The HIGHEST Interest Rate Savings Account

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What's the highest high yield savings account right now? I looked at a few options and one of them is a staggering 6.17%! The choice to sign up for a brand new savings account really depends how much cash you plan to save and if all the work justifies the movement. You also should factor in what rate you can get right now with the banks you currently have. Also, you might want to consider if the new bank is reputable and easy to withdrawal from. Some banks may hold your money hostage or to a lesser extend, hold it for 5 days before releasing it if you want to transfer it out.

Offer expires (10/30/2023)

#highyieldsavings #bestsavingsaccount #highestinterestrate

#lumaryoutdoor #lumaryrbg #lumary

(You also get 6-12 fractional shares with any account sign up and depositing any amount)

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Buying stocks might seem easy, but picking the right one without a solid plan is tough. I've been trying to grow my $100K portfolio, but the tricky part is not having clear plans for when to buy and sell. Any tips on this would really help.


In UK the situation seems a bit better, there are many easy access accounts to choose from offering 5% to 5.2% currently, or a 1 year fix at 6.2% with government bonds with high max.


This HYSA video, brings back to good old days when you talking about these things.

There's a few that I like, CITBank, Bask Bank, and Bread financial.


Not sure if I want to hold large amounts of cash within a product managed by a company that can't even figure out how interest works.


Is the 5% correct as your interest-bearing balance does not change as shown?


Do you use t-bills or money market funds?


Back in 2006-2007 I remember shopping around my Credit Unions for CD rates to stash extra cash. 6.5% was the promotion rates for over $10k. My 15 year mortgage was like 5.3% after points as well to out it into perspective. We all know what happened the following years after 07. Good thing about getting tell yourself this isn't/won't be your first rodeo and things will eventually work you sleep better at night. I am glad to be a Gen Xer though. I know I am slowing down and can't keep up with the constant changes in life.


Are you still invested in DOGE and Bank of America?


It should be mentioned if your goal is the maximum interest rate and you're willing to tie up your money for 3-months, T-bills purchased on the secondary market are currently yielding the best rates. They're T-bills so they're just as safe as bank deposits (unless the Federal government defaults) and i've seen rates as high as 5.5%. On top of that, T-bill interest is NOT subject to state income taxes. If you live in a high-tax state, these can effectively be an even better yield than any savings account out there.


I no longer chase the highest rate bc they just drop it shortly after from my experience and it wasn’t worth the hassle. I went with a highly rated one that consistently had an above average rate, although right now they’re only offering 4.25


Surprised you didn't mention sofi


Don't forget to mention the account closure risk. If you move large amounts of money too quickly or too frequently, the man buns will flag you for doing pass through transactions and shut your account down.


67k invested makes more then this channel


I didn't become financially independent until I was in my mid 40s, in addition to owning a second house making money on a monthly basis through passive income, and I've also met some of my goals. I really hope this motivates someone to know that it doesn't matter if you don't have any of these things yet; no matter your age, you can start today. Investing can help you change your future! By participating in the financial market, I took a significant decision.


I cant find information on this webull cash bonus anywhere.. I only see the bonus for free stocks


What do you think about wealthfront high yield savings account?


what happens to your money in the event webull goes bankrupt 💨


Why not just put it in money market fund like SWVXX which yields about 5.35% APY or T-bills which yields about 5.5% APY and no state tax?


*I have just over $10k sitting with HSBC earning Question. How quickly can i withdraw settled funds from Webull?*


What do you think of Robinhood Gold? Nearly 5% APY
