Bloom's Taxonomy: The Most Useful Tool for Learning?

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Here is a basic overview of Bloom's Taxonomy. If you like this video, please consider subscribing to my channel.

In the 1950's, educational psychologist, Dr. Benjamin Bloom, led a team of researchers and educators who developed a model for educational learning objectives. Their goal was to create a taxonomy to help improve critical thinking in schools.

The end result was the Taxonomy of Educational Objectives in 1956.

More commonly referred to as Bloom's Taxonomy, this model breaks learning objectives down into three domains. The first was cognitive domain, which focused on the acquisition of knowledge. The second was the affective domain, which focused on emotions and attitudes and tends to tie into student engagement. The final domain is psychomotor, which focuses on actions and motor skills.

The most prominent is the cognitive domain, which is what many educators use when crafting objectives and learning targets, constructing questions, and designing assessments.

Bloom's Taxonomy is often represented as a hierarchy, though it was never explicitly meant to treat lower levels as "less than" or higher levels as "better than." Instead, the bottom levels are foundational and build up progressively to higher levels.

Here is the original Bloom's Taxonomy, which goes from knowledge to comprehension to application to analysis to synthesis to evaluation.

More recently, scholars have updated Bloom's Taxonomy
by taking knowledge out of the cognitive domain and making a new knowledge domain with
factual knowledge, conceptual knowledge, procedural knowledge, and metacognitive knowledge.

They have also revised the cognitive domain.

Let's take a look.

The first level is remember, which focuses on the recall or retrieval of information. Students might be able to list the order for classifying organisms, define the symbols on a map, recall how to shoot a free throw, or identify how to search for information online.

The second is understand, which focuses on comprehension rather than just recall. Here students engage in organizing, translating, and generalizing information. Students might summarize the key events in a novel, classify governmental systems given case studies, clarify the steps in playing an instrument, or explain how they solved a problem.

Next is apply, where a student uses the prior knowledge in a new situation. It might involve practicing a skill in a new context. Or students might provide advice given a scenario, use a rhetoric technique in a speech, apply a strategy to a new problem, or carry out a test in a science experiment.

The fourth level is analyze, where students examine and breakdown information. Here, they might identify causes and effects in a historical event or a scientific phenomenon, compare and contrast ideas or ideologies, make inferences, look for trends in mathematical data, or find evidence to support generalizations.

The fifth level is evaluate, where students defend opinions, make judgments and assess information. Students might rank inventions for their impact on history, draw conclusions from an experiment, judge the validity of data, or assess the quality of a theater performance or a work of art.

The sixth and final level is create, where students generate something new based on prior knowledge. It might be a new idea, a new solution, or a new system.

However, there are some criticisms of Bloom's Taxonomy. First, it treats learning as sequential. However, learning isn't always linear. For example, a teacher might start with an evaluation-based question to pique students' interest or do a hands-on application activity.

A second criticism is with the use of a hierarchy. This implies specific levels that are dependent on each other as building blocks. However, learning might be more of a sliding continuum.

Furthermore, Bloom's Taxonomy relies on a clear distinction of categories. However, mental processes are complex, connective, and idiosyncratic making categories seem kind of arbitrary.

Finally, it's outdated. Bloom's Taxonomy is a product of its time – a Cold War USA. This was a solid decade before the first humans landed on the moon. This is why some critics argue that a more accurate model of mental processes should be built on our current understandings of neuroscience.

And yet, for all these criticisms, Bloom's Taxonomy remains prevalent at both the K-12 and higher education levels.

Perhaps Bloom's Taxonomy is less of a learning theory and more of a framework, albeit flawed, that reminds us to incorporate critical thinking in the classroom and take learning to a higher level.
Рекомендации по теме

I always thought after learning about blooms taxonomy that there is something missing, or something does not quite add up, thank God you explained those criticisms on it.


This was excellent! So concise and understandable. I had to study Bloom's Taxonomy when I got my teaching credential. I wish I would have had this video then. It sure would have helped.


Great, concise intro to Bloom's Taxonomy—thanks! I just made a similar video myself, but I wish I had delved more into criticisms. I only touched on the issues with the classic model’s hierarchy.


Marveling in categorizing the taxonomies. I wonder if you provide a detailed video for the application of each category with ample of appreciation


Thank you Dr. Spencer! :) I appreciate your podcast, The Creative Classroom also.


Beautifully and skilfully summarised. Many thanks!


Educational objectives are generally categorized into three domains: cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitudes), and psychomotor (skills) (Bloom et al, 1956).

The cognitive domain of learning encompasses 6 levels. The first level is memorization. The second level is comprehension. The third level is application. The fourth level is analysis. The fifth level is evaluation. And the final level is synthesis or creation (Revised Bloom's Taxonomy, 2001).

The first three are the lower-level or lower-order thinking skills (LOTS). The last three are the higher-level or higher-order thinking skills (HOTS).

It is imperative that pedagogists and curriculum developers balance the right amount of each item on every test. The creation part will be the most difficult and will distinguish the top ranker.

Should 85% of the class attain a satisfactory rating, then the teaching-learning process is considered to be average.

Should the 85% attain superior ratings, then the teaching-learning process is considered to be effective.

Should the 85% attain excellent ratings, then the teaching-learning process is considered exceptional.

The 5% will always be the top performers no matter what type of circumstances arise. They are considered as the first set of outliers and won't be a part of the 85% majority category.

The 5% will always be the worst performers no matter what type of circumstances arise. They are considered the second set of outliers and won't be a part of the 85% majority category.

The remaining 5% accounts for the margin of error in all calculations.


Thank you for making it understandable!!!


"Edutainment Akram Qulandri"
(Entertaining videos of education).
Nice explanation Dear Sir




Excellent explaination. Since i am also an educator, can you kindly share which software is the best to create an animation like this?


Thank you so much, am need of such videos, hats off


a bit confused now...I was thinking of applying this in developing a mobile learning app for a PhD research targeting students (research participants) to measure their learning outcome...if its flawed as u stated, is it any good for this or can a better one be recommended for the above task? Thanks now and in advance...


Excellent job! The video was engaging and informative.


Hi I love this video. Do you know a better approach than Bloom's taxonomy? I mean with more recent data about neuroscience about our learning process


Thank you, this video is informative and really helpful


Perhaps the affective domain should be integrated into both cognitive and motor skills as the mortar that holds together the levels and makes the subjects "real" to a student.


Can you do a video explaining Barrets Taxonomy


Bloom taxonomy is outdated and flawed. Its good points is It's labelling and assessment tool.
