10x Habits that will change your life | Watch this before 2023 | Sanne Vloet

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10x Habits that changed my life | Watch this before 2023 | Sanne Vloet

Hi all,

This is the last vlog of 2022!!! How crazy is that! I just want to thank all of you for your continued support throughout the year and I think it's crazy how my YT family just keeps growing. I have so many fun things happening in 2023 so I really hope that you will join me for that as well!

I wanted to end this year with a video that will set you up for the new year. I feel like I evolved so much on a personal level in 2022 and would love to share the small habits that really worked for me. So, in this video I will go over 10 habits that I can guarantee will change your life. It's not about the big things in life but just the tiny changes that will make a huge difference.

Happy New Year! I love you!




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Рекомендации по теме

1. Wake up early so you have time for yourself
2. Get early morning sun! without sunglasses
3. Planning my workouts, and actually following through with them. upper or lower body? strength or no strength?
4. Follow a plan in general, esp for habits and working out.
Extra: Soul Sync Body 10 day challenge
5. Start investing in yourself: Put yourself first, self care
6. No social media in the morning and at night
7. Do something nice for someone else everyday
8. Cook meals at home
9. Grocery shop every week
10. Practice gratitude: journaling, thinking about it


Sanne, what a great way to come into 2023! Definitely, everyone needs to invest in themselves. My mom used to say, "If you don't have your health, you don't have anything." She used to religiously start her exercises as soon as she woke up. She would add a brisk walk in her routine as well. She believed that once you stopped moving that your body would become stiff. My mom lived to be 96 years old. I believe we could all take a lesson from this and continue the movement our bodies need to stay healthy without getting any diseases later on in life. There is a saying, "If you don't use it, you'll lose it." Good food, exercise, being positive, and like you mentioned Sanne being more grateful each day, kindness goes a long ways as well can make a difference in how we feel each day. 2023, here we come!! Celebrate good times, come on! It's a celebration! 🎶🎊⭐️💛🌞⚘️🙃😃❤️🎶🎊


I just LOVE how you added altruism and doing things for others to this. There are so many studies that prove that so much of the anxiety and depression we experience these days are to do with social alienation, feeling that we lack meaning and purpose in life... for me doing volunteering regularly or just helping out friends and family has helped me get out of my head and made me a lot happier and energetic!


Sanne - just wanted to say thank you so much for being such an inspiration. Your positivity radiates from within and you are such a beautiful person on every level. Thank you for what you do!


Thank you so much for a kick off motivation for 2023! I wish to you, your future husband and doggy peaceful, joyful, happy and blessed 2023!


Happy New Year Sanne! Thank you for all the love and energy your pour into creating content to share your magic with the world. Wishing you a wonderful 2023 filled with new opportunities, good health and happiness.✨


you are like ray of sunshine..so lovely! I am grateful for people like you!


This is so helpful! I’ve working on setting goals and intentions for 2023 and I got a lot of good ideas from this video. ❤


Yes, I agree!
Total investment in yourself and your well-being! 🥰


"Invest in yourself to invest in others"
✨🌻 ☕
in 2022 i prioritezed myself and the world around me changed for the better; i loved this video because you reminded me all the healthy pratices we should do everyday


Adding to habit #2 - for those of us at work before the sun comes up and after the sun sets, sunlight lamps are AMAZING. Mine has been a total game changer for my mood and energy level 😊


Hey Sanne ❤ I just need to thank you for your inspiration and motivation! You helped me! Wish you a great time with your family and a good year 2023! Keep doing what you love ❤


that was very inspiring - now i’m definitely excited for the new year after a very mentally challenging 2022!


Thank you for these tips, Sanne! Wishing you a beautiful year ahead!!


Happy new year Sanne! 🎉 I am starting my health journey today for the new year. I always look at your channel for inspiration❤


Thank you Sanne! You're like a ray of sunshine! I wish you an amazing year!!


Hi Sanne! Here in Italy they say " I live just day by day", but that's not for sure the best thing. It's much better having good healthy habits every day. Thanks so much!! Love you 🙏❤️🤗


I loved this video soo much!! Thank you for your honest and humble work that you do for us every day fully with your heart❤️❤️❤️love YOU truly!


Watching this video while starting my new journal and writing down all my goals and intentions for 2023. Super helpful!

Best wishes and liefs uit Amsterdam :)


Yes goede tips! Ik sta om 5 uur op om mijn workout en selfcare te doen voor mijn kleine Kids wakker worden. The best!
