Medicare Supplement Plan N vs Plan G

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Medigap Plan N Changes for 2023
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Medicare Supplement Plan N vs Plan G. The pandemic and what Medicare has deemed as permanent changes in consumer behavior have changed some of the features of Medicare supplement Plan N. Some of the emergency changes to manage Medicare during the pandemic will become permanent. In this video I show what changes have already occurred with the features of Medigap Plan N.
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Introduction 00:00
What I said in 2020 0:22
The Most Important Features of Original Medicare 02:03
Medicare Supplement Plan G 03:28
Plan N Changes 05:50
Medicare Part B Excess Charges 08:55
How I Determine Plan N Value 14:00
Most Important Advice in the Video 15:55
If you are watching this video, it’s likely you have already chosen or are seriously considering a Medicare supplement plan. That’s a good choice. Medicare supplement Plan N vs Plan G.
Why? Because with a Medicare supplement plan you keep the two most important features of Medicare. You can see any doctor or go to any medical facility in the US or US territory as long as they accept Original Medicare. You are not limited to a network and you do not need to get a referral to see the doctor of your choice.
In addition, no insurance has a say in your healthcare. No insurance company can demand your doctor seek their preauthorization before providing you the treatment as recommended. No insurance company can deny your coverage. Your healthcare decisions are between you and your doctor.
You give up both of these rights when you choose to trade in your Medicare for an Advantage Plan.
Medicare supplement Plan G is what we call your Peace of Mind Plan. You have no office visit copays and no coinsurance. Your annual maximum out-of-pocket is the Part B deductible. Again, for 2023 that is $226.
In 2010 when Plan N was new, Medicare released a clarification on the copays that gave specific billing codes required to charge an office copay. The office visit copay is 20% of the bill up to a maximum of $20. Those billing codes were exclusive to in-office visits to your primary care physician or a specialist and can be no more than $20.
Medicare’s guidance specifically indicated there is to be no office visit copay for telehealth or urgent care visits.
During the pandemic, under part of the emergency order, billing rules were bent for telehealth doctor visits and Urgent care. In both cases, Medicare quietly allowed doctors to bill these visits using the same billing code for in-office primary care visits.
So, where telehealth and urgent care visits were originally excluded from the $20 copay prior to the pandemic. Doctors are now allowed to charge the copay for those visits
#MedigapPlanN #MedicareExplained #MedigapSeminars
Contact Us - 800-847-9680
Medicare Supplement Plan N vs Plan G. The pandemic and what Medicare has deemed as permanent changes in consumer behavior have changed some of the features of Medicare supplement Plan N. Some of the emergency changes to manage Medicare during the pandemic will become permanent. In this video I show what changes have already occurred with the features of Medigap Plan N.
Call us at 800-847-9680
Introduction 00:00
What I said in 2020 0:22
The Most Important Features of Original Medicare 02:03
Medicare Supplement Plan G 03:28
Plan N Changes 05:50
Medicare Part B Excess Charges 08:55
How I Determine Plan N Value 14:00
Most Important Advice in the Video 15:55
If you are watching this video, it’s likely you have already chosen or are seriously considering a Medicare supplement plan. That’s a good choice. Medicare supplement Plan N vs Plan G.
Why? Because with a Medicare supplement plan you keep the two most important features of Medicare. You can see any doctor or go to any medical facility in the US or US territory as long as they accept Original Medicare. You are not limited to a network and you do not need to get a referral to see the doctor of your choice.
In addition, no insurance has a say in your healthcare. No insurance company can demand your doctor seek their preauthorization before providing you the treatment as recommended. No insurance company can deny your coverage. Your healthcare decisions are between you and your doctor.
You give up both of these rights when you choose to trade in your Medicare for an Advantage Plan.
Medicare supplement Plan G is what we call your Peace of Mind Plan. You have no office visit copays and no coinsurance. Your annual maximum out-of-pocket is the Part B deductible. Again, for 2023 that is $226.
In 2010 when Plan N was new, Medicare released a clarification on the copays that gave specific billing codes required to charge an office copay. The office visit copay is 20% of the bill up to a maximum of $20. Those billing codes were exclusive to in-office visits to your primary care physician or a specialist and can be no more than $20.
Medicare’s guidance specifically indicated there is to be no office visit copay for telehealth or urgent care visits.
During the pandemic, under part of the emergency order, billing rules were bent for telehealth doctor visits and Urgent care. In both cases, Medicare quietly allowed doctors to bill these visits using the same billing code for in-office primary care visits.
So, where telehealth and urgent care visits were originally excluded from the $20 copay prior to the pandemic. Doctors are now allowed to charge the copay for those visits
#MedigapPlanN #MedicareExplained #MedigapSeminars