Effortless Golf Swing - How I Turned My Arms Off

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If you're looking for an effortless golf swing you've some to right place. I have literally been teaching this type of swing since 1991. This tip explains what I felt the day I turned my arms off. Once I did I literally went from hitting the ball sideways to straight. In other words I become consistent after literally 10 years of taking lessons and trying everything.

An effortless golf swing is a swing for life. Sure, young tour pros are swinging as hard as they can using both their body and arms. Most people will never be able to do this swing. So why not learn and effortless swing. It creates great power with no effort, it's super consistent and it never hurts your body. You play pain-free for life.

Have you not marveled at a golfer who hits it a long way and it looks effortless? So if you want that swing this is a great thought on how to get it. This is the thought I had to completely turn my arms off and stop hitting hard. The day I got this was game changing. Give it a try and hopefully you too can get an effortless golf swing.

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I've watched every one of your videos at least once, and most of them several times. This one really resonated with me. You hit bad golf shots for 10 years--I hit bad golf shots for 55+years! You said "nobody every told me...". Same for me (and I had several sets of lessons over the years from golf pros--they never told me). I hit as many as 24, 000+ golf balls in one year (I keep lots of spreadsheets) and never got any better. I've played 5, 000+ rounds of golf since 1980. I was the original public golfing hacker! But just about 10 years ago I ran across your videos. Today is my birthday (85) and I can say I'm a better golfer today than I ever was. I've shot my age or better 203 times since you taught me how to swing a club. It has been a hard transition to turn the arms off when they were my sole source of power for so many years. So even though I'm getting old enough that most of my athletic skills are gone, the techniques you've taught me still keep me mostly on the short grass. I hope to get still better!


Golf is almost over for us here in Wisconsin. I have been hitting the ball poorly the last month or so. Today was probably our last time out till next year. It was 65 degrees....so, very nice for this time of year. I decided to watch this video of yours before my round. And I shot my best round of the year!! A 76...not bad for a 70 year old gal. All i thought about was keeping my arms turned off, and it made such a huge difference. I hit all my clubs better. It seemed by doing this, it forced me to use my body more, which I never have been good at doing...Thank you so much!! I'm hoping I don't lose this thought before the next golfing season. Your tips are the best, and you keep it simple, which is so important for us old people!


I’m 65 and I’ve been watching your videos off and on for a little while. I watched this one last night and decided to try it today. I hit every drive solid probably as far as I was hitting it trying to swing hard. I hit maybe 2 bad shots all day. I was shocked. It was great fun. Playing in league tomorrow and we’ll see if it works again but I’m pretty confident it will. Thanks a million. Will continue to watch all of your videos


Moe Norman the best ball striker once said that the biggest secret of golf is quiet hands. Thank you for sharing this with us Paul. Much appreciated it.


This is an amazing golf tip. Has totally changed my game. The thought of the swing slowing down was hard for me to grasp at first. Then I realized that I was making much better contact and the ball went much further with much less effort. Thanks so much for the tip Paul. Golf is becoming fun again for me!!


Ive been binge watching your videos since I've been getting frustrated with my game after little improvement over the past 5 years of playing (rarely breaking 100). After absorbing everything i could, i started swinging in the backyard, and it felt so effortless and natural. Previously all of my joints were stiff in an effort to control the face of the club, and it never felt natural. What made it click for me was your analogy about swinging a heavy piece of wood compared to having a hinge in it. Amazing.


Thank you Paul. attending your clinic was the best thing I did to improve my game. The effortless golf swing is the only way to go as a senior. My distance and accuracy has improved dramatically.


I wish I had discovered Paul’s method 30 odd years ago when I took up golf. I only began to enjoy the game in the last couple of years using the the body swing. Years of lessons, videos, books all had been tried to no avail.


This video triggered an emotional response in me and resonates with me greatly, especially @ 2:23 when you describe your moment of discovery. After years of frustration trying everything with endless hours in the range and still hitting left or right, I recently had this discovery as well. Second shot on the 14th hole of my home course I decided not to use my arms. The result was straight, high, far, with zero effort. I decided to try this again and got the same result. Then I continued to do this thereafter. However, I just played a game where I thought I could help the ball ever so slightly, but my arms started to become engaged again. Result, not good at all. This was humbling and made me realize that you never really have this game figured out. Golf is a learning journey which is why I'm watching this video now and using it reinforce good behavior. Absolutely great video!


I always check the tightness of my forearms after the range. If they’re soft, it was more than likely a good striking day at the range. I love your teaching philosophy, Paul, and hope one day I can make it out to LV for a clinic.


I got an orange whip a long time ago but never really put it into practice. Saw these videos from you and then I started using my orange whip to practice swinging this way. I'm finally hitting my driver well. It's like it clicked overnight. I'm not hitting 300 yards or anything crazy but usually a consistent 230 and have had an occasional 270. Hoping once I get more and more comfortable with the swing that I can start adding some more power. Really happy I've found your videos.


Wow! This was a fantastic, intuitive swing tip that I’ve _NEVER_ heard another instructor talk about or demonstrate. Took it to the range and….damn! It felt like cheating! And, I finally is what my practice swing feels like. Wow, again! LOL!! Thanks, mate.


Dear Paul, the picture of the speedometer, slowing down from 100 to 0 in the downswing works incredibly well for me. The vast majority of amateur golfers is probably more than aware of the instruction „Refrain from hitting the ball as hard as you can“. However, it’s a big difference between „intellectually understanding“ and „successfully implementing“. Great teachers like you, perfectly know that and literally go the extra mile to offer additional support for their students, in this case, the speedometer concept👏🏼🥇👍🏼. Please keep up the great work, best wishes from Germany🇩🇪.


Hey Paul, playing with a guy yesterday I didn’t know him. Just started with your system. Not killing my drives 210, 220. But right down the middle every one. ( I know the hip moving needs work). Halfway through our match he
honestly say what an
Effortlessly looking golf swing. 😂
Thank you sir.
Your videos are inspiring.


About four years ago I took Paul's advice, turned off my arms and everything changed. My reputation for being wild off the tee to being remarkably straight changed in a matter of days. . Golf is so much more fun when your drives hit the fairway consistently. Am very grateful to Paul and the number of golf balls I have saved paid for his course many times over.


I’ve watched a million swing tips and this one resonated. I’m a 3 handicapper, but truly have been struggling for a couple months now. I lost my touch and was trying to be perfect. Watched this video and your wiggle drill video, it instantly got me confidence back and shot -3 today. That’s my 2nd best score in my life, but felt like my best after what I was doing. You earned a subscription and a new student sir.


Great video again Paul. I like the thought of a speedometer in reverse. In recent weeks before this video, it did feel like the club moves slower as you hit the ball but the ball was telling me different as I’m hitting over 300 yards off the tee and straight as an arrow 👍


Paul it worked for me I couldn't believe how my contact got so much better and now I'm relax with my arm thank you again


Just wanted to comment you say how big of a fan I am. Your effortless golf swing, passive arms, body swing style is what I've been practicing the past week, thanks to all your videos. And wow, the results are incredible!


Totally agree. The problem with inconsistently is thinking the arms and torso powers the swing. It’s all in the legs. Larry Chung’s videos are awesome on this topic
