'Anti-ghetto' law in Denmark: Ruling Social Democrats take hard line on immigration • FRANCE 24

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Danes head to the polls on Tuesday for a general election, with Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen of the Social Democrats seeking re-election. A plan to dismantle so-called "ghettos", begun by a previous right-wing government and continued throughout her term, is among the most radical in Europe. For a neighbourhood to be considered a "parallel society" or a ghetto, it must meet certain criteria. Among them: 50 percent or more of the population must be of non-Western origin. FRANCE 24's team reports from Copenhagen. 
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Anybody who has seen Brussels would agree that these laws are necessary everywhere in Europe


Every single european country needs this very very urgently


I support Denmark's decision. Countries deserve to keep their own culture.


Good for Denmark taking positive steps to improve their society.


They are right to protect their culture and country, I am muslim I live in my country and don't think to go abroad and think that I am entitled to impose my way of living, this is just not a common sens.


No one criticizes Saudi Arabia for aggressively protecting their culture and taking in almost zero migrants and refugees. It is always crazy to me how people hold European countries to standards they don't hold other rich non-western countries to. Makes you go hmmmm


Their house, their rule. Their country, their law.


Don't you love the sense of entitlement the immigrants have to tell the Danes who they can let into their country?


As a migrant myself I 100% agree, I came to germany after the berlin wall fell in 1990, and while i integrated seamlessly (culturally ofc) i observed how other migrants stayed in their own cultural confines. The result has always been the same, their german was worse, the way they perceived critique was mostly viewed from an oppressive standpoint not a constructive or logical point and they overall participation in the german culture was almost non present. even today, if i go to museums, art exhibitions and other cultural events i rarely see any migrants, especially from the middle east (where i am from). So ofc both cultures keep feeling distant and cold to each other. if you go to another place and refuse to embrace that place, why would u even go there to begin with? From a cultural standpoint I 100% support Denmark.


I am Nigerian and, although I empathize with those living in the ghetto, I see nothing wrong with what Denmark is doing. These areas usually become a safe harbor for criminals. Just look at France. Some locations predominantly occupied by Arabs no longer portray the French culture of freedom of movement for women.


Respect from Norway! Both Norway and Sweden should be waaay stricter too.


I wish most of the countries would adopt this sort of politics


Good job Denmark. Full support. Save your country, culture and religion.


We need this in the UK. There are areas that are predominantly Muslim where all the signs are written in a different language. There are also Polish areas with the same issues.
I’m white British and where I live, I have Spanish speaking neighbours from Uruguay, Mexico and Venezuela, an Italian and an Indian family. It’s the best neighbourhood I’ve ever lived in. Everyone works, everyone socialises, we share our unique foods and we look out for each other.


I am a legal immigrant in BC, Canada from South America. It blows my mind the amount of people who seem to refuse integrating to the local culture. Schools have to translate their announcements to 8+ languages because their parents “can’t” understand English or French. I’m not even sure I’m going to stay because I came with the goal of having a Canadian lifestyle experience, but I feel that I’m lost somewhere else in the world but Canada!


Here in Sweden the government should do the same, but apparently they don’t care about it. Denmark is right, it is not discrimination but integration! Foreigners need to have more contact with the local culture and people to feel belonged in the country! 👏👏👏


Denmark needs to do what it has to do! Don't become another Sweden! Denmark is a proper European country!


Good job Denmark, with respect from Romania. If your not able to adapt, find anothe place to live, don't expect us Europeans to adapt to your culture, we have are own.


Although this might seem as a discriminatory law at first glance, we got to realize that, people relocating to a new country must always get involved with the locals, they must embrace the local culture and have the willing to change yourself in a more positive way, if you or your parents moved to a wealthier nation and still prefer to be surrounded by your "own people", is not logical for you to be in this new place you call home.


I absolutely love what they are doing, for the survival of europe
