A Must Watch For Parents,Coaches and Players in Sport !!!

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Parents: If you have an athlete above the age of 7 in your household, sit them down and make them watch this for 2 minutes and 38 seconds
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I wish I had had a better attitude as a kid and had listened to my coaches more. Now it’s too late for me but it isn’t for my kids and I make an effort to motivate them to be better. Not just in sports. Kids: have fun and work hard to stay humble. Parents: don’t give up on your kids. Ever. I wish you all the best.


Many seniors had to admire youthful exuberance from the bench.


There's a reason this guy has won a dozen national championships. He recruits kids who put the sport and the team first. Chances are, some of those kids don't have boxcar stats, compared to other national-level players. What they do have is a team spirit that comes out in their on-court behavior.


This is dead on 100% accurate. If you play any team sport the fastest way to make sure you lose a game to the other team is to tolerate a team member/player or a few players dissing other team members. Negative star players that are all about me, myself, and I attitude ripping on their teammates destroy the team's morale. There is a reason why they call it a team sport. Having a toxic superstar on your team is not worth the impact and drama it has on the team. If you're not playing as a team don't expect to win when it counts most and when you do it is bittersweet because a few players suck all the glory out of the room to make themselves the center of attention and the star of the show at the expense of everyone else that showed up to make them look good.


Golden words, beautifully expressed, we need leaders who can guide us.. keep up the good work.


My thing is when its high school and lower, you coaches better be informing these kids on why they are not getting playing time and what they need to work on because all you're doing is taking these parents money for the fees.


This is right on the money. It's truly embarrassing to see how far sportsmanship has fallen. "Act like you've been there before" was life. Celebrating makes it seem like it was a big deal, people who are winners are used to the feeling and don't need to act like it's their first time. It's truly embarrassing for the Me me me generation


I coach the same way. No one is above the team what you put in is what you get out that’s how life works.


Thank you for your leadership courage and the straight talk!


He's correct. I've seen it tons of times ... a poor attitude towards training and authority snuffs out any potential to become a good or great player


I played at a just-below top soccer level. Lots of great coaches. One coach kicked a kid off the team who was a very good soccer player but he took his cleats off two minutes before the game ended. The coach asked him why and JL said, "Games over. Obviously I'm not going back in." Coach asked, "How fo you know?" There was a mild arguing by JL and the coach said put your cleats on or you're off the team. JL just quit. Coach was right.

Then again, that arrogance strategy can work in mentally beating opponents- Muhammad Ali, Kobe, Magic, etc


Thank you I’ll sit my best player or players if he or she is gone clown instead playing for love of game and his team mates cause some where on my team or others or wanting to play is kids that are coachable and listen and smile and learn and will play properly


I was wondering why Demarcus Cousins can't get a contract with how good he still can be and I think this is it.


yeah well i have a 14 yr old playing softball she never takes her phone always the first one there outstanding player and because shes better then the coaches kids she gets benched


That's what happened when we allowed show boating and fits of anger. In my Era this was not allowed we where a team their are no individuals players are uniform no ridiculous hair and stupid jewelry we are athletes not in a fashion show


Get this on prime time CNN the integrity of our nation depends on it


I watched Alex (that one from Fenerbahçe and brazil national team) saying to a u20 team a while back that from that group he was the only one that had already succeeded, that had already changed his life playing hahaha


Best words from a coach, thank you for your words of wisdom


My son has a team mate who has the worst body language are shifting clubs next season.


I totally understand his point. The danger here is making yourself the god of body language. Most anyone of a minority culture can understand the frustration of people thinking your demeanor means one thing when it totally means something else. I hope he exercises great humility as he assumes this role of presumptive perception. You know? (It worries me a bit is all)
