Is College Worth It?

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In which John ponders whether a college degree is worth the high tuition, student loans, opportunity cost, and low-paying entry-level positions involved. Is the cost involved worth the returns? Is this even a simple economic question, or are there intangible benefits that come along with education?




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A Bunny
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I just want to add:

Two years ago, I was a sophomore in college and experienced a crisis of which degree to choose. I wanted to follow my passion (English), but I really wanted a stable income. I was a crying, panicky mess (I don't handle big life decisions well) as I Googled "is college even worth it?" and this video popped up. I was already a big vlogbrothers fan, so I clicked and was instantly comforted by John's in-depth and ever-rushed analysis. I knew what I had to do.

Thanks to him, I chose English, and six months out of college, I landed my dream job. Right now, I'm typing this from my office (granted, I'm re-watching this video instead of working, but I pulled it up again for a coworker) where I'm deliriously happy and satisfied with where I'm at. Thanks, John. You and Hank keep up the fantastic work.


The only people who I hear saying "money doesn't matter, do it for the love of learning!!!!" are people who don't actually have to worry about homelessness or poverty. Money doesn't buy happiness only if you're already living comfortably.


I have an existential crisis pretty much every day, so no you're not alone.


I love the professors who make it clear that if you are in their class to "get a grade, GPA, Diploma, etc" then you're in the wrong class, but if you'd like to better yourself and your understanding of the world then stick around. This way of thinking about school has actually helped me to get better grades because I am more passionate and interested about what I am learning.


I'm in my second year of college. I started writing novels in my free time during high school and everyone said that I had incredible potential as an author. with the day in and day out, the stress, the sleep deprivation, and the mental exhaustion I can no longer find solace in creating a story. the only relief I get now is in video games and pacing. I can't help but feel that college life has been the death of my once peer-admired creativity.


I actually did a paper as a junior in high school on whether college is or isn't worth it. I came to the conclusion that it IS worth it. And I found the best way to go through it is to not go off to university straight out of high school. I stayed home and got a job took a couple classes at the local community college. I was pretty happy. Fast forward 3 years and I'm less than 1 year away from graduating with an associates degree and I'm less than 3 years away from a bachelors degree. College shouldn't be rushed. People tend to forget that college is also a time for kids to grow up.


As a recent graduate, I couldn't have said this any better. Life is about your experiences and what you learn from them, and college exposed me to diverse ideas and people for which I will always be grateful.


Starting salary for a Forestry major, $55, 000 a year. Doing a career I love for the rest of my life. Priceless. College (mostly) is more about opportunities than it is salary.


"Here, have this gift of life fulfilment." "Wow! Thanks!" "That will be a unicorn and your mother's left lung." "...**Sigh** okay."


I was explaining this to my mom just this morning.  When you go to college, you're majoring in yourself.  So when you're paying for college, you're also paying for your own self-esteem and confidence, understanding of social cues, time-management, skills in things you are passionate about, and general abilities that will help you live your life. 
This of course does not make the letters from the bank come any less frequently :-(


College could be worth it if it were actually what it's advertised to be. It's just not, though. College is about working to prove you can work, teaching students to devalue their own work, and getting people to follow instructions mindlessly. That garbage is not useful in the real world. You need to value your work, to be self directed, and most importantly, find ways to accomplish your goals efficiently.

The actual subject matter of college is great, the academics are usually fantastic. But the structure, the atmosphere is so counter productive that college becomes detrimental. You have to unlearn how to write after college, because in college you're taught to be as wordy as possible, but in the real word you want to make your point quickly. You have to learn to charge people what you're worth, after being told your work was worth less than nothing for 4+ years. You have to find your own solutions to problems after spending your entire life knowing there's an answer key already made. It's just... ugh. College doesn't prepare you for life, if anything it does the opposite.

Which is a damn shame because the academic side of college, the part people actually go to college to access, is still vital.

Also, while the pay after college is usually higher than before, it's still not worth it financially. It's in your 20's and 30's that you need money the most. That's the time when you don't know what you're doing. That's the time that you're most likely to make expensive mistakes. So that's the time you can least afford to be in debt. Yes, college will get you more pay in the long run, but college students literally starve in the short run. You can afford to have less pay later in life when you've already figured out how to be frugal and make good financial decisions.


College is hilarious, let me tell you why:

College is what gives you the ways and knowledge to fight life and earn good money. It's also really fucking expensive. And complicated. So to attend college you need to fight life and have good money. Well, shit, if you're already fighting life and have enough money to afford college, what the fuck do you need college for?!

--A college student who's been having trouble with his registration this semester (seriously, classes start next week and I'm still struggling to get everything cleared and ready for me to start, then come the overly expensive books).


what about when college gives you depression and you feel you can't do anything else without first finishing it because you feel guilty??


In a book I am reading right now named: To investigate, research and report, you can find the quote: "If you think knowledge is expensive, try ignorance." in the first chapter.
They don't mean expensive as a economic factor alone, but the time and energy you need to put into it are also factors that make it expensive.


Ladies and gentlemen, in order to make a middle class salary, YOU NEED TO KNOW PEOPLE. Getting into debt all for a stamped piece of paper is not worth it in todays' economy. It's all about who you surround yourself with and your attitude and ambitions toward something you want.


I dropped out of community college in my freshman year Nothing interested me, i always wondered why they insisted in giving me a bunch of useless classes that i didnt need why cant they show me the job and period ? I am now looking to a career in truck driving.


Damn! John Green's words sooth me like no other. I have all these worries and then bam! John seems to address them directly. I love this man! haha. Such an inspiration. 


I've been in the computer animation career for over 10 years... most people who are in charge... didn't go or didn't finish college.
I didn't go to college and I usually find myself in supervising positions over people who went to college and get paid exactly what I get paid. Heck, I didn't go to college and usually find myself knowing more about things, in my career or otherwise, than my college graduate counterparts.
My brother didn't even finish high school and now runs a regional truck dispatch office...
My sister and brother in law both went to college and still work as servers at restaurants...
College, while an advantage, doesn't mean shit if you don't have it in you. I wager how you were raised at home has more to do with how well you will do in life than anything you can learn in college.


I enjoy and respect your opinion.

I believe  that most jobs don't require  a college degree. We need better secondary/primary education. And we need to have more respect for trade schools/ community college as a nation.



