everything will be ok

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" kei baie loul " - such inspiring words


The person you are today is the person you needed yesterday.


The amount of self-love it takes to literally invent a way to send a message back in time just to comfort yourself during a hard patch in your life.


I love you all people, feeling blue is part of everything but sometimes is really bright


god this is so soft and comforting. I love it.


My mom has Alzheimer's and my dad is in the hospital right now. I'm taking care of both of them and I feel so stretched thin. Not eating so I can see my Mom eat. I know I must take care of myself to take care of them. I put my Mom to bed and hour ago, and this was the first thing I saw opening my phone. I needed this message. Thank you. Thank you, so much.


I think this video came to me at the most opportune moment of my life. I haven't been getting along very well with my close friend lately and I'm very worried. Watching this video lifts my spirits a bit, giving me optimistic thoughts that despite what is happening now, we will manage to find peace in life.


the fact that the algorithm showed me this is way more comforting than it should be


At this point in my life, I’m the guy from the future. And the man speaks nothing but pure truth, for a while my life was hell, heart pangs from pure emotional fluctuations, hellishly deep lows, and a lot of isolation. But despite that I wouldn’t take it back because without it I’d be a much different person without it. That funky lil blue man speaks truth and I wish I coulda done the exact same thing he did here, letting me know past me it’s all gonna be alright but not spoiling anything. Anyways, to quote the lil blue man “ok, bye lol”


Thank you. I just destroyed all of my friendships in just 10 minutes, and now I am busy trying to recover them and right the wrongs that I did. I did some horrible shit, and I want to be better but right now everything feels like its falling apart and literally everyone hates me in this current moment. I am just waiting for these people to reply to my apologies, and I am hoping for the best but am ready for the worst


the cigarette falling out of his mouth was a such an amazing small detail that completely expresses the abrupt shock and wonder of his experience in that precise moment. love the vid. very comforting. i keep watching over and over again. the message is very self assuring.


im 26, worried a hella lot from 22 to 25 (i had full blown anxiety attacks and would overthink and be scared of EVERYTHING when I was a very normal no mental issues person before) and I swear NONE of the time spent worrying was useful in any way shape or form. I remember walking down the road for HOURS crying trying to figure out which path in life to choose because I felt like I was already late and could absolutely not under any circumstance delay or I'd be a failure. But this never helped me make a decision. It just drained me until I said "stop this is literally draining me" and I would stop thinking about it and the decision would come naturally and intuitively. I just followed whatever I was the most drawn to without thinking about it. Stop worrying guys start living


the subtle and lackluster feel of everything makes it feel all the more better


“K bye lol” I’d curse at my future self for a half hour before realizing I did myself a favor and made myself stop thinking about what I was worried about


"Everything will be ok"
I hope that one day someone notice how I'm really feeling and tell me those simple words with such a lovely hug... It's the only thing i really need, and much more if it comes from my best friend, i have such an emotional attachment to her, i could noticed it, and sje is maybe the only person who I'll be enough open to say everything maybe, but, she doesn't seem to feel like me. It is something that really hurts


God. I fucking needed this.

I'm 18 years old right now, finishing high school. Next year, I start university, and while I have some ideas on what I will do, I'm fucking scared and anxious. I'll be moving into a country where they speak a language I don't know yet (currently learning) and I'm scared that I won't be able to learn in time and that someone will come and say "HAH! YOU'RE A FRAUD!" and send me back home. I'm afraid that I won't have any academic success because I have absolutely no work ethics (gifted kid, didn't need to study earlier, now is stuck, you know the drill). I'm not afraid of being somewhere where I don't know anyone, but I'm afraid because the language is still alien to me, and I don't know how I will finance myself. Will I get a job? How? What kind of job? How will I balance it out with uni?

On another note, I feel alienated from my environment. Forming physical human connections is so... weird. I have a lot of people I'm cool with but it's hard to find someone I can really *feel*. My friendships don't last long and fall apart at some point or they dial down and just become acquaintances. There's only one person who I've managed to keep a relationship with, and it's my best friend from elementary school. But starting next year, we'll barely be seeing each other.

Then there's my brother, who moved away to live with dad last year. It's been 13 years since my parents split up but I still haven't fully gotten over it. He didn't move away because he didn't like us, it's just that dad lives in a much bigger city, so my younger brother could find more opportunities. This leaves me alone with my mom, separated from my dad, my brother, and both my baby half-sisters. I'm sometimes jealous of my brother because I know they will always love him more than me.

Then there's all the bullshit happening in the world, and I don't think I really need to elaborate much on that. Financial and climate crises, wars, genocide, discrimination, bigotry, polarisation, so many things happening all over the world and we're all constantly exposed to them. It's exhausting. Our generation is bearing the weights of all our ancestors' mistakes.

Then there's the most recent thing. And the most painful. I said that my dad lives in a bigger city. This is wrong. He lived in a bigger city. Just as the first half of this year was wrapping up, and summer was about to begin, my dad got diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He fought like no one else. He didn't complain about the pain, because he didn't want to worry his family more than he already was. And he had no fear.
17 days ago, my father died. It has been 17 days since this planet has become hollower than ever. 17 days since I learned I will never speak to my dad again. 17 days since I lost a cornerstone of my life and my identity. The world hasn't stopped spinning but I have. How do I move on from that? How do I ever continue my life as normal again? I thought he'd get to become a great grandfather someday but he didn't even get to see his oldest child finish high school. And he had 4 children. The younger two won't even remember him. The older one of them is 3 fucking years old, and she will never remember her dad. Maybe, just *maybe* some very vague scenes and moments, but even if she can remember *anything*, the younger one, who is 18 months old, won't.
I miss my dad in a way I didn't think I could miss anything in the world. I keep disassociating from it, treating it like a TV show or video game. "Just load the last save and he'll be there", "Oh he'll come back next episode", or "You'll talk to him again in a flashback that hasn't been shown yet!", but then I stop my thought and remember that he is gone. He will forever be gone.

I didn't come here to seek pity. I didn't expect that I'd start writing this as I watched the video. I've talked with many friends and relatives about my feelings, but I needed to say it again, because it's just hard to hold these weights.

Thank you for this short. It means a lot.


as someone who went through some shitty mental illnesses as a teenager, , this is very true. i am so grateful for having gone through what i went through cuz it truly made me a better person. i am so fucking proud of myself.


I like how his future self doesn't tell him what's next. It gives me the idea his wonders will keep him going.


I’ve been suffering from anxiety for a bit but watching this everyday has really helped me when I feel so scared and trapped within my own thoughts
Love the general animation and the funky little voices, hope it gets more views because people should absolutely see this, especially the people who are having a tough time ❤


As someone who has felt too far gone before, I'd like to say to whoever is reading this, everything will be okay.

Whatever's going on right now or whatever's troubling you. The terrors in your mind, the emptiness in your chest, the loss you've faced, the pain you've felt, and all the problems in real life. It will pass and there's always happiness to be found, as well as a way to find peace with both your life and yourself. Whatever it is, I promise, you are stronger than you think. You can beat this.

Just keep moving forward.
