Corpse Bride Butterfly Scene

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Emily is finally at peace as she turns into butterflies
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Apparently, the connection between Emily and butterflies is - according to a European legend - if a woman is murdered but not given a proper burial, her soul becomes a butterfly!


"I Was A Bride. My Dreams Were Taken From Me. But Now - Now I've Stolen Them From Someone Else. I Love You, Victor, But You Are Not Mine."

My heart broke with hers...😔


What it feels like when you're crush gets a girlfriend and you learn to move on


I think y'all who are saying "Victoria is ugly he should have married Emily" are missing the whole point of the story. Emily was happy that someone finally loved her. Because back when she thought she had love, it was all nothing. So her dreams were taken from her. She loved Victor, and wanted him to be happy. And make him happy. So when the wedding finally came and she saw Victoria in the back, she remembered the time her dreams were shattered. So she stopped the wedding. And let Victor be with who he truly loved. Because she doesn't want to see the same thing that happened to her happen to someone else. So she made Victor happy. That's all she ever wanted was for someone to love her. And Victor did love her. And he set her free. Understand now? :)


Everyone's like "I wish Victor and Emily would have ended up together, " and "Victoria ruined their marriage." But think about this, having Victor and Emily Marry each other would have been the typical ending, and it wouldn't have been as moving as this ending. The fact that Emily is willing to let Victor go shows that she was truly in love with him. This ending is truly moving, especially the part where Victor frees Emily. I couldn't have thought of a better ending myself. Truly heartwarming.


People are constantly saying " I hate that Victor chose Victoria over Emily ", but he didn't... he was going to commit suicide to be with Emily towards the end but SHE stopped him from drinking the poison because while Victor did have feelings for Emily it was clear that he was more in love with Victoria and Emily didn't want to take Victoria's dreams away because she knew how that felt. Also why would you want the person you love to kill themselves all to be with you, that's a bit selfish isn't it ?

In the end everything worked out perfect, Victor learned to be less awkward and have a more positive attitude thanks to Emily, Victoria wasn't forced to be in a loveless marriage and she gets to live Emily's dreams for her and I have no doubt that their daughter would be named Emily as a sort of tribute. Last The Corpse Bride Emily was the only dead person to actually find peace and ascend to heaven, it's not like she went back under the tree because Victor was her true love and that was her vow which had been fulfilled.


How interesting would it be if when someone dies, the disperse into butterfly's and every butterfly you see would be a small part of that person's soul.


Am I the only one hoping Tim Burton will make a prequel of this!??! I'd REALLY love to learn more about Emily's background!!!!


The ending is perfect, it doesen't need a sequel, Victor and Victoria fell in love first and they deserve to be happy and remember that Victoria maried lord barkis against her will by her parents and after all that Victor still loves Victoria, and Victor believe that she moved on he had no choice that kill himself because he couldn't live without her.Emily made the right choice to let the 2 be together because she realized she was going to take away Victoria's dreams making haer selfish.I really love Victor and Victoria together and this ending is perfect to give us a lesson not a simply happy ending.


I always got the impression that the realm of the dead we see in this film was sort of a limbo state, where for one reason or another they can't move on. At the end Emily finally has peace and can move on to the "true" afterlife.


I don't think Emily as a sad character. Burton usually portrays death as this never ending state where feelings grow old and nothingness awaits; much like purgatory, and for the case of the Corpse Bride: this longing for a soul mate, even in death. Yet, the ending is about how she earns peace by embracing - rather than rejecting - how unfair her life and death has been, thus achieving freedom for what comes next (which is open to interpretation).


I love this scene!
The way the butterflies come out of her dress is magical.


It's sad, but what a beautiful way to go.


And here I am, watching this, when I haven't even seen the movie yet.

I'm an idiot.


The feels every single time...she is finally able to rest in peace but damn i wish she got married or at least found a love of her every own...


Emily lost her dream years ago and found out that you can't just steal someone else's because yours didn't go according to plan (see what I did there;)
But she never have up her happiness, she was content when she saw how in love victor and Victoria were together, and that was her happiness. Turning into butterflies shows happiness and contentment. Plus it symbolises life after death, which is more than she could ever ask for


Does anybody else just love Emily's wedding dress?! I think it's gorgeous and I'm definitely wearing a dress like that when I get married :)


Probably one of the best movie endings I've seen.


It's so sad that she is vanishing without ever knowing the love of someone and her heart being broken D:


I think that Victor definitely grew to love Emily. Of course, the most appealing ending would be for Emily and Victor to end up together, but that would not be practical or ideal. For Victor to offer giving up everything in his life for Emily, that was a huge sacrifice and a demonstration of love. Furthermore, when Emily walked down the aisle and gave her wedding vows, the look that Victor gave her was truly one indicative of love. So, I believe that Victor truly loved Emily but that the Victor x Victoria ending was most suitable. The lesson to be learned is that even if a person was robbed of happiness, he/she should not do the same to someone else. The best thing to do is move on and find peace, instead of dwelling in the past and building up pain.
