Improve Your Golf and Understand Strike

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Improve Your Golf and Understand Strike. This is a two part teaching video talking about the importance of strike and how to see patters in your golf game and practice sessions to help you improve.
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Comments are hilarious. Mark puts out a tonne of consistently good content, yet when asked to put your email to watch the second part (which I expect helps Mark out) people get annoyed and say they will unsubscribe? Think Mark has done more than enough to deserve his fair share. Keep up the videos Mark looking forward to the next course vlog :)


You do not have to enter an email address to watch part 2. If I was required I would have gladly done it. Mark has helped me more than any other instructor and is certainly worth giving an email address to.


Mark I miss these more instructional videos although I love the course vlogs too


Am amazed by the negativity towards having to put your email address in to watch part 2?!? It's not as if you're signing you're life away, it's a golf related website that hopefully will be rewarding Mark Crossfield for everyone that signs up and watches his video .He has done more than his fair share of dishing out tips, information, reviews and entertainment and thus far all you've had to do is search on you tube without any concern for who is going to pay him for his time. Part two is excellent, go to the website, put in your email address watch it and stop moaning about being inconvenienced for receiving free information


+Mark Crossfield, love your drill. Tried it tonight and wowzers!!! So much different with your drill. Gonna use it every time


I don't mind going to the website for this. Whatever reason must be worth it for you mark and that's ok. Hard to find the video but putting "ask golf guru" in the search box does the trick.


Found this to be a very good video for me at the right time as I struggle with lots of toe hits on my irons and this week went back to the range with the main purpose of getting that strike more to the middle of the face, the getting up on your toes point you made is something I found very interesting and am looking forward to trying the standing on the shaft drill, thanks Mark, oh PS I also wanted to work out what loft I want to hit on my new driver :) Ping G, cheers.


Indoor season for me when the snow is to deep. I try to practise this with impact tape to see where I hit it on the face. In the end of outdoor season I started to top the ball it felt, but in reality i heel it an loosed 20 m with i7. Now I'm trying to hit more out on toe, not as easy as you believe. I also use it with Woods an I have more understanding why the ball do what it does. Heel shot creates a slice and I believed it was the head was open. By the way my impact tape is normal mask tape used when painting app. 25 mm wide, suits me perfect and it is cheap.


I really cannot understand all of you bickering like this. I didn't have to put in an e mail address to watch the second part. How Mark makes his living is up to him. Its your choice whether you watch it or not. He has a skill which he is selling exactly the same as you when you go to work. The difference is whether you decide to watch it or not. As far as Rick Shiels is concerned, is Marks financial security any of his business. I believe having watched these videos that Mark has a very interesting way of instruction and it has helped me no end. Keep it up Mark and well done


"let there be light"💡 and light shone for all.


Hi Mark, interesting video, been watching more and more, really enjoy the on course vlogs.

When you talk about strike on the face, what about body position with strike? I have a big tendency to start the downswing with my upper half which means I have already rotated before I get to the ball causes similar distance control problems. Would be great to see a video about how I could control that and a drill to help fix it.


The dude provides all the content to us for free. Sure he gets some ad share from youtubes, but now does a partnership and people are gun shy about sharing an email address? Its the first 'ask' he has ever done other than trying to pimp his mobile apps.

I don't mind sharing an email if that supports his content.


The fact it asks for your email first makes me not want to watch it. That's a thumbs down for me. Sorry


All I can say is that some people are extremely naive if they think Mark does not make a good living out of You Tube; ask Rick Shiels he attributes Mark with having no mortgage on his house! The issue is not about supporting Mark or other you tube golf channels, it is about providing an email address that could result in spam or your personal information being stolen. I don't know if Mark has vetted usgolftv but a quick Google search beyond the first page of results convinced me that I would not furnish this company with any email address not even a fake one.


Thanks enjoyed that, Mark are these pressure mats available quite widely. I know I have an issue with sometimes tipping forward/putting pressure on my toes during my downswing and find it difficult to stop. Notice it mist when I slice 3 wood off the tee. Any tips to correct? I am led to believe the use of a second hand mizuno driver that is no longer being used may aid my driving since I do not currently own a driver, do you know anyone who may have an old one? I have created a crossfield emoji to say thanks in advance 🤓🤓🤓😎🤓🤓


Hey Mark, thanks for the info. If you don't mind me asking, what simulator program are you using in all these videos?


Happy to stick an email address in in theory, but either I'm being dense or part 2 isn't on the website? Which is a pain in the arse to browse on a Note 4 compared to the youtube app, by the way...


I hit my 3 wood consistently around 250 yards. Why is my driver only going 220 yards at the most?


Not a fan of giving my email addy to watch the second part. Hope its not a sign of things to come .been a sub for a few years since your start. Tks for vid


when's the next course vlog please
