NCERT Class 7 Political Science / Polity / Civics Chapter 9: A Shirt in the Market | English | CBSE

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Dr. Manishika Jain explains NCERT Class 7 Political Science Chapter 9: A Shirt in the Market
Case Study of Farmer in Andhra Pradesh – Growing Cotton
Cotton Bolls carry cotton
Bolls don’t burst all at once, it takes several days to harvest
Requires input like pesticides & fertilizers
Borrow money for farm expenses
Repayment of loans
Ginning mill: A factory where seeds are removed from cotton bolls. The cotton is pressed into bales to be sent for spinning into thread.
Trader is a powerful man - Farmers depend on him for loans & to meet other exigencies such as illnesses, children’s school fees
In case of no farm income farmers borrow money for survival
Cloth Market – Erode
Erode’s bi-weekly cloth market in Tamil Nadu is one of the largest cloth markets in the world.
Cloth by weavers is brought for sale
Cloth merchants buy the cloth
Merchants supply it to garment manufacturer or exporter
Weavers take the yarn from traders and bring back finished product from powerlooms
For handouts google "NCERT Class 7 Political Science Chapter 9 Examrace Youtube Lecture Handouts"
Case Study of Farmer in Andhra Pradesh – Growing Cotton @0:24
Ginning Mill @3:08
Cloth Market – Erode @3:44
Benefit for Weavers @4:54
Weavers’ Dependency on Merchants @6:17
Putting Out System @8:06
Weaver Cooperatives @8:37
Garment Factory @9:24
Price of Shirt in USA @11:10
#Merchants #Garment #Production #Cooperatives #Weaver #Dependency #Exigencies #Illnesses #Pesticide #Manishika #Examrace #examrace #upsc #ugcnet
Case Study of Farmer in Andhra Pradesh – Growing Cotton
Cotton Bolls carry cotton
Bolls don’t burst all at once, it takes several days to harvest
Requires input like pesticides & fertilizers
Borrow money for farm expenses
Repayment of loans
Ginning mill: A factory where seeds are removed from cotton bolls. The cotton is pressed into bales to be sent for spinning into thread.
Trader is a powerful man - Farmers depend on him for loans & to meet other exigencies such as illnesses, children’s school fees
In case of no farm income farmers borrow money for survival
Cloth Market – Erode
Erode’s bi-weekly cloth market in Tamil Nadu is one of the largest cloth markets in the world.
Cloth by weavers is brought for sale
Cloth merchants buy the cloth
Merchants supply it to garment manufacturer or exporter
Weavers take the yarn from traders and bring back finished product from powerlooms
For handouts google "NCERT Class 7 Political Science Chapter 9 Examrace Youtube Lecture Handouts"
Case Study of Farmer in Andhra Pradesh – Growing Cotton @0:24
Ginning Mill @3:08
Cloth Market – Erode @3:44
Benefit for Weavers @4:54
Weavers’ Dependency on Merchants @6:17
Putting Out System @8:06
Weaver Cooperatives @8:37
Garment Factory @9:24
Price of Shirt in USA @11:10
#Merchants #Garment #Production #Cooperatives #Weaver #Dependency #Exigencies #Illnesses #Pesticide #Manishika #Examrace #examrace #upsc #ugcnet