Code Editor vs an IDE

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Code editors and IDEs are both great for coding. But, as you get more advanced, using an IDE will really speed up your work. If you learning to code though, I would use a code editor first since IDEs in of themselves can be complicated.

... There isn't anything else like it.
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i personally enjoy a code editor, just because of working with the terminal. you got to do everything yourself, you got absolute control - and this is what I just like about it.


Visual Studio Code is the best code editor these days! its a slimmer version of visual studio with some ide functions like auto text completion and intelisense.


Pycharm has an insane amount of tools and allows you to configure a plethora of settings. It's like how GTAV is known to be jam-packed with activities, but on a more complex level. Great tool.


I was introduced to coding on IDEs, specifically Visual Studio and Xcode. I haven't done a whole lot with code editors. Good video.


Thanks Mr.Mischook, I love how you get straight to the point


how bout geany? anyone still using geany in 2020?


Atom 🚀
Best I've ever used
been using sublime for a long time but Atom is a bit better and completely free, easy to setup and configure, it can get very very close to an IDE with some plugins

So basically it's a custom IDE


Thanks, great basic video. Great job. It helps me to give me an extended idea of how to start. I was looking for an IDE but I think you are right, I am starting, so I will start with a code editor.


I'm using Brackets, and i think it's more than enough for the beginners.
I really like brackets, specially the Live mode, don't need to do special configuration to set up.


In the case of c++ I focus more on the build of the compiler and what it can do for me. The IDE depends on it. Either way: if u have linked the libraries correctly, know how to statically or dynamically link for projects, the only difference between the IDE and an editor is the addition or elimination of linkers, flags, paths, cmd commands. Most of the time u can get this information from the console output in the IDE and use it when working in Notepad. In Notepad++ u can add a compiler and dependencies via the Npp Execute console thus giving the editor an IDE feel. Ive even hooked up my game engine to Notepad++ on dark mode.
All in all however VS is the best, but it also feels good to work outside that shell of privilege and go bare bones with a simple notepad.


I did find this vlog informative and useful, appreciate the upload sir!


VS Code does all of what you are saying are benefits of IDEs (code completion, debugging testing etc) plus is way more extensible than IDEs such as eclipse, it has integration with git, docker and a bunch of other productive plugins that does not feel bloated and in the way.


Thank you sir. Your info. is greatly appreciated.


Hey - great video. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks


guy just stepping out of beginner here.

I've used Spyder as part of Anaconda for Python in the past and found it clunky and buggy. The nail in the coffin was a frustrating bug to where in the windows would not appear.
stackoverflow was a rabbit hole to try to fix it. After trying nearly ten different suggested fixes i moved on.

Just discovered Visual Studio and was absolutely blown away by all of its features and ease of use. How meaningfully different would Visual studio be compared to an IDE?
End goal is DataSci, should i be looking to get into an IDE instead.
Or is the fact that visual studio excites me and i can get up and go with the more important factor for now?


thanks Stef.... good examples.. keep going mate


IDEs are for Windows users, where they don't have the official compilers, debuggers and syntax by default in the system. Using a Unix-like system, for example GNU/Linux, Vim is better than an IDE. However, if you are a C# developer, stay on Windows and use Visual Studio, of course. Vim and Emacs with the Unix environment are totally better than IDEs and the text editors you mentioned (Atom and ST3; they have plugins, and that's not enough to cover all the possibilities).

Do I need to check the syntax of a Perl program? perl -c program. Into Vim → ":!perl -c %"
Do I need to compile a C++ source code? gcc input -o output. Into Vim → ":!gcc file.c"
Do I need to build fast and quickly? I will make a Makefile for it. Into Vim → ":make" (built-in command)
Do I need to check cyclomatic complexity of a python script? Into Vim → ":!pymetrics" (install it from the repositories)

GNU/Linux repositories have everything you need to build software.

On Windows, where a user don't have the perl interpreter by default, the C++ compiler by default, without bash, etc., use an IDE. Then an IDE is the best. To build software with C#, use Windows and the Microsoft IDE. On a Unix-based system, use Vim or Emacs, where you will have all the tools you need; tools that you can use into the editor.


Great... This is what I looking for. Thanks


My IDE do nothing of sort.

All that it does is to compile and run code. Then point out error.

Is it an ide?

I used thony for learning phyton.


It’s I-DLE, like Eric Idle. It’s no coincidence that the code editor is named after him.
