is about blaming yourself for things that aren’t at all or entirely your fault. Conversely, entirely blaming others.

Six – Catastrophising – This is when we blow things out of proportion.

Seven – Labelling – This happens when we assign labels to ourselves and others, like believing I am a failure, even if there are examples where I have succeeded.

Eight – Emotional Reasoning – this is where we make assumptions due to our feelings and not out intellect.

Nine – Shoulds and Musts – these are directed at either ourselves and others, and make situations more unreasonable and demanding. This includes terms like “I should…” or “You must..” This can create unrealistic expectations that aren’t necessary.

Ten – Disqualifying the positive - this is where we discount the good things that we do, and make statements like “that doesn’t count.”

It is said that the First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one. By having a greater understanding of your thinking patterns, you gain a greater sense of control over your life.

Christopher Phoenix
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