VS Code vs Pycharm: Which IDE is the Best for Python Programming?

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Visual Studio Code is one of the most popular text editors while PyCharm is one of the most popular IDEs for Python for programming.
Let's compare both to see which one is the better choice.

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So I can consider VS Code to be a more friendly-IDE to learn Python, and PyCharm to be a professional IDE for sophisticated projects?


I've used Pycharm for a few years. Two things make me consider switching to another IDE:
1) Pycharm uses the CPU extremely heavy on startup, to index various files. The fan goes into helicopter mode, which users have described in various threads for years.
2) I've never found the menus and settings intuitive and still have to google to find relatively simple settings.

Maybe VS Code is the next one to try.


VSCode is also used for remote debuging, is its free.


Ok, but the main concept of vscode is that you just start with getting a few extensions for the language you are writing. You compared vanilla vscode to pycharm. I think it was a good short video but maybe your assessment criteria its a little bit unfair^^. Maybe you can compare vscode with the majorly used extensions to pycharm. Im also writing python in vscode despite my colleagues working with pycharm mostly


vs code has best jupyter integration and thats a necessity for data science.


Will you be reviewing another book? Your walk throughs are very good, hoping you post another video about data analysis or something of the sort, take care.


i prefer vs code because there's some awesome plugins there


I'm a mechanical engineer. I learned C++ and a few other math-based languages like Matlab and Mathematica back in college, with light use at work over the past 15 years. I think I used VS Code in college but I'm not sure. I know it was free. I'm learning Python now to get into IT project management [Work From Home Goals] and VS Code feels familiar and easy. One of the classes I'm taking uses a few online web apps, and I mentioned that later, we will be using PyCharm for more complicated projects. I'm curious about what the difference is and what an IDE really is in the first place.


pycharm for python if i make a project on a kinda "powerfull" PC, and vs code, sublime on a not so "powerfull" pc...but when it comes about HTML, CSS vs code or sublime for coding


I tried both but VS Code is more user friendly so it fits me.


Pycharm all the way, but for something quick and dirty then vscode (my preferred choice used to be sublime but it's too far behind the curve now).


"VS Code is lightweight and fast" xd


Worst comparison ever - sorry to say.
PyCharm costs almost 300€ the first year and then a little bit less every other year. VSCode ist complete free. The "Community Edition" of PyCharm has limitations. It needs some time to get used to the VSCode extension workflow, but after that you have an incredible IDE.


PyCharm, because it is from Jetbrains.


I strongly disagree that it "comes down to preferences". If you want a professional photographer for your wedding, you dont hire someone who uses a smartphone as their primary tool, you would want to hire someone who uses professional equipment. Professional equipment and tools allow for much more fine grained control and capabilities which makes a huge difference in the total output of the creations. Thus, it isn't "preference, " its disposition and attitude in alignment with maximizing professional output.

Sure, you can take some "good" images with a smart phone, and smart phones allow anyone to feel good about themselves, but a real camera will allow someone who truly cares about the craft to provide transcendent results.

Always go with professional tools as your primary, even if you aren't a professional yet, that way you can maximize your potential in the long run. Ultimately, you should be able to use every tool at any time whenever needed.

Its not "preference", its disposition.


Absolutely anything what’s not Microsoft. Easy
