The Challenges Of Being A Female Pilot

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Anh-Thu has worked relentlessly to overcome tremendous challenges, both from her childhood growing up in a remote village in Tuy-Hoa, Vietnam, and now a well decorated female pilot. Growing up in a village with no electricity, flying high was, well just a big dream.

Anh-Thu is the epitome of women empowerment and strength. Arriving in America at the age of 12 with no English or financial resources, she worked hard to graduate valedictorian of her high school and top 10 of her college class from Purdue University. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. degree in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech. Along the way, she has faced constant setbacks and disappointments in her personal life and academic career, but she has always been determined to move forward. After years of interrupted training, she obtained her private pilot license and in 2017 became an AOPA Distinguished Flight Instructor, having taught hundreds of pilots and earning her Airline Transport Pilot certificate.

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I can't stand victimhood. I'm a woman, I'm black, I'm homosexual..boohoo..cry me a river. Why can't you just be a pilot who happens to be woman?


Big heart and smart girl to be proud o you have safe journey


Nothing about your story suggests that you were not allowed through the door because you're a woman. The female secretary mistakes you for a passenger. How could that not happen to a man? How do you jump to the conclusion that happened because you're a woman?


So the doors didn't open for you that's too bad. Why don't you tell us how many boys and men opened doors for you that we're not automatic, I'll wait.


Ouch, on some of the comments below. I like the message, male or female, follow your passion.


UnSub So tired of the I am a victim because I am woman. Women goes as far as they are capable in aviation, to include commanding the International Space Station, flying U.S. Navy fighter jets, commercial heavies.... there is no limit.


There a shortage of women pilots because they dont want to do the job. If they did there would be more. Same as women mechanics or plumbers. There are a few, but most women dont want to do those jobs. Same why there are few men receptionists or hair dressers. There are a few but most do other jobs by their own choice.


This video was uploaded at the same time as the Zenith Demo flight.


Thanks Mike you are doing good work. I wish Anh the very best in her travels I know she can do it.


From my experience I think theres some bias towards women pilot and on the other hand, some get a pass. Recently saw this girl everyone was raving for, how shes in the star program, good grades, and heading straight for the airforce. She was at the commercial level and was told of the plan 2 days before, yet 1 hr before her flight she started to do the planning. All the guys and a few instructors flocked to help her. Then when it's time for her to meet with my instructor who she was a student of, he asked me to show her to use the plotter, calculate density altitude and so fort. End result the instructor was upset. Her excuse was that she just Tired, didnt feel like doing nothing, and needed her sleep. Many other stories too. But just my opinion.


Any one else here wanna be a pilot😌👩‍✈️😘


Men and women like different things, for the most part, that’s why.


cmon tuned to watch aviation videos not to listen to another person complaining about something


Why did she think you were not a pilot? Why could a woman not be a pilot? I have sat on an aircraft with a woman pilot and let me tell you she did a brilliant job of flying, why did I know she was flying? She came on the intercom and said she was the captain and she would be flying, the other pilot (a man) would be co-pilot today and would be talking to ATC but she would be doing that on the return flight. It was the softest landing I have had and it was not a long runway, but she had room to spare. So bring on the lady pilots.


Boo Hoo, the receptionist did not recognize that she was a pilot.
Ahn, if you want to accomplish something, just do it. It MIGHT not come easy.... that's because goals & dreams are supposed to be a challenge. It is not because you are a woman, nor is it because you are of Asian decent. Do you think, for a moment, that a white male would have it any easier?
Stop making excuses, life is not always easy, just DO IT.
Don't ask for a free airplane and don't ask for sponsors to finance the trip. You want to make it happen??? Great !! Save some money, buy an old beater of an airplane, learn to maintain it yourself, and GO. Just do it, stop blaming the world for not handing you everything. The world does not hand it over to white men either.... everyone has to earn their goals and dreams.


Great Luck To Your Mission! Blessings and Safe Flying Always!✈🌈


Good job !!! Stand up for your rights and help others in the future .. a big thumbs up !!!


$500k without the plane? Didn't realize it was that expensive to fly around. I plan on flying around the work as well.


@Anh Keep doing you 👍🏾

You’ll meet a lot of critics, bigots, sexist, privileged beings who dismiss your arguments....but keep going.

If you genuinely believe in your cause that’s all the flame you need to succeed, I commend you.

Much Love & Respect 4rm California


give her a break...she's doing a great thing.