Spinors for Beginners 8: Are the Pauli Matrices also Vectors? (Intro to Spinor Spaces)

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My Tensors for Beginners playlist:
0:00 Introduction
3:07 Vectors
5:08 Dual Vectors
8:34 Tensor Product
11:22 Spinor Spaces
15:00 Sigma as a linear map
19:45 Doubling indices; rank 1/2
20:45 Change of Spinor basis
23:00 Summary
Spinors for Beginners 8: Are the Pauli Matrices also Vectors? (Intro to Spinor Spaces)
Spinors for Beginners 7: Square Root of a Vector (factoring vector into spinors)
Spinors for Beginners 1: Introduction (Overview +Table of Contents for video series)
Spinors for Beginners 3: Polarizations and SU(2) Matrices [and O(3), SO(3), U(2)]
Spinors for Beginners 9: Pauli Spinors vs Weyl Spinors vs Dirac Spinors
Spinors for Beginners 6: Pauli Vectors and Pauli Matrices
Spinors for Beginners 5: The Flagpole and Complex Projective Line (CP1)
Spinors for Beginners 17: The spin 1/2 representations of SU(2) and SL(2,C)
Spinors for Beginners 14: Minimal Left Ideals (and Pacwoman Property)
Spinors for Beginners 2: Jones Vectors and Light Polarization
Spinors Explained | Peter Woit and Lex Fridman
Spinors for Beginners 13: Ideals and Projectors (Idempotents)
Spinors for Beginners 12: How the Spin Group Generalizes Quaternions to any Dimension
Spinors for Beginners 4: Quantum Spin States (Stern-Gerlach Experiment)
Spinors for Beginners 10: SU(2) double covers SO(3) [ SL(2,C) double covers SO+(1,3) ]
Spinors for Beginners 11: What is a Clifford Algebra? (and Geometric, Grassmann, Exterior Algebras)
Spinors for Beginners 19: Tensor Product Representations of su(2) [Clebsch-Gordan coefficients]
Spinors for Beginners 15: Nilpotents, Fermions, and Maximally Isotropic Subspaces
Spinors for Beginners 6.1 - Equivalence of Quaternions, Sigma Matrices, and SU(2)
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