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Living below the poverty line is easy if you are prepared and careful with your purchases. You must conserve everything as if your life depended on it, but you can turn it into a game of how little you can use and still be happy.
No gimmicks, it's only $15 a month!
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I am so frugal that when I leave my house I hear the birds yelling cheap cheap cheap.😮


Truly a woman after my own heart. People call me a tight ass, but my house is paid for, and Im semi retired.


No idea when we became this throw away culture. My tv is about 12 years old, a plasma I bought on clearance from Sears! Still looks and works great. You do not need to upgrade anything! Cars, phones, tv's, clothes....don't give in to advertising!


My boyfriend and I just bought a house together, and I thought to look here :) Smaller house, its affordable, now it's time to save some money. I'm definitely going to call XFinity about the internet connection since it's just the two of us. We have to insulate the house better too.


Being Aussie, we never used a dryer. We only dry clothes on the line outside. If it's raining we just dry inside on a clothes "horse" a line dryer.
I only ever use home brand laundry and half the amount. Drying the clothes outside is better for the environment.
I don't use paper towels.
I went to the council pool and showed my student card and got in for $2.
I always shop the reduced section, I don't use fabric softener, (you can use vinegar instead). I dont have a dishwasher.


My best friend and I, both retired and weary beyond words at prices being raised by every service, grocery, etc., decided this week to set April aside as a spending moratorium. Neither of us will spend money on anything not necessary, like bills, groceries, etc. We are both very excited to see what is leftover at the end of the month. We met for lunch yesterday as we won't be doing that after Sunday. And we will record every cent that goes out. It's a game, now! Wish us luck...we are both seasoned shoppers...


I love this video!!! My mom and I are low income (I'm on disability, and my mom is a senior and about to retire) and we live together. We are learning how to save money. We are buying food on clearance, buying off brands, drying our clothes on a drying rack, hand washing our clothes (The Scrubba), not eating out, using solar/hand crank generators, flashlights, lanterns, fans. We have solar panels and solar battery chargers. We use USB & rechargeable batteries. We use a solar cooker and kettle to cook & boil water. I don't wear makeup or use many beauty products. I am saving for an electric bike & electric scooter since I don't own a car. For entertainment we read, play board games, video games, table top games, talk, go swimming at the local pool, watch a movie or tv show Roku, watch YouTube videos, or free games on our phones. Life is good, but a frugal life is better.


Some things are a little too frugal for me, but I appreciate what she's doing .


We are so frugal. For greeting cards we go to the store and read each other’s card instead of buying them.


A lot of these money saving hacks are also very environmentally conscious! Keep rocking girl!


I live thrift stores but even those are becoming "gentrified". So you have to watch prices there also.


These are so simple and doable. I already do most of them thanks to you!! Alot of people may consider them extreme but I think it's common sense if your on a tight budget or want to cut back and save money. I definitely need that mini-split though!!


We've basically furnished our whole house on items we have purchased on "Offer up" We've gotten quality antique furniture for next to nothing. I refuse to pay for the garbage they make at furniture stores these days.


I am a man who hasn't been to a barber since 1985! When I was 20 I bought a book called "How To Cut Your Own Hair (Or Anybody Elses)" and have saved untolled dollars.


I was at the cable company yesterday (i don't have cable but i have their internet). I asked for a reduction of my bill and they took almost $30 off per month for the next 2 years! All you gotta do is ask.


1:25 in Europe it's considered a full size fridge :)


We reuse some of our garbage bags. The night before garbage day we gather bathroom and trash from other rooms and put the trash in one bag. We won’t dump the trash in the can. It makes the can stink. Bags are worth it for us.


Thanks for not wasting our time with endless exposition, like most YouTuber do! Good tips, too.


The best save is the life you saved....hello from Germany....DIY dog toys....just stuff a few old socks together, make a knot....my dogs like it


I use white vinegar as a conditioner for my hair once a week. I live in a tiny I built myself. My power bill has been $25 or less since last September. 3 months ago it was $19.36. I have a 12, 000 btu air conditioner built into the wall 6 feet off the ground. My water bill has been $20.80 a month since I moved in. I just learned how to pressure can and I've been canning up a storm for later use. ( p.s. I live in the hot part of the country, Alabama. )
If you want to save money keep trying and listen to this lady.
I love your great tips. Please keep up the great work.
