The PROBLEM with upgrading headphones.... RANT!

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I always say the best $1000 speaker is 2 $500 speakers that sound different and then switch them out. You’re the best, DMS


Sometimes, something as simple as having gratitude goes a long way in this hobby.


100% agree. This is why I constantly rotate headphones that are fundamentally different in my collection. Sundara, HD6XX, HD25, Apple earphones, AirPods pro and Blessing 2 dusk.


Agreed. As humans we are always seeking "the next best thing" maybe it's a facet of evolution. I've owned and loved the M50Xs for years and thought they were best thing I ever heard. Bought the HD660S on sale last week for $350.00 and now my ears can't stand the sound of the M50s for music (use them for gaming and YouTube only now) after just a week of using the 660s. Next on my list to get is a planar magnetic.


I felt this exact feeling after being in this crazy hobby for many years JUST stopped chasing and going down the rabbit hole and just stuck with what I had, which is BAD at all! My wallet has returned back to me and loves me for being more frugal!


Funny how a lot of us ended up with some version of the LCD-2. What a gem.


This is why it's important to own at least 2 pairs of different headphones. I swap between two headphones and have been happy with both for a couple years.


Completely true. I think having a couple of mid fi headphones is actually better than just 1 top tier.


Recently jumped back to my 6xx and just realised how sweet the vocals are. I’m at a point that I don’t necessarily want more new headphones, but get the most enjoyment out of the cans I already owned.


I love the sound of rain on a tin roof.


basically...the thrill will fade r \shower thought


It's funny that you mention the HD560s and Zeus in the same breath on this subject. I bought both as a result of your reviews and others in the headphone space and both are absolutely phenomenal. That said, when I bought the Zeus, the 560s took the backburner for awhile. I felt a bit bad having bought both in the same year but just considered it the price of learning about good things as better are just around the corner. (Talking subjectively ofc, since I know the qualities of the headphones are different.)

At the same time, some songs that I listened to that I thought were bangers just didn't seem so anymore listening to them months later--after switching to the Zeus being my daily driver. I wasn't looking for reasons so I never thought about the headphone being at the center of it. And so imagine my surprise when I put the 560s back on because I wanted to wear something lighter at the time and my ears got blown clean off for the 2nd time with the precision detail that the 560s is praised for. Those songs I referenced before definitely were bangers to me, but that was because of the high production mixing and composition that the 560s was able to bring to the surface. I was able to rediscover my love for those songs and the 560s, and I know the same will happen to the Zeus if I daily drive the 560s for a month or two.

And so it's with that that I'd add credence to the idea that 2 or 3 great pairs of headphones is the way to go, particularly if you're talking about ones that sound very differently, such as how the 560s is praised for its neutral, near-reference surgical detail and the Zeus is toted as a fun concert hall on your head (paraphrased from DMS).


I agree although I only have 100-200$ headphones the HD560s, AD500x, X2hr and Moondrop Kato they all serve a different purpose. I think I'm satisfied with audio for now and dont desire anything more expensive


Eh this is kinda BS. Not everyone needs a new headphone to stay engaged. I did the upgrade path and settled on my current pair over 10 years ago, and they've been my daily driver ever since. I did some pad swapping this year, one upgrade, one (expensive) downgrade, and then a cheap upgrade to settle on my endgame - but its still the same phones.

Amps, though? I think that's the path for me. Change the sound, get different tones or strengths, without changing the default feel n comfort.

Messing with comfort and driver quality? Nah. Messing with and collecting source components? Absolutely.


Tolerance breaks for headphones too, damn


Pallet cleansing headphones and speakers. Good point. I find myself swapping between mine pretty constantly.


Maybe I should dig out the HD800s and try them vs the Diana V2 again to keep things more fresh...

I'm a bit meh'd out with the V2 now. It takes to bass EQ amazingly well and has absolutely stunning detail retrieval but misses the sound stage by a country mile.


I experience this phenomenon often because I work with fairly high quality equipment every day as a sound designer. I didn't know there was a term for this until now, but it makes perfect sense.


I exploit this effect in myself by having a large IEM collection that I swap between daily. I'll typically take 3 IEM's with me and swap between them throughout the day and then go to sleep thinking about which 3 I want to take with me the next day. So far this has worked for me.


My advice is just stick to maximum 2 headphones, buy whatever you can afford and enjoy your music. Don't go collecting headphone and also one top of the line headphones beats having 5 mid fi cans. Quality over quantity.
