everything will be ok.

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My Spotify Playlist:

💛 Mental health helplines:

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song list:
00:00 snowfall 'slowed' (oneheart x reidenshi)
02:33 this indescribable feeling (nowt)
05:52 conclusion (nowt)
08:41 october (antent)
10:50 beyond all hope (ephraim lovelace)
16:27 one wish (unnholy)
18:39 4 am (driwheen x dreamwalkr)
20:51 numb (inertia.)
23:20 when my eyes are closed (metahesh)
26:44 nostalgia (oneheart)
28:43 errand boy (knonzzz)
31:05 distorted memories (oneheart x reidenshi)
32:50 until you forget (vuelym)
36:11 memories (leadwave)
37:32 she is the moment (ashess)
40:30 avenoir (.diedlonely)
45:28 cosmos temple (jayan perera)

#sleepmusic #sadmusic #sadmood #sadplaylist #4am #ambient #playlist #3am #sadness
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BEST tracks from my channel on a SPOTIFY playlist:

💛 Mental health helplines:

Note: All of the tracks used in my youtube playlists are copyrighted music, so if you see ads in my videos, it's because youtube places them automatically based on copyright-owners needs, I have no control over it, so sorry about that. My channel is NOT a monetized channel. My only goal is sharing escapism music to help out people that are sad.


Any of you want a hug?

Edit: Guys, I may not be able to continue responding because it says that da comment limit has reached, huge bear hug for all those who need it, take care of yourselves and I hope u find the love that many are looking for :[!
Edit 26/8/24: I wish, i only wish i can hug everyone in da comments rn..., u know, this feeling of being alone without anyone to be there for u sometimes makes my head hurt and overthink too much, i hope u all are okay, without any harm or pain, tell me that you all are okay, this feeling of guilt wont leave me in a long time, i just want dis feeling to go away...


"Just because I carry it all so well doesn't mean it's not heavy"


When you realise that random strangers on internet are way more polite and caring than the ones surrounding you.


I just want to go back to my childhood, where the smile at that time was a real smile.


"Are you okay?"
"i'm fine"
randomly out of nowhere starts sobbing.


"The body can't rest if the soul is tired"
- somebody


Sometimes you think that you want to disappear but all you really want is to be found.


I’ve been battling a chronic illness the last 9 months and I’m so tired. I miss how easy life used to be. I miss a normal life. Lord please heal me


Why not you? If you happen to read this, just know that you were born, and you've made it this far. You're pretty significant. Don't forget it.


people from all over the world gathered here, united by similar feelings and thoughts
I hope that you will all find your place in this world and be happy. Don't be afraid, you are not alone


I need a hug.
A warm, loving, tight hug.


My chest is burning, , her voice, her smile, it's her.. It's her.


You didn’t search this video up, you came across it, just how you came across my comment this one you’re reading now. Although things might be rough now, there’s a morning coming to your night. Keep waking up and trying again. Life will get better it might not seem like it but it will. Take care of yourself.


For some reason, venting on the Internet with people who feel the same way is so comforting, especially if you are not good with communicating out loud.
I liked this playlist a lot, thanks.


I used to think I had to be sad to listen to music like this. Now I just listen to it to calm down and clear my mind. I feel safe here, so thanks for that.


"Everything will be okay." is a title I needed to click on.

I sit here, my eyes welling yet I don't cry. My heart aches yet I don't react. My soul is broken yet I get on every day as if everything is fine. I'm not okay. I can't see a future where I will be okay.

Yet, the words "everything will be okay" is like cuddling a beacon of warmth. Maybe its right, maybe those words carry the weight they deserve. I can't see the future but I have hope that I will be okay.

If you feel as I do, know that everything will be okay.


Hey Stranger, If You’re Reading This - I’m Proud Of You, You’re An Awesome Person. Don’t Forget, You’re Loved. 🫶🏻


The feeling of listening to this music, reading the listeners' comments, and pressing the like button for every positive comment is a feeling that no one will understand.

Hey you!, have a nice day 💙


rn am suffering from a betrayal by a friend for more than 3 years i sob each time, am friendless now and this video was recommended to me and i am not regretting my desicion by clicking on it i feel relaxed abit....
