Heart Palpitations - Causes, When to worry about heart palpitations?

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Palpitation can be defined as Unpleasant awareness of forceful, rapid or irregular beating of the heart.
The main characteristic of palpitation is feeling that your heart is beating too quickly or not regularly.
Palpitations is one of the most common symptom patients complaining.
In 81 % of palpitations is caused by arrythmia.
Palpitations usually benign, but some cases, it can be caused by life threating arrythmias.
In many cases, Best diagnostic test to evaluate Palpitation is ECG.
If palpitations lasts less then 5 minutes and Person has family or personal history of Panic disorder, palpitation can be because of fear and stress and not because of arrythmia.
Palpitations that start and stop abruptly suggests supraventricular and ventricular tachycardia.
If termination of palpitation possible using vagal maneurs, e.g. Valsalva maneur, it suggests supraventricular tachycardia.
Valsalva maneuver is performed by a forceful attempt of exhalation. closing one's mouth and pinching one's nose shut while expelling air out as if blowing up a balloon.

Three common description exist of Palpitations:
1. Flip-flopping or start and stop, such type of palpitation commonly caused by premature contraction of atrium or ventricle.
Premature ventricular contractions are extra, abnormal heartbeats that begin in the ventricles, and disrupt your regular heart rhythm, sometimes causing you to feel a skipped beat.
2. Rapid Flattering in the chest, suggests supraventricular or ventricular arrhythmias, including sinus tachycardia. .
If fluttering is irregular nature, then it suggests atrial fibrillation.

3. Pounding in the neck , such type of palpitation occurs when the right atrium contracts against closed tricuspid valve.
If palpitations are associated with chest pain, it indicates ischemic heart disease.
If chest pain relieved by leaning forward it can be pericarditis.
If palpitations are accompanied by light-headedness and presyncope it suggest hypotension and can be dangerous and life threatening.
If palpitations occurs during physical exertion it can be hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
If palpitation was preceded by vomiting and diarrhea, it can be caused by electrolyte imbalance.
Weight loss, heat intolerance and palpitations indicates hyprthiroidism.
Palpitations plus flushing, episodes of hypertension, anxiety, sweating, headaches it can indicate pheochromocytoma.
Energy drinks, cigarette and e cigarettes can also cause palpitations especially among Youngs.
Caffeine, tea, coffee, marijuana, Cocaine and amphetamines, also cause palpitations.
Treatment of palpitation is depend on the underlying cause.
Radiofrequency ablation can cure most types of supraventricular and many types of ventricular tachycardias.

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I just experienced this for the first Time 2 nights ago. I was so afraid that I went to the Emergency room. My pressure was elevated and I was dizzy. I thought my heart was gonna explode. I could've literally felt m y heart beat in my head. That is a scary feeling for someone who has never had it before


I have another update in 2022😁: I've been eating bitter gourd and that had the best effect of all. So, twice a month I ate bitter gourd and it worked....but to my surprise Green split peas soup! Wow! I hadn't eaten split peas for years. So, last week I suddenly started craving them. I cooked them in a pressure cooker with various spices like chicken powders, cayenne and lemon powder (spices give me palpitations, especially black pepper) and Maggie bouillon block. I expected some palpitations that night...and you won't believe how it calmed my system down. For the first time since 2018 my heart has been this quiet. Amazing! I want some feedback about this, to make sure it is the green split peas. So please try it and let me know your experiences. YouTube doesn't always notify me when I have a response, but I'll try to find the videos.


Just turned sixteen a few days ago. Im not exactly sure whats happening to me. I woke up in my sleep feeling like I wanted to throw up. I noticed that my breathing wasn't normal and that my chest felt tight. I was worried but I chose to sleep it off. Symptomps didn't change after 2 whole days, so, that motivated me to tell my parents about what I was feeling. After getting the results from the lab the very next day, we found out that my cholesterol was high as well as my creatinine. Of course, I got scolded. My other test results were normal though. I remember going for the ECG one and the result was normal as well which kinda threw me off... Because I was speculating that something would be wrong with it given that I palpitate most of the time. After a day, I went to check my results again to see if there were any other problems with me. I noticed that my lymphocyte was extremely high. Maximum count should be 0.33 but I happen to be at 0.41 which kinda concerned me. Although my lymphocyte was high, my WBC count was normal so I didn't really know whether having an increased amount of lymphocyte mattered at all since it was also a type of a WBC. I was thinking so much about my lab tests to the point that I somehow felt worse so I stopped looking at it for a couple days. My parents still haven't sent my results to the doctor since most of them are on vacation (bcuz its near christmas and new year )... So, i'm basically just waiting for my parents to bring me to the hospital or a clinic for a more accurate check-up. As of now, i'm still trying to monitor my symptoms to see if there would be any improvement at all. My nausea seems to be going away but my chest tightness and trouble breathing remains. And I hate that feeling so much. I can't stop researching across the internet despite it giving me so much anxiety. I'm currently eating less and drinking more fluid because of my high cholesterol and creatine. I just wish for my fast recovery because im afraid that I might have a heart problem or something :(


