12 Simple Ways to Save More Money

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Given the economic period we are in, I want to share twelve simple ways we keep our personal expenses low. Here they are.

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Order water
Take your lunch to week
I don't drink coffee
I don't drink alcohol
Order off the value menu
Wear the same style of clothes
Don't spend money on expensive meats
Don't buy expensive razors
Conserve home energy use
Use the library
Own less stuff
Throw extra cash at debt


Things I live by and feel happy with:
1. Prepare your own meals and only eat out on special occasions
2. Eat vegetarian or vegan
3. Use your local library
4. Do free sports like cycling, walking, running
5. Don't buy unnecessary stuff
6. Don't drink alcohol
7. Bring your lunch with you anyday (not only work days but also when you are on a trip for example or shopping in IKEA)
8. Share digital subscriptions (like Netflix, news papers etc)
9. Buy clothing second hand
10. Negotiate when buying something
11. Better plan your meals, don't waste food and money
12. Take shorter showers or skip one if you don't need one and just wash yourself
13. Simplify your life in general. You don't need thirty different skin care products or hair products.
All this seems frugal and it probably is, but I rather spend my money on high quality food like fruits and vegetables, a nice cup of coffee in the city centre and experiences with family and friends


Amen on the clothes! As a teacher, I spent the last 20 years of my career following an almost Steve Jobs-like wardrobe scheme. Black jeans, the same shoes, a sleeveless shell under a comfortable and professional button shirt. It was a blessing to have ONE LESS decision to make in a career of decision-fatiguing days.


We have rediscovered the joy of going to the library in recent months. One suggestion I would offer is that if you have to buy a book that your local library doesn't offer when are done with it ask if the library will take it on donation. We have donated a number of books to the library. They will either shelf it or sell it to help fund library programs.


In India, I am just laughing at these tips. (1) My alcohol expenses are zero. In my childhood, only poor people drank alcohol. (2)I rarely eat outside as I come from a time when only travelers or cargo drivers ate outside. Rich people used to eat at home. They will employ people to cook large meals but the cooking will be done in a controlled environment. (3) We always carry out lunch or go home for lunch. (4) I am a scientist. We never took any loans for any education. (5) Non-veg was mostly eaten by the poor people - lower in the social structure- not the other way round Of course, the American culture is ruining the old culture in India as well. But luckily, I saw the earlier time -exactly opposite to what you are mentioning. So I was wondering whether westernized India with more alcohol shops, meat shops, junk food, the craze for tourism, the craze for sense gratification, etc. is good. Lastly, in my Ph. D. I had only 4-5 pairs of clothes. I wash them with my hands as there was no washing machine. No heating or cooling except in the laboratory area. But I also got a wonderful education, a wonderful career and all that. I didn't miss anything.


We always paid a little extra on our monthly mortgage payments and paid it off 8 years early!!! Great advice - thank you 👍


Hi Joshua, I insist on getting my meats from a reputable source and end up paying way more knowing that my food comes from farmers that raise healthy animals and harvest them in a humane manner. I cannot fathom getting our meat from any other source. Thank you for your videos.


Love your show. On the topic of libraries. My wife reads multiple books a week. By getting a library card you can have them send you books, readable or audio, for free. And if they don't have it they will get it when you ask. We are saving a lot using our already paid for tax resource, our library.


Joshua, I am amazed at how many of these we already follow. We paid our house off 6 years ago & it is so freeing not having a house payment each month. Great video! 🙂


Joshua, I really enjoyed The Minimalist Home. I checked it out from the library! Picking up The More of Less tomorrow at the library. Thank you for these ideas. My husband and I retired last year and we are finding such happiness in being content with a simpler life.


It is so comforting entering our retirement years with no debt at all. I highly encourage debt free living to everyone.


I got my 4 cup coffee pot st the thrift store for $2. Still going strong years later.


Ordering water at restaurants is a great idea! Their drinks are so expensive (alcoholic or non-alcoholic). I do order off the value menu, and I've utilized my local library for years now (books & DVDs).


We have always been heavy library users and last year we diched ALL streaming services and watch YT and movies or series from the library instead. I also have found over the years that taking the time and spending the money, if needed, to care for your items properly saves you money in the long run for sure.


I love that you talk about still tipping the waiter/waitress appropriately with the beverage! In the past year I’ve found myself only ordering water because it is a big cost savings. Great tips!!


I wear basically to same type of clothes every day. Cozy lined tights with top and pullover, and all are thrifted. I live in Ontario so very cold right now. I keep my thermostat at 13 C at night with warm blankets on our bed, 14 C during the day when we are working, out or busy doing chores then either a fire in our wood burning stove or up to 16 C until about 8 p.m. then back down before bed. We don’t hVe cable but watch either Netflix or YouTube or read. I don’t do fast food and we rarely eat out but yes, when I do, I only have water. Better for me and my pocketbook. I am vegetarian so save a lot right now not buying meat. Beans, tofu chick peas and veggies are less expensive. Same straight razor for years. Library and thrift books are great. I don’t drink alcohol so that is not an expense. For fun I do like crafts so I thrift stuff for that. We also do puzzles, watch movies on netflix, read, play games and have family or friends in for a meal or desert and games. I don’t really like coffee from outside places, I love my dark roast made at home. I also paid extra on our mortgage and it was paid off long ago. Feels free not to have a mortgage. Also no car loan.


Freevee is a good source of films - absolutely free. When there are a lot of things I want to see on Netflix, I pay for one month, watch them, and then cancel. The library has everything I need e-book-wise; they always arrive sooner than promised, and I don't even need to leave home. Paid off the mortgage ages ago by paying extra payments. Used whatever money I had left over and invested it, retired early. Car paid off in one year and I keep up regular maintenance on it. Debt-free now; when I want something, I pay cash. Growing your own fruits & veggies is a great thing too, especially with the crazy prices stores are coming out with. If only the HOA allowed chickens, I would have a couple to provide eggs.


I did notice that narrowing my wardrobe helped me greatly financially. I used to buy clothing for every season and they will feel obsolete by the next year. After narrowing my wardrobe I feel more context with it and only buy new ones when necessary.


My husband gifted me a $50 espresso machine. I save tons of money making my own lattes and have friends over to enjoy it also!
Also we wait for movies to come out vs in the theater.


Growing up my dad always told up to put a hat on of we were too cold inside during the winter. Love these.
