WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT THIS. The Audiophile Barista Weekly Vlog 93

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In these vlogs I talk about audio, coffee and random stuff to stay connected to my subscribers and anyone who is interested.

Today's topics:
- Q-Acoustics 2010
- Coffee
- Chromecast Audio
- Vietnamese Coffee
- Legacy?

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This vlog was straight out of the twilight zone, i hope all is well my friend. Stay Happy, Stay Healthy, Drink Coffee, Repeat. :)


I am lucky that my children are all hifi enthusiasts. So I know it will be cherished and used for many years.I have equipment all over my apartment so believe me there is more than enough for them to argue over.Iknow my oldest sonloves my 70s gear .My funeral song will be Who knows where the time goes by Sandy Denney.Best wishes Terry uk 🇬🇧


Ik heb een soortgelijk probleem gehad met een los zittende luidspreker aansluiting. Gelukkig kwam ik er al meteen achter wat de oorzaak was, maar voor hetzelfde geld had ik eerst alles overhoop gehaald en alle andere mogelijkheden af gewerkt. Afgezien van een licht borgingsmiddel (ze zijn er in zeer verschillende sterktes en Loctite is slechts één van de merken) zou je ook kunnen denken aan een stukje teflon tape om het draad wikkelen van de Nakamichi plug. Secondenlijm is ook een optie, maar dan niet meer dan 1 druppel anders wordt het wellicht erg lastig om weer los te krijgen.


My Mrs doesn't like to talk about the inevitable but as I'm 10yrs older with some major health issues it has to be thought about. I have 4 major interests Land Rovers, Watches, Photography & HiFi. Luckily she shares my interest in two of these, Watches & Photography so she has a good idea of the value of my little collections. She also understands that Land Rovers have a certain appeal & value but as for HiFi, not a clue, which worries me as I have some nice cans & some pretty good speakers & amps & dacs but I'm concerned she will not know their true worth when the time comes. So thanks for making me think about that, I'll try to work something out. Cheers... 👍


Als ik er niet meer ben, heb ik niks meer aan aardse bezittingen, en zal daar geen zorgen over hebben hoe het spul terecht komt eerlijk gezegd.🤔 Maar de kunst is en blijft, om zolang het ons gegeven is, te genieten van muziek, weergegeven door een met zorg geselecteerd hifi systeem.


Hoi ivar.
Als ik eerder dan mijn vrouw heen ga, gaat mijn vrouw zeker van mijn set genieten
Als we er allebei niet meer zijn gaat alles naar onze zoon.
Ook weten wij van elkaar wat de muziek word op de uitvaart.
Er zit mooi geluid in de q acoustic en s.m.s.l combinatie.
Ik wens jou en je vriendin een heel fijn weekend.
Gr André.


Black topic, I also once started thinking about what happens to my hifi & music stuff when I'm gone, but then I decided to postpone
I know it wouldn't fit, but for my funeral my beloved Opeth with "death whispered a lullaby" - that would be it : )
Nice coffee idea again!


Put Loctite on the threads of the Nakamichi plugs and they will stay tight.


I am an audiophile record collector. I am not interested in what a record is worth, nor in owning as many of them as possible, but mainly its sound. My music system is old and unspectacular, but my turntable is pretty good quality. Fortunately, my daughter started collecting records herself a few years ago. The music that she likes corresponds to the one that I also liked at her age. My taste in music has continued to develop. So I hope that her taste will develop accordingly and that she will enjoy my record collection and my record player after my death. It would please me.


If you’re concerned what might happen to anything you own when you leave this earth, get a Will. Otherwise, at least in the US, it’s left up to a probate court judge to decide who gets what and that can cause big family squabbles. It doesn’t have to be complicated. You name an executor, in my case, one of my kids, and it makes things easier for all involved. As long as your alive and of sound mind and body, it’s never too late.
Ivar, I’m leaving you my Klipsch Heresy’s. You’ll just have to pay for shipping😁


At my funeral they can play Funeral Tango by Scott Walker (written by Jacques Brel). 😁


Fortunately my two children grew up with music and the equipment I play it with. Each one of them already knows who will get what when I die and I know they won't get rid of it.
