How Your Brain Tricks You Into Negative Thinking

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Ever find yourself in a negative thinking spiral? Of course you have! It’s human nature. Cognitive distortions aka thinking traps– are basically exaggerated or irrational negative thought patterns that can lead us to believe things that aren’t necessarily true. In this video, Myles Bess breaks down some common thinking traps and some tips on how to manage these this type of thinking. Co-produced with Common Sense Education in collaboration with Center for Digital Thriving at Harvard Graduate School of Education.

**What are cognitive Distortions?
Cognitive distortions aka thinking traps are mental shortcuts that our brains take to help us process the world around us. They tend to be negative and irrational thought patterns– and engaging in this type of thinking is totally common and just the way our brains work. One theory for why we tend to think in this way is that we are programmed for survival, and focusing on worst-case scenario thinking has an evolutionary advantage. But when left unchecked cognitive distortions can contribute to feelings of anxiety and depression.

**What are some common cognitive distortions?
Psychologists have identified many different cognitive distortions, but this video focuses on these five:
All or nothing thinking – with all-or-nothing thinking there’s no room for nuance– things are usually all bad or all good and you aren’t able to see the middle ground. If your thoughts have words like “never” “all” “always” “everyone” or “no one” you might be engaging in all-or-nothing thinking
Labeling – Labeling is when you put a negative label on yourself– I’m an idiot, I’m a loser, etc.
Mind-Reading - Mind-reading is when you think you know what another person is thinking or why they behaved in a certain way. One little action can get totally blown out of proportion.
Negative Filter - Negative filter happens when you only focus on the negative thing and ignore all the positives of a situation.
The Fallacy of Shoulds - The fallacy of shoulds describes when you make up random, arbitrary, or unreasonable rules for yourself. Like, in order to be a good friend I should reply to my friend’s text right away– and if I miss a text then I’m a bad friend.

**What are some tips to help challenge cognitive distortions?
There’s a whole field of therapy dedicated to helping people identify, and process thinking traps as an intervention for things like PTSD, eating disorders, depression, and anxiety. It’s called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (or CBT). However, just recognizing these types of thoughts can go a long way in helping you deal with them. To help you begin to recognize these thoughts– psychologists recommend watching tv and identifying when characters engage in that type of thinking. Once you recognize the thought, you can try to search for evidence that goes against that thought or come up with alternative thoughts to the thought you are having.

Selected Sources:
How to Recognize and Tame Your Cognitive Distortions (Harvard Health)

Cognitive Distortions: Unhelpful Thinking Habits (Psychology Tools)

CBT for Teens: How Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Works (Newport Academy)

Cognitive Distortions: 22 Examples and Worksheets (Positive Psychology)

15 Cognitive Distortions to Blame for Negative Thinking (Psych Central)

The Evolved Basis and Adaptive Functions of Cognitive Distortions a (British Journal of Medical Psychology

0:00 Intro
0:53 What are thinking traps?
2:17 All or Nothing Thinking
3:28 Labeling
3:51 Mind reading
4:38 Negative Filter
5:38 Fallacy of Shoulds
6:43 Tips for reframing cognitive distortions

#cbt #mentalhealth
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Do you ever have any of these negative thoughts? If so, tell us which ones and how you deal with it!


Myles Bess, you are NOT boring. You are calming. I love watching your videos. Thank you for helping to educate the world.


Our brains only think positively when it's about procrastination😂


This video is great! As someone who has been to therapy quite a bit, I like how straightforward and informative this is at conveying a lot of those main concepts that are often talked about in therapy (at least for me).


Miles you are a great host! Don't let anybody tell you different


Bro, trust me you are not boring 😃!. Just discovered your channel one new sub from me.


This has been so helpful. I have severe anxiety (probs for the last 20yrs) that I'm just now getting help with and I'm postpartum. Knowing not only the name, but some steps on how to contract these thoughts. Especially the asking yourself for evidence.


CBT for the win! I recognize a lot of these--especially mind reading. The tips for noticing the negative thought and challenging it by looking for other explanations or evidence that disproves it really help over time.


I ve had a lot of these thoughts when I was a newsletter editor. There were so many details I had to mind. Right down to, "Am I nagging too much?" Because I hadn't heard from someone who needed to send me an article. "Did I call them too many times? Will they get mad if I call again?"

There were a few times this was true, but by and large it was fine. Personally, I think it's trickier to work with volunteers than with employees. There are feelings to consider, while in business there is a specific attitude that people affect and expect. It's a bit brusque and slightly mechanical. It doesn't preclude emotions, but it doesn't cultivate them, either. It's "just business. When I did the newsletter, there were times I felt I was walking on eggshells, and it was common for me to figuratively self-flagellate.


Well, I feel called out! I'm in cognitive behavioral therapy, so I'm doing a lot better than I used to, but I still struggle with a lot of this - especially labeling. It's pretty easy to call myself a "moron" when I make a mistake, even though I would never do that to others. I think that's a key thing - if you wouldn't talk like that to someone else, you shouldn't talk like that to yourself!


I literally had this problem yesterday when texting my crush! The other day I sent her a message showing her a wood carving I was working on. She didn't respond for a while, and I started getting worried if she gave me the right number or if it was just to get me off her back, and then she responded and I felt such a relief. The weirdest thing was that the whole time I was waiting I kept telling myself that she probably just didn't see it yet since she works at a supermarket and can't take time to look at messages, yet I still felt anxious!


New socks are underrated! Smooth, soft and comfortable. I’m now at the age where I a pair of new socks is the ultimate gift.


the fallacy of shoulds is p common for me, being neurodivergent i often think about specific shoulds that boil down to "i should be more like neurotypical people"
labeling is also tricky for me b/c "neurodivergent" could be considered a negative label if my thoughts then lead to "i'm doomed", but it also is the actual root of some of my problems so i can't just avoid it entirely


Excellent video Myles! Any plans on making another video about the other cognitive distortions?


Myles I Love Your Content Bro, Way Above The Noise You Are Teaching & Preaching Here, I Learned Some Real Truths From You Bro, Thanks Keep Making More Mini Movies💯 You're Funny Too So Not Boring😂😂😂


I only just discovered your channel a few minutes ago and your ability to entertain and inform is brilliant. Keep being amazing. <3


This was a really informative video, and actually helps me a lot!


Great video. Definitely have to share this one. I'm a big fan of behavioral science, and this video is easy to understand and apply.


I get these all the time, so much negative thinking especially about myself


I can truthfully say I am have never experienced anything like this.