To cut a long story short. But a long time, years sorting it. Went to hospital after a large amount of alcohol. Only ever drunk to get away from the constant problems. Then overdosing. The worst hangover ever, as you can imagine. They put me on a detox programme. Mentioned when there, always have a sore throat when eating anything dry. A little heartburn in throat after eating anything, sweet, savoury, etc. No stomach ache, no diarrhea. Doctors just said, your throat is just more sensitive on that side. Not hospital doctors. GP'S. When I left hospital I was also given omperazole. Palpitations have gone. One or two a day maybe. So my point is if you have even the slightest inkling try it. Because at the moment, Im furious, for not being listened to and at times, told, the palpitations are harmless. Which they probably are. But something was triggering them and it wasn't stress or anxiety. If I was an alcoholic I'd be drinking now. Got a mental health appointment soon. I'll be polite but I won't be going to another. If I got a mental health issue, they would of caused it. If you can't get a perscription, just try over the counter. Doctors only know what science tells them. But my experience is they just don't listen. This has been very recent. My appetite has improved, don't have any anxiety. If your blood tests are good. Your palpitations are safe. You clearly have anxiety and stress or in other words they haven't a clue. I also think if my stomach was off, probably wasn't absorbing the vital vitamins and minerals. Doesn't matter what supplements you take, if your stomach is off, you won't be absorbing them or mu h to make a difference.


someone from my past same back a few days ago which caused my palpitations (not my first time getting it) I'm only 15 and well having palpitations again it feels normal for me but thing is I would have palpitations when I wake up which is still very normal. Right now I'm only having palpitations when I lay down and when I wake up so far. I used to have palpitations like all day and wouldn't go away for like a little over a year. It went away after that person from my past left then when she came back my palpitations came back with it. Sometimes I get like mild chest pain and sometimes I get sharp chest pains that only last a couple seconds but for people who haven't experienced palpitations all I'm gonna say is you're lucky cause I would literally do anything to not experience the feeling of palpitations.


I had heart palpitations but i manifested a healthier heart and now I'm better. All you have to do is envision that your heart is healthier and beating normally and it will become healthier and beat normal. If it doesn't work for you then you didn't manifest health enough and need to keep trying.


Im having this rn i think its anxiety its been happening for some
Time now


Is there any over the counter vitamins or supplements that can help with palpitations? I have had them for years and they seem to be getting worse and lasting longer than they usually do, so, I went to the ER and I was having palpitations there and they ran every test they have on my heart and said they couldn't find anything and my heart looked fine with all the test they ran and gave me a referral to a heart doctor. The problem is I have no health insurance, so, I was hoping I could buy some over the counter supplements and maybe this would help.


its 4 mounts i have heart palpitation. before get mild covid 19 had heart palpitation twice then i got covid and 2 times had heart palpitation during covid. after 2 weeks my covid gone 2 mounts later, i experienced heart palpitation suddenly which did not go by self, i called 911 two times and then saw cardiologist and did monitor halter, xray, ultrasound, EKG and everything was normal and still i have heart palpitation as i sleep or during sleep or when i wake up, i just have vitamin d deficiency and high chlostrol and every single day i think what's wrong with my heart. I got so depressed no body let me know, they just say its anxiety but i don't believe its anxiety . i feel there is something wrong in my body which doctors do not find it


I am 20years. I first experience dizziness 6 years ago (I was 14yrs old) after getting tired from riding a bike to long distance. Since that time I've been experiencing dizziness till today whenever I do something tedious.
Currently, it has worsen. I am experiencing palpitations, shortness of breath, chest pains and dizziness. I sent it to some nearby clinic, they did some test with my blood sample and told me it's ulcer and gave me some drugs but it didn't work. So I sent it to a different doctor and he said I should go and do echocardiogram (scan) but because of the price I haven't done it yet.

Please is there anyone with some idea about my condition, hope I won't die?


Okay, every time I lay down, my heart will go normal speed then it’ll add a random big thump and n between beats. Why?


My heart just started to pound out of nowhere, and only went away when I tried to slow it down with breathing. Thought I was about to have a heart attack


Number one reason for palpitations in women is low Estrogen. How sad that this isn't even mentioned.


Yea I had to quit my job and school back in February of 2022 because my heart wouldn’t stop pounding hard all day.


Im 19 and for the past 2 1/2 years or so ive been having heart palpitations and random chest pain through out the day and sometimes on the side of my neck and i cant figure out whats wrong. My gp saids its anxiety and i believed so too but its been almost 3yrs and they dont seem to be going away and recently ive been getting short periods of lightheaded when i bend over to get something or stand up. Anybody else had this problem or similar to this?


What if you have heart palpitations constantly for 2 weeks? Mine hasn't stopped ones


Sir, My Brother is 34 yrs old. undergone ASD Closure in 2012, since then he has mild mitral regurgitation & RBB (no signs of breathlessness ).Recently he had 4 episodes of palpitation+ Shortness of breadth & blurring vision for 10-20 seconds within 3 months. 2D Echo & ECG shows mild mitral regurgitation & RBB.Cardiologist said nothing serious....what could be reason??? I am so much concerned.Please reply 🙏


Could you please redew this with englsh that average people understand?


I’ve been having stress and anxiety after college started a month ago. Now when i smoke weed sometimes I get paranoid or panic but 2 nights ago it got bad and my heart was beating 105 bpm it would go fast then slow down then keep doing that for like 3 hours i was so scared and thought I was having a heart attack so I woke my mom and asked here for support to calm me down which she did. I just don’t know how to fix my stress should I exercise or try cbd or therapist?


I got heart palpitations for 1 second is this normal.
