Nikon Z6III: Improved Focus, Epic Video & New Sensor Tech

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The Mini Mini Z9 is finally here. What's new since the Z6II? Same 24mp Resolution, Partially stacked sensor, 6k ProRes Raw and Expeed 7. Great - but the AF module is the same, and how is heat management?

Let me know what you would like tested in a follow up review. I was disappointed to not get full specifications and honestly I don't understand why the info was withheld this time around....?

00:00 Intro
00:27 Welcome
01:03 Autofocus
04:15 Expectations
05:02 Video specs
07:06 Partially Stacked CMOS
08:00 Size and ergonomics
10:03 AF Module
11:23 Screen
12:20 Design Flaws
13:35 Pricing
15:10 Heat Management
16:52 Conclusion

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I'm a stills photographer with a Z8 and am considering a backup body. I've had the Z6II in the past, but was not happy with focusing on action (great for slower moving subjects). I think the Z6III takes care of that issue. I want to thank you for your review! To answer your question about other videos I've watched/will watch they are: Steve Perry, Ricci Talks, The Art of Photography, PetaPixel & Matt Irwin. I'm fortunate to live near a brick and mortar store (Procam near Chicago, IL) where they're hosting a hands on experience with the Z6III in a couple of days


I got tired of waiting through all the delays for releasing the Z6iii so I went ahead with a Z8 purchase. I got the Z8 on a Nikon authorized sale and when the 6iii came in at $2500, I knew I had made the right decision.


Great video, I'm surprised you are the only reviewer that shows the z6iii next to the z8 and z9 for a great size comparison... Exactly what I was looking for! The dog freakout in the intro gave me a good laugh!


Cheers for a good overview, Matty. I binged on videos last night, got to yours and promptly dozed off, out of sheer exhaustion. But, had it bookmarked, and watched it now. Enjoyed your comments, as always, spot-on, very much based on your extensive practical experience.

Regarding recording and overheating, I think this one will do very well at higher resolutions, as it has ~1/2 the resolution of the Z8, so it will take significantly longer to reach similar temperatures. I would imagine, for most jobs, it will do well, provided ambient temperature is on a comfortable level. Anyway, looking forward to your official review once the consumer-version is in your hands. Take it easy, and hello from Melbourne.


Thanks for the preview. Yours was the third video, after PetaPixel (Chris & Jordan) and Ricci.

Almost everything seems to be about what was expected, except for the partially stacked sensor and the increased EVF resolution.

The Z6III at $2500 USD, and the Z8 with rebates to $3500, have ended the Z7 series.


Happy for all the video and hybrid shooters out there. Seems to be a great camera for them. I am curious to see if they continue the Z7 line with more focus on photography. The only thing I want and still miss is a better flash integration, especially a better flash sync speed. It seems like the former leader in flash support (CLS) has totally forgotten about us flash photographers. 1/200th sync speed is worse than with DSLR from 2007 (D3) 😢


my Sony a1 (thus I imagine all sony cameras) also has that same strap lug - card door design flaw.


More cameras should have the fully articulating screen like the a7rv.


Great video. To answer your question I searched for your video on z6iii. You always have a great view of things 👌🏼 lol it’s because of you i have the 200f2 and love it.


I didn't think I'd have as hard of a time deciding which way to go between the Z8 and Z6III. I expected to be all in on the Z6III, but the flip screen of all things is making me reconsider. The card door also made me pause. That's the kind of thing that isn't a big deal, but would annoy me to no end. So, it's not the specs of the camera, but the physical features. Other than that, they really are blurring the lines between these cameras. What's a Z7III going to be?


I do hope that Z5ii (if it ever comes out) keeps tilting screen. If i could choose i would recomend to have the same procesor in all cameras, as well as autofocus (like canon has now), but have slower speed and other stuff. Double SD card is also preferable in that camera as well.


Great review Matt. I always thought of buying another mirror less camera for a backup to my Z9. While my D800 is capable, it’d be nice to have a camera with the same mount and similar AF capabilities.


This camera is every bit as good if not better (due to better video specs) as the Sony A7iv and R6ii. I'll take the Nikon for the CFExpress B card. A is redonkulously overpriced. It's great to be in the market for a new camera these days.


Mines is being delivered today. I can’t wait to get it in my hands.


Thanks, Mat for your prerelease review. I am feeling like while there is an improved AF with this camera it may not be as big as those of us with previous models are hoping for. I have had my Z6II since launch and while it is a nice camera I still feel I can only use my copy outside where there is lots of light. Once I ever try using it inside it tends to struggle to get a good AF lock and the exposure and white balance can be all over the place. I have had Nikon look at it and they say they even replaced the sensor but with no improvements. This forces me to keep using my D750 for about everything as its focus is 100% better and seems to nail all the exposure and white balance better too. It seems to me the Z6 and II were a step back from the D750 in a lot of ways and would love it if you could please when do you a later review to compare to it too. I am sure there must be still plenty of others who still find their D750 to be the better camera but are very much on their last legs (my top card slot just last night doesn't seem to allow a card to stay in properly anymore.).
I would even say that in most situations my Panasonic G7 which is much older will take a better photo than my Z6II especially inside.


Here in the UK £2, 699 is too much for me. Ive ordered a ZF for street and travel photography. Cost £1, 500. I'm sure it will suffice, plus its a beautiful looking camera.


I can't wait been waiting for a Proper D850/D500 replacement for ages


I just heard that they are saying it will record video in any format for two hours and five minutes. Ricci tried to test it for overheating and his fully charged battery ran out at one hour and forty-four minutes with no heat warnings other than warning that his battery might be hot. I can't remember what format he was using.


Thanks Matt, this was my first of the Z6iii videos. I'm an enthusiast only, so I wasn't seriously considering the Z6iii, but I was interested to see if Nikon was going to add another mech shutter-less camera to the line-up. I guess we're not there yet, but this partially stacked sensor is pretty interesting, and I do wonder if any other manufacturers will go that route too.


You need more dogs on set : ) Rocky was awesome.
