Why is there such a big difference The ISS is crowded, but the CSS is like an Apple store

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In October 2021, a report on the US Futurism website claimed that the interior design of China's space station looks like an "Apple Store", and it puts the International Space Station to shame.The orbital lab boasts a number of tools and designs that set it apart from the ISS, which is fairly old and slated to be retired within the next decade. Not only does Tiangong have spacious bunks for its astronauts, but it also has a sleek space gym and separate living spaces for each crewmember - with a minimalist white interior design that looks more like an Apple store than a cramped space habitat.

Compare that to the ISS, which looks downright obsolete in comparison. In fact, not only the media, but even Scott Kelly, an astronaut who once worked on the International Space Station, expressed his envy for the spacious and tidy environment inside the China Space Station. The ISS’s sleeping quarters are roughly the size of a phone booth, paling in comparison to Tiangong's beds. In fact, it’s so cramped that astronauts are sometimes forced to "sleep kind of together, wherever," NASA astronaut Scott Kelly said.

On top of that is the ISS's- shall we say- cluttered interior design. Much of its space is filled with a hodgepodge of wires, computers, and miscellaneous hardware together. So why does the International Space Station look so "dirty and crowded"? Why is there such a big contrast between the two? Hi. Welcome to Hot Topics Time, and let’s move on to today’s topic.
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Let's blame the Chinese. Without CSS, the ISS looked just fine in people's eyes.


this is like watching the difference of chinese metro station and american metro station


You missed the most important one. If ISS it`s build by cooperation and knowledge of 27 countries, the CSS was build by the chinese people who was, sanctioned and banned, to have access, to know how and technology, by the 27 countries. That`s make the CSS more impressive.


XD Fun fact, the US kicked china out from the ISS project, so china built CSS😂😂


ISS is like my 1998 IBM Thinkpad, 7 ponds, 11” screen, 40mb drive and costed $7500. CSS is like my 2022 iPad Pro, 2 ponds, 11” screen, 2 tb drive and costed $2200. They are from two different eras, comparison is not necessary.


China's space station can be upgraded. They can add more space labs as it was planned during the designing stage of China's space station.


ITs called progress. Iss is old. CSS is modern. As easy as that


China’s improvement and advancements for humankind, cooperation always welcome. Never like war and jealousy. China 🇨🇳👍


Someone in ISS: shit, i tripped a wire
Somebody in ISS: did you trip on this one too? Where's the other end to this connection?
Someone: don't worry, I'll take up the one i just tripped on. As for the other one, it's like that for over a week and we're still good.
Somebody: okay! We'll find the other end sooner or later.


In short: Housekeeping/. RoomServic
In CSS = Not Required
In ISS = Not Available


ISS will turn into Kensington Avenue soon


The CSS is designed to be as modular as possible and can be effectively upgraded, while same is not true for ISS and NASA has to make do with what they have and hence. It has outside plumbing and wires, with piles of old equipment stored in it.


most of the video explaination are just minor nitpick. there are 2 main reason of the CSS looking clean. first is cable management and standardization, power and datalink for each rack were preplanned and build into the housing, with power and datalink being standardized commercially in the last decade, it easy to implement wifi, ethernet, USB, liquid cooling and power. the rack size is also standardized that you can pull an experimental rack from ESA's ISS lab and stick it in CSS and it would fit. the 2nd is ISS is design to be carry by proton and shuttle which force the station to be design to fit within those confine spaces. in contrast the long march 5 use a wide fairing, allowing them to attach alot of the machinery to the outside of the station instead of mounting them internally, this remove alot of bump in the interior space.


The ISS looks like a garage on sale, so untidy and looks very crowded and dirty. The CSS is more like a Five star hotel compared to a two star ISS hotel with no interior design at all. The ISS should be decommissioned before it brings disasters to the astronauts.


CSS does not need rogues to come and intentionally damage intruments and gadgets.


Please, don't compare ISS to CSS never and never again. It's an insult to CSS.
It's better to compare ISS with a pigsty. The pigsty then looks much neater.


Because China having difficulty copying mess interior. Tried and failed. So finally China decided to do it differently. 😂🤣


ISS desing is very poor done by American engineer just like GM car


The technical details of CSS are not important. What's important is that it's a new Great Wall built by Chinese engineers with determination and tears


Not only crowded, it is very messy too
