Could The Philippines Predict Our Next Decade?

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Discover the hidden gem of Southeast Asia! The Philippines is rapidly growing into a global economic powerhouse, leveraging its vibrant workforce and unique strategies. Uncover the fascinating influence of its complex history with the USA and dive into the challenges it faces, from corruption to inequality. Join us on an exciting journey as we rank the Philippines on the Economics Explained Leaderboard!

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Рекомендации по теме

when the college professors recommend you to leave the country as soon as you graduate, brain drain was inevitable.


Manilla has Cyberpunk tier inequality.
You have malls in BGC that have world class luxury and futuristic highrises and just a few minutes in Makati or any other area you see extreme poverty, people living in makeshift shacks and you have a wet market on the roads.
Worse is how many people in the Philippines just take inequality as a fact of life.


Calling the Philippines "aggressively mid" might be the best and most appropriate thing I've ever heard of in my life.


I grew up in the Philippines, and "aggressively mid" is the best description of the Philippines I've ever heard. I used to see that as a bad thing, but only in my adulthood have I seen the advantages


I just spent a month in hospital and like a quarter of the UK national health service staff were from the Philippines. Great English speakers and super hard working


Adding "Aggressively mid" to the national motto.


Corruption is the number one problem in Philippines


“It’s More Mid in the Philippines!”
— proposed Philippine Chamber of Commerce slogan 🇵🇭


my highschool teacher in junior year summed up the difference between China and Philippines "Chinese people send their kids out of the country to study and they come back to help their economy, Filipinos go to other countries to study and they choose not to come back" the Philippines has so much potential with its resources and people but sadly the government officials see that and chooses to use it for their own gains which makes its own people accept that living in other countries for a better life is the only option


Visited a country and the airbnb I stayed in was the official residence of the Philippines ambassador 😂😂😂. Dude had rented out his official residence


it truly baffles the mind how a country could make such obscene amounts of money, yet have people live in such squalor


I really like it when a YouTube video taught me more about my country compared to my actual classes


Its Sad, Tragic, and Funny on how filipinos would work very hard to achieve high only to migrate to another country causing massive harm as the Philippines needs seasoned experts to allow stable growth.


The term "aggressively mid economy" corresponds well with the local Filipino mentality called "Bahala Na"


Also another advantage is that their english is far more understandable than their competitors. This and the security matter are the real reasons.


It has a massive brain drain because of the salary


As a filipino, I kinda agree with the aggressively mid label. We could be so much more but so many factors hinder the potential.


Around the 10 minute mark, you had a graphic describing imports and exports. This is a very good chart and it would be interesting to see this for every country. Good work!


You failed to mention that for decades filipinos by the thousands trained in the nursing field, then went abroad and have sent millions of dollars back to their families in the Philippines. So not all 'brain drains' are a negative.

That said Filipinos are the most kind, generous people I've had the pleasure of knowing. I've been invited to dinners with families that are at the very top of the socio-economic ladder as well as some of the poorest. I ate once with a family that lived in a shack made up of cardboard and metal garbage with an open air sewer as their backyard. What i didn't know until leaving was that they felt so honored by having me a westerner visit them they spent what they'd saved all year for a Christmas dinner on me! I was struck by such guilt that they had sacrificed what would have been the means for them to have one good meal on me, some stranger. That's a level of generosity i will never forget even after all these years.

For all the pollution, poverty, etc. Filipinos have retained the most valuable thing in life, kindness and a generosity of spirit and there's no dollar signs attached to that. It's too bad most Americans have never experienced their culture. If they had maybe they'd not only rethink their priorities in life but would treat people better in their daily lives.

Maraming salamat!


This is awesome work! I am from Philippines and I can say -- well done on your extensive research on several aspects of the Philippine economy, culture and politics. Appreciate your hard work! Made me realise that I trust EE's same level of research on other countries too. 👏
