The Best Windows Tool for 2022

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This is a tool that has evolved over several years and achieves much more than just debloating a Windows install. I have expanded it to install the programs you select, which is a bigger selection than ninite. The classic debloat is there, but also includes a tweaks section with quality of life features. To round out everything, I have included my recommended settings for Windows update that I use in a variety of businesses. Misuse of this utility can break your install so please be careful and I do not provide any help or assistance should this happen!

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Oliver J. here just to say I have been appreciating you for the past two years. No BS in your content just pure PC hobbyist goodness. On top of which you have publicly developed one of, if not, the most important tool for Windows 10 to date. After being yelled at by other youtubers as if they were speaking to a fake studio audience or being mono-tonely whispered, lulled to death by their non-delivery. Really appreciate you more.


Absolute hero. I love using this tool to setup new systems and greatly appreciate the added functionality and QOL improvements. Thank you!


Nice tool Chris, keep up the good work.


I've been using this utility for a while now, I figured it was about time to throw a $5er your way. Thanks for all the effort and work you've put into this!


Thanks Chris! For your great work on this project, we all appreciate your insane work and the time spent to make it!!! Thanks again!


If you want to keep it from blocking, please remember that's about all you can do. It can minimize, max, rest, move, etc. However, Windows will not allow you to install most things more that one at a time, so you won't be installing using multitasking. The Windows installer will only allow one installer at a time.


Your tools have saved me countless hours of time setting up custom Gaming PC builds for people. i used to have a master windows 10 drive to clone onto the new system and then have to fix a few minor compatibility issues but this makes things as easy as can be to get the system to a usable state.


Thank you for all of your work on this project. It has been a pleasure working with you all these years.


I am running the Upgrade Installs part right now and it found everything that I already had installed and is updating those programs. Excellent work Chris.


I've noticed a huge improvement in performance already!! Thanks, Chris!! Separating them into Laptop/desktop options helped for sure!!


I love it! You're not being hyperbolic about it being the best. I have FOUR programs just to update - well - everything. I ran them all, got everything updated (so I thought) and ran your tool, and BAM!! lots of updates needed!! Thanks so much! ⭐⭐⭐⭐👍👍


Just so you know, I have used every new iteration of your tool as my reason to do a total reinstall of Windows. Thank you for all the effort you put into it.


Chris, I'm a Youtuber and IT engineer at the largest school district here in Palestine and over the past 10 years I have used hundreds of software and tools and made a lot of tutorials on how to use them but this tool is by far my favorite and most helpful! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
Room for improvement:
1. Give users the ability to customize the tool, for example the ability to create packs. (School software would be my first pack).
2. When choosing an app, give users the ability to see the corresponding winget command.
3. More options to customize windows.


Love this tool so much. Thanks Chris!!

One more thing to add if possible is driver update. I was trying to find many different driver tools and most of them would use much system resource. Its always better to have this type of minimal tool for it.

Keep up with the great work here :D


Few things missing from the games section is Origin, IGClient (Indiegala client), and ubisoft connect if you are able to add those. Those are used a lot so figured I would chip in some things to add. Otherwise this is a solid tool, Very nicely setup and easy to follow.


Brilliant work. Thank you.

On a side note, for those of us tech simpletons that are mostly concerned with the telemetry aspect, could you do a review of O&O ShutUp10++ and delineate the advantages of your script for that purpose?


Thanks so much for your hard work Chris! The script is amazing. I have been using it ever since the first time you uploaded the script to youtube. Please if you do something major (update, added stuff and so on) post an update video like how you did now. It will be much appreciated <3


Thank you Chris for your hard work! Thank you for this all-in-one pro tool ! Huuuuge improvement from something that already was a great tool which is incredible by itself.


Great work work Chris! MS tried to make Win work like linux (e.g powershell) & make it look like a mac but both with completely different MS mindset. But your tool's update all reminds me instantly of linux update && upgrade process. A very neat & clean tool that gets the job done. My congrats to you!


Amazing work sir! ty.! It was so satisfying to wave bye bye to telemetry and Cortana hehe.
