The Secret To Starting Over | Danyell (Danny-J) Johnson | TEDxWaterStreet

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I’m filing for divorce tomorrow and I really needed this pick me up. I’m very scared to start over, but I hope I can become more resilient like you. Thank you.


Guys; know that you are doing great! Everything is falling into place for you very soon! This is the best time to head in that direction which you were always meant to go. Everything up til now happened for a great Devine reason! You are EXACTLY right where you are supposed to be at this moment in your life!!! With that said, you are now about to reap the benefits of your tremendous wisdom gained from all these experiences. Start that workout regimen! Get the wheels moving to start that business that you’ve always had in the back of your head. Today begins the first day of the best of your life! You’re gonna do this! 💪😎👍STAY STRONG !!!

FYI, I’m 51 and ready to get back in shape (like I was in My 20s)and make my 50s the best decade of my life!


This video was on my recommended, right on my home page. And after watching I know it was for a reason. When I was much younger i found myself in the same situation of wanting to take my own life, I felt so alone and I had no one. I lived like this for years. My mom kicked me out when I turned 20. Since then I have started over countless times. Moving into a new state, moving across country, moving on after a breakup, a new job or career..some by choice and some by force. Each time learning so much about the world, myself. Evolving into a new woman each time. But the biggest thing I ever did was also hug that young girl who was so hurt and alone growing up, I started taking care of her because she will always be a part of me and it’s not easy to grieve the way we need to. But it’s necessary. Thank you for referencing that part .. as well as a Man’s Search for Meaning, one of my favorites books I read back in December. Truly life changing. And for what it’s worth .. me (a totally stranger)… I am proud of you too. 💕

And at this moment in my life I know I need to make the choice to start fresh. Each moment is a new moment to be who you want to be. Thank you for your Ted Talk!


Thank YOU! had many losses too. Starting at a young age. (loss of innocence, health, learning, the feeling of being unsafe, alone, then career (16 layoffs), dealing with autoimmune issues. (fatigue, some dizziness, unfocused energy) and a relationship that is draining without a way out) Gifts: research, finding knowledge, relearning a new way to learn, owning my own home at 27, listening, and learning from over 500 amazing teachers in self-development and wellness areas. Today, Dealing with the passing of both parents from COVID-19 and working on closing up the estate. Plus, had to stop my career for 5 years. Now, having challenges to restart. I am fatigued a lot. I am being pulled to restart a job that pays low $ while my inner mind and soul is crying out to share my experiences and start something that matters. I have to find a way to focus. YES< I was told that while I was caretaking my parents and then dealing with their deaths while my own house was in legal attack all of my life it is a GIFT. Still dealing with it.


This was good. Hopefully she makes another video explaining how she went about doing thre do over. More on the mindset, the roadblocks, the people who helped along the way, etc. I am interested to hear more.


I always marvel how people like Danyell overcome their life's challenges and then share their story to inform and inspire others!


Destiny is the situation that life brings to you.. and the reward is your reaction towards it. ❤️


I truly was blown away by how much adversity you have faced. I saved this video to help/inspire me in these times that we are in currently. Change is upon us all, what will we do is the question.


Very inspiring here forced to start over for health reasons and it’s my 1st do over at 28 so much went downhill so fast but I’m practicing pace and being easy on myself to get through my days


Love your story. I am so encouraged, "The Do Over". Thank You for sharing your story.


Lots of tears coming down as I watch this …


God always has a way of speaking to me, and this is one of it. Last night was out of this world... I really needed to hear this now. Thank you Danny-J


Thank I forgave my birth mother the moment i heard this.. all my life I hated her for giving me away..


Very True. Often one tends to catastrophize by impulsively using words in a careless manner without's so important not only to use words consciously to others but also appropriately to.our own self to help us not to be too hard too harsh and demanding too much perfection from one self. Each one of us needs to be kind first to ourselves and our needs and also respond kindly and mindfully to the external world in our interactions with fellow humans. Tks🙏


Incredible doesn't even cover the breadth of this talk. So many can benefit from her message. So vulnerable, so real, so


Really really needed to see this today


This is such a great Ted talk. Thank you so much for sharing your story because I resonate so much with starting over. I have started my life from scratch multiple times in in different countries and even now I’m starting over in a new country with a new job. But I got a courage from you. Thank you 🙏


This was powerful. Thank you so much for being strong enough to be vulnerable and share .


Wow what a beautiful message! Danny j you are amazing! You are so strong! I am so happy you had this insight! Xoxo


DannyJ, it’s an honor knowing you and calling you a friend. Your framework for the do-over is so powerful and your story so amazing. Thank you.
