It’s okay to take ADHD meds!! #shorts #adhd

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I'm not allowed to take ADHD pills cuz my mom doesn't believe in them or something 😀


“We just tried harder”
Look Bethany I’m glad you enjoyed your childhood with an extra side of struggle but that’s not the goal


Started ADHD meds at 52 and it was life changing! Been a moderately successful entrepreneur for 25 years and wish I had not been so stubborn about not taking them. I’m on a very low dose, but it has made a noticeable improvement. Hope this helps someone.


“Think about what you could have accomplished if you had been” is a solid comeback, and a thought that plagues me daily.


My "dad" (never knew him, he backed out shortly after I was born) had ADHD. his mom didn't believe in medication. He struggled with addiction, keeping a job, and didn't graduate high school. My mom knew there was a good chance I'd have it too. When I was 7 I got diagnosed and started taking meds. I graduated high school, went to college, got my masters, and hope to go back for my PhD one day! Huge thanks to my mom who has always been my biggest advocate


Reasons why I'm 39 and haven't been diagnosed yet with ADHD, even though I'm 99% sure i have it. My parents didn't believe in ADHD, medication for ADHD, or going to any kind of therapy. It was always a "well... When, i was kid..." Speech. 🤬


I was tested at 7, had an IEP but as I was told never got a diagnosis to avoid meds because in the 80's in my area it was a bit controversial. I did the try harder thing. I was told I would grow out of it & had my IEP dropped to look better for college.

I failed out of college, spent my 20's getting fired & screwing up. Spent the last 19yrs barely holding on to a grocery job which is a waste of what my brain is capable of. Now I'm 44, finally got to try meds but I'm such a mess I'm not sure they help much. I really wish I could've tried them younger.

I don't understand why older people try to force the hardships of the past on younger people. It's like the "nobody wants to work" POV post pandemic. My elders always pushed to just work harder which only taught companies they could take advantage of employees when younger people not wanting to work for underwhelming pay has actually caused some changes.


When I was your age and had undiagnosed ADHD and no meds it was hard, really really hard and no one should wish that on anyone. Love your videos


Omg lol the “I don’t rlly give shit abt what ur mother did” had so much sass it was so good lol


Yes and that's why we have generational trauma in the family, dad!


Parents wanting their kids to suffer solely because they did themselves are the worst kind of people.


“Cool, I’m so happy that trying harder worked for you. I’m so genuinely glad that you tried harder and got results. I do my absolute best, try as hard as I can, make myself bedridden sick with it, and it still doesn’t work. The drugs work. I’m allowed to cheat at solitaire.”


OK – I am Gen X and was not diagnosed until I was in my graduate program! That is never ever something that I would say to another person with ADHD! ‘Cause if you got ADHD then you know that “tryin’ harder” is what we’re always already doing. Like we wouldn’t think of that. 🙄


I don't see why ppl like this have to see that as a competition like shouldn't U b happy that now there are meds to help ppl??


Seriously when people tell me " well I know someone who knows someone who has seizures and they don't take medicine and can drive"


I always tell those people I’m so happy they were so blessed to have that opportunity to be able to do something like that! Think of all those folks that weren’t so lucky and were nearly lulling themselves doing everything they could to have a reality like that.
Even if it is seen as sad a 17 yo had to pay a mortgage for their parents, the fact they were able to make that happen is amazing. It shows that person had a lot going for them to make it happen.
Remember, even good people will have hard times where nothing but bad seems to happen to them. Cherish the good in your life no matter how bad things may seem.


My mother took it personally and had fears about what it would mean if I recieved a diagnoses when my elementary school teachers suggested I should be evaluated for nuerodivergence. I'm in my 30s and was only diagnosed a couple years ago. Meds have made a drastic difference in my life. I love my mom and know she had no intention of hurting me, but I frequently wonder how different my life would have been if she had gotten me evaluated and I had been able to take medication.


I’m 50, having A LOT of problems because my mom refused to believe in my ADHD too.


I am now 48 and wasnt diagnosed until my 30s. It is more like we just kept getting told to try harder, stop daydreaming, and told we were lazy. In my case I also have Bi polar so my dreams of going to college was dashed really fast as neither were treated, nor diagnosed and my grades could be straight A's one semester and D's and F's the next.


Looking back I showed a lot of signs of adhd, atleast in my mind, but no one ever looked into it. Now at 23 I finally have the meds to help me focus. I still have a few troubles but it makes all the voices go quiet so I can think for more than two seconds
