NCERT Class 7 Political Science / Polity / Civics Chapter 2: Role of the Government in Health

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13:34 Note Costa Rica is in North America; it has been wrongly typed as South America (ERRATA)
Dr. Manishika Jain explains NCERT Class 7 Political Science Chapter 2: Role of the Government in Health

Right to health as fundamental right but provisioning is unequal
Democracy: Govt. to work for welfare - education, health, employment, housing or development of roads, electricity etc.
• Remain free from illness or injury
• Adequate food
• Clean drinking water
• Pollution free environment
• Without mental stress
• From fitness to wellness
• AYUSH mission
Healthcare in India
• Largest medical colleges in world
• Largest number of doctors
• Medical tourism from many countries
• Pharmaceutical industry is 3rd largest in volume and 14th largest in value
Issues Faced
• TB is the biggest killer
• Malnutrition
• Communicable diseases
• Plight of rural areas
(Refer Upcoming lecture on Rural Health – Kurukshetra July 2017)
Public Health Care System
• Run by government
• Look after health of large number of people
• Mission Indradhanush – Vaccination
• National Health Assurance Mission – free drug and diagnostics & insurance coverage
• Improper healthcare facilities to people
• Rush in OPD (Out Patient Department – people first brought in without being admitted), long queue
• Both Rural and urban areas
• PHC: At village level
• District: District hospital
• Money to run these comes from taxes paid
• Free and low cost services
• Prevent the spread of diseases such as TB, malaria, jaundice, cholera
• According to UNICEF, more than 2 million children die every year in India from preventable infections
• Safeguard the right to life
Private Health Care System
• Doctors have private clinics
• Rural Areas: Registered Medical Practitioners (RMPs)
• Urban Areas: Specialized Services
• Diagnostic services
• Pharmaceutical shops
• Not controlled by the government
• Patient needs to pay more
Healthcare & Equality
• Private sector in healthcare is increasing
• Private sector confined to urban areas
• Services of private sector run by profit
• Private sector has higher cost with expensive medicines
• Incorrect practices by private sector
• Doctors prescribe unnecessary medicines, injections or saline bottles when tablets or simple medicines can suffice
• Only 20% can afford medicines when ill
• 40% admitted patients have to borrow money
• Illness – leads to anxiety and distress for poor mainly the bread earner
• Lack of money – no proper medical treatment
• Tribal areas lack health centers
Resolving Issues
• Responsibility of government
• Equal healthcare to poor and disadvantaged
• Health depends on basic amenities and social conditions of people
• 1996: Kerala gave 40% budget to panchayats – water, food, development and education, anganwadis, healthcare (focus on insufficient beds and doctors)
Costa Rica: healthiest country in South America, maintains no army and uses the budget on health, education and basic needs of people – safe drinking water, sanitation, nutrition and housing
Constitution: duty of the State to raise the level of nutrition and the standard of living and to improve public health

Health @0:57
Healthcare in India @2:25
Issues Faced @4:52
Public Health Care System @5:22
Private Health Care System @8:33
Healthcare & Equality @9:57
Resolving Issues @12:15
Costa Rica @13:30
Constitution @14:29
#Vaccination #Diseases #Malnutrition #Tourism #Provisioning #Adequate #Illness #Manishika #Examrace #Diagnostics #Assurance

For handouts google "NCERT Class 7 Political Science Chapter 2 youtube lecture handouts by examrace" #examrace #upsc #ugcnet
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Mam i love your lecture... Thank you for teaching well my daughter love the way how you teach


I always see your videos mam in history and geography you teach very well mam .🙏👍👏👏🤓🤓


Thankyou mam, today I have a half yearly test. Now it's easy for me . I will put my marks . 😊😊


Nice, I understood the concepts clearly for the exam💗💗💗👌


U have covered those exact chapters which I want and r coming for exams...u r just. Perfect


Thank you 🙏 ma’am
Tomorrow I have social exam and your lecture really helped me 🙂🙂😊


Mam your lecture helped me to learn full chapters in political science before my 7 th class starts thank you mam


Ma'am your explanation is very very very very very very very very very good .


In addition to video, Description below the video is awesome .


Mam no comments ur Explanations 👌👌Tnq for ur valuable information 💐


Thank you for your explanations 🤗❤mam and I will always see your videos😊


Mam I actually loved your lecture 😊😊😍😍👌👌


Thanks for the detailed explanation. Civics often confuses me and because of your channel I have really upgraded. Not just in this subject I have improved in many other subjects as well which is all thanks to you.


Thank you mam for this wonderful explanation...
Me and my friend did a group study and this video was so helpful


Mam I am s. Tamanna. I always see your videos. I got more marks in civies because of you mam. Thanks❤🌹😊 mam


Mam your lecture is amazing I study by my self as I use your videos for my good results. And ya by your English speaking I can speak very good English
Thank you so much🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰


Thank you ma'am for explaining clearly . I understood this chapter better .


I always saw your vedios only of science and S.S.T. because you teach very interesting and cannot be expressed in words.

Mam keep making 😎


Mam u are great 👍
Thanks for teaching us


I really enjoyed this lecture, can you add content of Indian Health care in era of COVID-19 pandemic.
