The Public Have Been Lied To About Sugar Says Top Doctor

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Thank you for all your hard work Aseem x


Wonderful Aseem! Congrats and thank you for doing all this work for all of us!


Thank you, Aseem. I gave up all sugar/grains and starchy processed 'foods' more than two years ago and my health improved incredibly as a result of eating good proteins, unprocessed fats (including animal fats like butter and cream daily) and minimally processed veg and home grown seasonal berry fruits. It makes sense and it actually works. I'm never hungry and never need to eat between my lunch and dinner any more. Wow! Would love everyone to be able to try it for themselves.


Dietary Dogma, you bring an awful lot of wonderful information here on YT. I would like to hear more from you. With all you have experienced in your discovery what do you, yourself follow? More of a Keto diet, lower carb Mediterranean? Low carb high fat or even carnivore? Thank you for all you do here, much appreciated.


The first four minutes of this are all well and good, a lot of sense made, but going after the IEA, who have been rightly critical of your crusade to tax the working classes and get aspartame put in their favourite drinks, is pathetic. When are you going to accept some responsibility for this aspartame debacle Aseem? Why do you think additional taxes are the answer? Why are hypocrites like Oliver and Whittingstall, whose meals are absolutely loaded with sugar, so heavily involved in this regulation and demonisation drive. The IEA may be funded by a tobacco company I wouldn't know. But at least they are not funded by gullible taxpayers like PHE and all the other gravy train who are offering no workable solutions bar nanny state interventionism.


2:15 'it took 50 years for effective smoking regulation to take effect'. 4:19 'we will reverse the diabetes epidemic within three years through regulation'. Rightio Aseem. Please everyone give PHE another penny in the pound of your hard-earned towards their wacky, totally unproven, ideas. Aseem says we can do it in three, make it 2p.
