Is College Worth It? Re-Imagining Higher Education | Janine Davidson | TEDxMSUDenver

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Public higher education is the foundation of the American dream – the idea that if you work hard enough, you can do better than your parents. And yet for the past 40 years, states have continued to dis-invest in public colleges and universities, eroding opportunities for young people and making the United States less competitive in the global economy.
Is it realistic to think we can turn back the clock on funding? Or do we need to find another way – a better way – to do business? Or maybe we should aim for both?
Together, we can shine a light on the truth about the value of a college degree and re-imagine higher education, so that our American dream isn’t just a dream for today’s students. Prior to her appointment in 2017, Davidson served as the 32nd undersecretary of the United States Navy and the president’s appointed “chief management officer” for the Navy and Marine Corps. Her appointment as Navy “under” followed nearly 30 years of academic, civilian and military service.

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my dad went to college in the 80s and when I told him my bill for my 3 community college classes I'm taking a semester he was taken back, he was so shocked how much it has changed since then.


Thank you, President Davidson! It can't get any more accurate than what you just have demonstrated. I keep asking myself, why is it taking me 5 years to finish college when a lot of the other students are only graduating in 4 years. What is it that I am doing wrong that putting me behind everybody else? I keep telling myself that I do work extremely hard, then why not be like everyone else and graduate in time? Well, the answers to all of my questions that I just asked were in your TED Talk. The answer is, because I have to a work part-time job to pay my bills yet maintain to take a reasonable number of classes to still be able to graduate and not take forever! I wish I could just go to school full time and not worry about working just so, I can make the most of my educational experience and not get distracted. But the reality is, it is just not possible for me at this time and the numbers you provided clearly show that. It is a really big relieve though, to see that the president is actually aware of the situation in this deep detail. Thank you again Dr. Davidson! We appreciate having you as a president.


We are so lucky to have you here with us, President Davidson! Thank you, for all that you are doing! Go Roadrunners!


In reality the cost of schooling is only increasing and student debt is more and more of a problem in the US. Yeah sure education is "valuable" but, those that aren't prepared or have the funds take more time to graduate than most average students and end up taking out loans with 4-6% interest rates. Telling 1-2 success stories show it's possible to make it with low resources but, that doesn't represent the thousands of others that failed going though the same path. Going to college and knowing that my chances of "making it" is only 7%, that's not comforting, it's unsettling that my chances are less likely than rolling a six sided die and getting the desired number. With telling students that going to expense "good" schools is great we end up forcing 18 year-old's to make a massive financial choices they don't understand the gravity of. Most parents treat this lightly because "school is good" and lower income public schools have guest speakers preaching "if you go to college, it's hard work but, it's worth it". College isn't for everyone and that is a fact but, a better phrase to replace it would be "if you have the opportunity to go to college you should give it a try because a lot of people would wish to be in your shoes". College can be beneficial but, we have more and more people now than ever saying that it pointless to go to college unless you want to study a certain field i.e Medical/Pharmaceutical or Law.


Dr. Davidson is an amazing human being! Thank you for helping keep our country strong!


Thank you so much for your speech, Dr. Janine Davidson. In my perspective, studying at college can cost us more payment of fees also time to graduate than when studying at lower income public schools. Students need to study and work extremely hard at college to get high academic results that might cause lots of stress to students. It also is really difficult for students living in the poverty who need to balance between concentrating at college studies and doing part time jobs to pay the school fees because the tax to pay for the college is not small. However, I still think college is still a good place to get well educational knowledge and experience for getting more chances to success at our dream jobs or goals than other cheap mass schools. About working part time jobs, I still think students should not spend too much time when the college still require to complete many school assignment and project to graduate. I also think the certificate from college is much more valuable than any trade schools.


These kinds of people make me feel better about doing averagely in school


just to make sure if someone wearing earphones, the music in the end is killing


it's not wrong to talk about college when tuition is one of the thorny issues especially for undergrads. The students' top priority is their studies, but financial problems make it impossible for them to focus on work, hindering progress. It is true that college gives everyone a better chance of getting a job because a degree is one of the specific means of getting you into the world of business and employment, but it is not for everyone, not all colleges are the same, and not all students have equal access to higher education.


In my opinion, The government should give students with improved study and advancement opportunities, particularly in terms of finances. Furthermore, it is essential to minimize the financial strain of paying school fees in order to boost productivity and allow students to focus on their studies while also balancing job and life experiences. This will have a long-term and highly effective benefit.


This speech was great thank you. One of my opinions I have about college is that students grow so much in those college years that to me college can be a great transition for students from high school to the real world. However, is that a reason to spend thousands of dollars?


Learn a trade. You can make a great living.


Two kids, one goes to a trade school, other goes to a college. by the time the one kid is graduated college, the trade school kid already has seniority and is probably making pretty good dough. Also take the fact, that the odds you can make good money in a trade versus the ultra competitive corporate world and basically on the superstars are the ones that really "make it" while everyone else is clawing to move up but although they have the school, they just dont have that something or they arent in the right place at the right time. Better to just do something that ppl will need no matter what, live your life happily, dont work too much or too hard and value family, friends and hobbies. You never know a hobby or a happy time with family might inspire something that will change the world. The best ideas were never made in misery..


Impressive talk, I see how hard u try to help students and change their perspective


I noticed she didn't explain government's roll in causing tuition to increase over that time. If students can apply for non merit based scholarships.


Of course she says college is worth it. She works for one. Degrees are becoming relics rather than ticket$.


Might I say, I'm so glad this video only reached 420 likes and 30, 000 views compared to a contrary presentation by Eddy Zhong whose video has 289, 0000 likes and 6, 200, 000 views. I just recently finished college with an associates degree and honestly, there was a lot of stress and anger involved. I did have some good times and I did meet a couple of awesome friends, but other than that I thought the overall experience was extremely overrated. I felt like a teenager still going to high school with the only difference being that classes are only half as long. I don't think my IQ went up that much higher at all and I am learning so much more things outside of college. I struggled my way through a lot of courses. Taking a class only to worry about reaching a grade is not a good way to go.

In response to Janine Davidson's presentation, I believe that college is a great place to go if that's what you want to do, but seriously though, college isn't for everyone because not everyone's interested! I think it's a shame how we are entering into a society that validates your integrity based on your educational level. I don't know where Davidson got her stats from, but I know quite a bit of people who have gone through years of study in college, and yet their lives are pretty subpar. If I have kids, I'd probably encourage them to go to college if they want but I would let them know that college isn't the only way towards a happy successful life. Like, going to a trade school and developing a skill or skills is another option, for example. I think it's kind of arrogant of Davidson to present college as the only way to success and making a positive contribution in society as that is simply not true at all. With all due respect, college sucks and working rules. It's nice to experience some true freedom for once.

I know this is a ridiculously long comment but just felt the need to let out some frustration lol!


Very disappointing. Read Caplan’s ‘The case against education’


I used to organize for Hillary Clinton and I miss working for people like this.
