Easy ways to save money | Large family edition

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Tell us ways you’ve leaned to save money since starting a family!

1. One car is not easy with such a large family. It has taught us a lot though. We learned to be completely reliable to one another. Always keeping our word. We also had the ability to focus on just paying this car off. We also learned we don’t have to have the newest top-of-the-line car in order to provide and have reliable transportation.
2. Meal planning has been a struggle for me! I’ll start doing it and fall off. When you don’t have a plan you plan to fail. One mom that I love watching on YouTube meal plan is @rootedinrest you guys should definitely check her out I hope to be as organized when it comes to planning meals as she is. Planning your meals helps you to be able to cook from scratch which helps you to not eat out. It’s a domino effect.
3. Thrifting is never out of style! You can find near to new things at a fraction of the cost.
4. Last fall Xavier and I took a finance class at our church. One of the things that he stressed was having a plan for your money before you even get it. Meaning your bills, your savings account and even your play money should be planned ahead of time. Stop waiting to the last minute and then not doing what you know you need to do with your money.
5. Credit cards…… I’m sure most of us have fell for the okey-doke. We are definitely guilty and working our way out of that debt. If you don’t have control over the money that comes to you on your check don’t try to manage a credit card. If you don’t have the money to pay it back stay away from it. Think about the purchases before you make them. I’m not saying don’t get the new couch if you need it but let’s think our purchases out and don’t let social media influence us into debt.
6. Extracurricular activities are a silent trap. I felt as a homeschool mom I wasn’t doing enough and I needed to get all of my kids into something at the same time. Not only did it destroy our spring time but also our pockets. All of your kids can do extracurricular activities if that’s what your family wants.
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