Driver Finds Baby Crawling Across Busy Lakewood NJ Road, Child Unharmed

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LAKEWOOD, N.J. — A motorist spotted an infant boy crawling across a busy street in New Jersey on Saturday, with the driver stopping in time to bring the child to safety.

Corey Cannon, 43, of Eatontown, got out of his car and secured the child on Joe Parker Road in Lakewood around 6 p.m., then he called 911, police said.

He photographed the stunning scene of the child on all fours, who had just crossed the yellow double line, and shared the image on Facebook.

When officers arrived, Cannon told police that while he was tending to the child, a neighbor came by to pick up the boy and return him home.

Officers found that the infant's parents did not realize he was missing until the neighbor returned the baby to his home.

The parents believed an older sibling may have left a door open, enabling the baby to crawl outside, police said.

"It’s horrible, and it's not the parents' fault because babies do climb out of cribs," Mary Bauer, a resident of Lakewood, told PIX11.

Authorities are investigating the incident with assistance from the New Jersey Department of Child Protection and Permanency.
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