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★Let's talk ! ⇣
About the 1-on-1 Moving To Germany Coaching Calls:
During the call, we can:
✔ Address any questions that you have about living in Germany (Such as: about visas, employment, daily life, etc.)
✔ Identify your main goals and vision for your future in Germany
✔ Discuss any fears or doubts you're experiencing
✔ Uncover any mental roadblocks or beliefs that are keeping you from moving to Germany
✔ Create an actionable plan and strategy, so that you can work towards living in abroad
✔ Establish proper techniques to build confidence in yourself and your plan of moving

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Hallo everyone (Zusammen),

In today’s video I am sharing the 5 surprising life lessons that I have learned while living in Germany for almost 3 years! Everything from speaking my own mind to expanding my creativity! I definitely did not expect to learn this!

The 5 lessons that I have learned:
1) You don't need to spend money to have fun and enjoy life. When I was living in Toronto, I got used to having to constantly spend money going out to eat or for entertainment. Ever since moving to Berlin, I have started to appreciate more simple things and free things, like going to the park, hiking and enjoying nature.
2) You will still be treated like a child, if you don't follow the rules! Crossing the street when you're not suppose to? Not following the proper rules for recycling? Don't worry, Germans will have no problem calling you out on this! Don't say I didn't warn you.
3) It is okay to rest if you're sick or not feeling well. In North America and US, we are taught to always hustle and not take it easy, but in Germany it's okay. German companies encourage their employees to take rest days if they're not feeling well and offer "unlimited" sick days unlike what I was used to back home.
4) It's okay to speak your mind! Living in Germany has made me way more comfortable with sharing my options and engaging in more meaningful conversations. I am no longer worried about offending people all the time and having to tread lightly in conversation (very un-Canadian of me!)
5) It is important to stay creative. Berlin is a city full of creative and inspiring people (artist, musicians, freelancers) and it motivates me to be creative and develop my skills everyday
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I lived in Germany 6 month, and it`s change my mind about how people enjoy there free time at the wekeend, they just show us the best things in life firstly in small details, such as: just drink tasty beer, eat good meal with friends or familly!!!!


Get better soon, one of the reasons that made me interested in moving to Germany is their love for nature and you don't have to spend money to enjoy your time and their straight forward people.


First time in Germany was for 3 weeks in 1984 on an Army field exercise. I was stationed here in the Army from 1987 to 1990. I studied German and English in N.Y. and then lived and worked here from 1996 until 2001. I moved back here permanently in 2006. So, I guess you could say I have a little experience with both countries. I admire your open-minded freshness and wish you lots of success on your journey. Maybe you will stay! But please remember...all of the human characteristics, including envy (der Neid), exist here too, so you might bump into people from time to time who are quite jealous of the sense of freedom and wonder you enjoy, because you came here freely and they were just born here and were to scared to venture out! No need to apologize for the voice...it is adorable : )


All the lessons you've learned aren't limited to Germany - they're pretty much all applicable to most European countries.


I learned to take life easy, when I used to live in Western Australia for a few years, like the Australians always say, "no worries"! 😉😊
With the sick leave it always depends on your individual work contract, but in general in Germany it nearly works as you said, but if you are sick, you have to go to the doctor, where you get a sick notice (Krankenschein), which you have to get to the employer in not more than 3 days, but you have to let them know that you are sick straight away and want to go to the doctor! And you are exactly the days excused from work which are written on the doctors note! Some companies allow you to stay at home up to 3 days without a doctors note, but it depends on your work contract!
And like somebody has written here before, if your sick leave is longer than 6 weeks, doesn't have to be in one go, inside of 12 months with the same illness (sickness), then your health insurance will have to pay your salary, but only 60% of your average last salary (approximately the average of the last 3 months)! Up to 6 weeks sick leave your employer has to continue to pay your normal salary!
But everything, regarding being sick, is normally written in your employment contract, that's why it's always important reading and understanding your whole employment contract!
In Germany nearly everything is regulated, but not always easy to understand and sometimes it's advisable to read up on stuff, so nobody can take advantage of you!
I used to work for a German security company which was employed by the US Army here in Germany and they paid a small bonus (approximately 1/3 or 1/4 of you average monthly salary) at the end of the year if you weren't sick in that year, but for each sick day they took away 2.5% of that bonus! So if you had 40 days sick leave in that year you didn't get a bonus! All that always depends on the company you work for and what's written in your individual contract, But there are also the general working terms from the German government, which the companies have to abide to and can't write anything less in the contracts, only stuff which is better than the government terms!


always interesting to hear about your experience! That is something good in life!


Thank you so much for all of these valuable info. I really enjoy your videos.❤️


Wenn du krank zur Arbeit gehst und alle anderen ansteckst bringt das deinem Arbeitgeber nichts wenn alle ausfallen. a
Also lieber auskurieren und dann wieder gesund zur Arbeit.


Darion from Florida here. Very nice video and you sounded great. I love going to Berlin. I just got back a few weeks go from Germany mostly in Bavaria. However, I will be there again in a couple of months and I may visit Berlin if my friends and I can fit it in our schedule.


The quality of food and the associated price in Germany when you go to a restaurant is more reasonable than in Ontario Canada. Also the portions are larger, for those with a big appetite.


About the being sick unlimted is just kinda true. If you cant work for 6 weeks in a row your insurance has to pay (i think up to 70%) of you salary and not your employer.
My experince with being sick was just 4 weeks after i started my job a college was sick that i sit close to and he came to work next day i was sick to. My boss instantly send me to the doctor and had a big talk with my college that the next time he is sick he should go to the doctor and not come to work. Because it is much more expensive if the whole department is ill and not just one person.


The workers who fetch the recycling-waste can refuse to take the waste-bin, when - for example - in the paper bin there is too much non-paper waste. Then the landlord has to call another garbage company to get the waste done. That is expensive and all people who live in the house have to pay for it. They dont't want to pay, because you didn't recycle correctly.


Hey Diana. Hope you feel better soon. It's quite interesting to learn those experiences from you. It makes me want to live in Berlin too. Who knows I get to do my Masters there or even find a job. It would be wonderful. Take care.


I love watching your videos. I'm an American whose Mother was the first in her family born in the US so I was raised by a very German Mother and I enjoy seeing just how German my US upbringing was if that makes any sense lol


Great video, get well soon! :)

City of Berlin should sponsor your vids. ^.^


I was stationed in Bavaria from 08 to 10 I'm dying to get back and experience more fun and culture.


Gute Besserung, get well soon, wonderful video, thanks for taking your time under that conditions. I think, you are the best ambassador Berlin could ever have. Well done, thank you!!


I love your videos. I always wanted to go and live in Germany, and you are inspiring me to go for it


Germany is more lenient and friendly in every turn better than other countries


Here in Victoria BC, seems me (71), to be like you're describing Germany. Haha! Nice and interesting videos. You're also funny and pleasant. Thank you.
