Mark Kermode reviews The Dead Don't Hurt - Kermode and Mayo's Take

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#MarkKermode #SimonMayo #FilmReviews

Two pioneers fight for their lives and their love on the American frontier during the Civil War.

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I loved the fact that Viggo thanked and named all the horses in the credits 😊


I don't normally comment, but I'm actually in this film as an extra (I moved to Durango, Mexico from the UK a few years ago and this experience was definitely a vindication for that choice!). It's not out here yet, but I'm glad to hear so much positivity about it, because my experiences on set were wonderful. And a shout-out to Marcel Zyskind, the cinematographer, he was such a great person to work with and he even learned my name out of respect, so he could direct my positioning more personally. Viggo was amazing (and actually gave me direction first-hand, which was awesome) and I had some great chats with W Earl Brown and Solly McLeod. So even as a lowly extra I had such a great time on-set.

Can't wait to see it, especially after this review and the glowing comments here!!


One of the best examples of non-linear storytelling I've seen recently. Viggo in total command for a new writer/director. Acting was on point. The violence resonated but it was clear he wanted his film focused on the characters, which were written wonderfully. A diamond in the rough. Go see it!


I recently saw the movie and really enjoyed it. It was beautifully shot, the cinematography was excellent and acting was top notched. The feedback you gave on Vicky Krieps’s performance was correct. She was fantastic and captured your attention. I loved the score and wasn’t aware Viggo Mortensen composed the score and played some of the instruments. It was a lovely movie. I highly recommend it.


Every movie I come across gets typed into youtube, prefixed with "kermode reviews ". I'm so grateful for the reviews - they've pushed me in the right direction, saved me time and, on occasion, enabled me to watch a film with a more discerning eye. Thanks Mark! I really appreciate the reviews.


I love both these actors. Vicky Krieps was wonderful in "Phantom Thread" and "Corsage." Of course, Viggo Mortenson is fantastic in everything. Really looking forward to this film.


Viggo is such an incredible auteur and visionary. Very excited about his potential return to Middle Earth for the new series of Peter Jackson films!


T-Shirt + poster on the wall. Is Mark a Gang of Four fan? Perfect taste, my man, perfect taste! They are still great after all these years, aren't they?


Loved it! To me it was a psychological journey of a European’s experience in the USA. None of that moral Puritanism, just books, writing, thoughtfulness, and freedom to think and love up against, Puritanism, corruption, violence and hate


I suppose I shouldn't be surprised considering he's half Danish, but Mortenen's accent is quite good. Certainly the best Danish accent in a 'Hollywood' film I've seen. And obviously light years ahead of the otherwise incomparable Meryl Streep's atrocious 'Danish' accent in My Africa.


Vicky krieps is the most talented actress working today


Viggo is amazingly talented and I have little doubt this will be a good movie.


She said some French Canadian phrase … being that myself, I was rather surprised. Sounds like the actress is. Well done in that scene.


Enjoyed this film for the two leads alone, as well as spotting a few familiar faces from HBO's Deadwood, but few issues. There was no reason for the non-linear storytelling. SPOILER: It temporarily cuts Viggo from the story (not even a single cutaway to keep him relevant as a protagonist) to focus on Vicky but her otherwise captivating story falls flat so she can get fridged and give Viggo a reason to do what he should've done when he was sheriff. The villain was by far the weakest role, looked like a Seth Rogan stunt double and belonged to a different film. A film that starts off confusing for no reason, gets really good then falters at the end.


So basically it's just a remake of Young Guns?


I really dislike this recent fashion of an opening scene that then switches back a day, a week, a month, year or more. I don't want to know where the story is going at the outset.


So funny to hear someone doing a quebecois accent in film


Kermode sounds like he likes Mortensen but not so much his movie. Good old decent Sir Mark.