TOP 20 Benefits of Our Alkaline Diet

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There’s a very simple approach to improving the health of your bones that practitioners here in the US have overlooked for almost a century now. It’s available to anyone, it’s natural, it’s not terribly expensive — and you don’t even need health insurance to use it - The Alkaline Diet. Dr. Brown talks about the Top Benefits of our Alkaline Diet!

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hi everyone I'm dr. Susan brown director
of the Center for better bones today I
want to talk to you about the top 20
benefits of our alkaline for life diet
much of this material is presented in my
book the acid alkaline food guide so
don't worry if you don't catch every
detail of this video you can go back to
the book before we get into the benefits
of the alkaline for life diet I want to
take a step back and look at the
importance of pH balance to the human
body as you all recall there is a pH
scale and all liquids have a particular
pH zero is very acidic 14 is very
alkaline the fluids in the human body
generally must be neutral or slightly
alkaline for example arterial blood has
to be around the range of 7.35 or you
actually die so the body does a lot of
things to maintain pH balance now the
trick here is that by design the body is
alkaline we our blood for example must
be a very specific slightly alkaline
reading but by function by how we work
by how we metabolize by our daily
activities we produce a lot of acids and
as a matter of fact scientists have
calculated we produce about seventy
thousand milli moles of acid a day
through exercise through eating through
the production of energy seventy
thousand is a lot of acid but all of
that acid and that would really throw
the body off accept that acid is
automatically buffered or neutralized by
the body itself that acid is produced in
companion with buffering agents for
example when I breathe when I exhale I'm
exhaling carbon dioxide that is a form
of acid that is a carbonic acid the
point of this is while we produce a lot
of acid we neutralize and buffer most of
that acid automatically an acid never
accumulates in the body but there is one
area where acid can accumulate and
that's what's important to us as
that acid can accumulate from an
imbalance diet and it sort of goes like
this that nature has designed as we
evolve through the centuries we've out
on a diet very high in fruits vegetables
nuts and seeds very high in minerals and
our system our kidney our pH balance is
all genetically programmed to function
on this sort of high mineral diet with
many compounds that when we consume them
produce buffering agents that help us
help us handle any excess acid we might
have gotten from eating too much meat
say in the past days when we were
evolving out there on the Sierra
so assets can accumulate from an
imbalance diet indigenously we had a
very balanced diet through history
through evolution but now
Рекомендации по теме

Switching to an alkaline diet helped me to loose 51 lbs in just over six months.


She’s teaching!!! I know a man by the name of Dr. Sebi who taught this magnificently necessary lifestyle choice. Keep going doctor.


I totally agree and practice for 30yrs. I do not suffer like most people with pain and weight problems. It's so clear to me that people are so unwell just by what the consume .


Also follow Barbara O'Neil. Best biology teacher.


I’ve been researching Dr.Sebi along with his teachings which led me to this video. So thank you for this very informative video, I’m starting my alkaline diet to help with my daily life & health. Trying to move to a 100% natural way of living eventually as well.


I heard Tom Brandy follows this diet and now he doesn't suffer from joint pain anymore! My husband is following this diet, 80%Alkaline and 20%acid to cure his anemia ( he loses red blood cells) and must do a blood transfusion, in a few months, hopefully he will be free from doing a blood transfusion every 4 weeks!


Acidosis? I had severe Arthritis and was only able to take 6 inch long steps and was declared disabled by my Doctor. I had two vertebra's spontaneously fuse together and was facing a final destination of a Wheel Chair. Finally I did a 3 day PH test, three times a day (from my saliva and urine) My Ph was 4.6 and that is/was very acid, so my Doctor missed the Acidosis part. So then I started taking baths in about 2 pounds of Soda and the first time I did this my Ph went up (overnight) to a Ph of 8, so I backed off a bit and monitored and kept my Ph at about 7 Ph and after a few weeks I was ale to take full steps/strides. That was 20 years ago and I am still doing good at near 72 years of age. Now of course I eat plenty of fresh vegetables and my Ph is ever so stable.


This looks the right diet for me. Before I ate most salads and my health really picked up and lost weight. Then I went back to white bread, white rice, white noodles, more meat and put on weight. Then started getting indigestion and heartburn. I believe there is too much acid in my body so is giving me these ailments. Thanks Dr. Brown for guiding me on the correct path to better health.


Thank you for this information. Now I know why my old folks in Jamaica used certain foods.


10/3/2019, 3 months prior to the pandemic, my colon ruptured. After a normal day of work I woke up to a level of pain that child birth doesn't touch. I lost 3ft of my large intestine. I was blessed to have a reconnect 1/10/2020. To date, gastrointestinal wellness is my daily goal. I was on a high alkaline regimen prior to the rupture and consumed a great deal of almonds. The surgeon advised that they don't know what caused the rupture and that I did nothing wrong. I enjoyed the listening to this information.


I am so very grateful that Dr Brown is my teacher who I follow her loving advice.
I have always had good results with her and I appreciate all she does for the world and myself
God bless you all who read this


I just got my test result and it's negative. I went to another hospital to get retested to be sure and it is still negative. I am so excited today that I am cured..


Honestly I had chronic pain for 20 years and this information is so helpful, thank you


VERY valuable information for health. The importance of consuming mineral-rich food like our ancestors is underrated. We really need to continue to stress eating less acidic foods.


I've dealt with stage 4 cancer 3 times. Amino Acid and alkaline water helps me recover ❤


At 65, I was dx with osteoporosis in 2021, mainly in my hips. I was also dx pre diabetic, and before any assumptions, no I am never been overweight and always have avoided excess sweets and drinks. My problem is more familial and other environmental issues. My problem is that I am eating more meat now with about 30% veggies and very little fruits. I was a banana and mango lover, and I had to cut fruits down. I know they raised my BG because I have tested. I am fine and no longer pre diabetic; however OP is about the same regardless of all the gym, walking D3, k2, I eat nuts and seeds a few every day, and I try to get most of my Ca from the diet; yogurt, a few cheeses, kefir, etc. I have never have had a fracture, and the bone aches I was suffering is almost gone. I will get my veggies another 10% but I cannot consume too much fruit anymore. I eat fatty fishes and sardines with bone and skin. Well at least it has not worsened, but no improvement either. Good information!


Thank you Ma'am, very articulated and detailed presentation.


Loved this video and you obviously walk the walk and talk the talk Dr Susan - you look fabulous. I read the book alkalize or die over 25 years ago and look at your video as a refresher course! Thank you -


Very informative video. I started my alkaline journey 2 weeks ago due to chronic gastritis with metaplasia and arthritic knees.


Excellently explicitly and beautifully explained by Dr. Susan. She is perfectly right because i have been regularly having vegetable diet (salad) rich in potassium and have experienced the same results which Dr. Susan has explained. I thank Dr. Susan for the beautifully useful lecture.
