Double Voiding | How to Empty your Bladder Completely? - Dr. Girish Nelivigi | Doctors' Circle

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Dr. Girish Nelivigi | Phone 📞 : +91 70222 09038 / 08048668768 (Online & in-person appointment can be booked online or by call) Consultant Urologist and Andrologist | Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital, Bengaluru, India
I would like to talk on a particular term called double voiding. Many people who go to urologist with some urinary complaints would have got the advice from the urologist to do double voiding. Many children also are advised to do double voiding. Now what is double voiding? Double voiding is emptying the bladder, waiting for some time a few minutes after that and going to the toilet and emptying the bladder again. This advice is given by the urologist whenever he feels that on first voiding the bladder is not emptied. The important thing in avoiding infection and to avoid kidney damage in the long term is to keep the bladder empty. That is the reason why double voiding is advised to ensure near empty bladder all the time. Now the question arises why should the bladder not empty when you go to the toilet the first time? There are many reasons there could be problem with the urinary bladder because it is not contracting well. There could be problem with the outlet that is the passage which conducts urine from the bladder to outside. There could be a problem with that or there could be some neurological problems which results in decreased bladder contractions or there could be some obstruction because of other reasons which can result in incomplete evacuation. So the urologist will evaluate all these conditions and advise double voiding.

Double voiding urine | Double voiding technique | Complete Bladder Emptying | Post void dribbling | Overactive Bladder | Empty your bladder twice

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My problem urine flow boute bladder not empty 2 months mebragone 50 mg silodal 8 mg used not working
