Why Duality and Nonduality are the Same ~ Questions & Answers with Shunyamurti

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Are we living in a dying world? Or is a luminous intelligence beyond our grasp dreaming us all? By deleting the belief in an ego and its environment, the true nature of reality is revealed. There is neither duality nor nonduality, yet also both. That is the strange solution to the problem of the suffering world.

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[To All Who Listen to Shunyamurti’s Teachings: Thank you all for your serious consideration of these ideas, which are intended to help you live a more coherent, peaceful, creative, compassionate, and productive life, and to be of service to the welfare of our world. We understand that our approach to existential concerns is not for everyone. We honor your right to disagree with these ideas and to stop listening if you do not like them. We gladly post comments with disagreements, if they are stated in a positive and mature manner, that allows civilized discourse about your own contrary ideas, and which may spark further useful and profound thought about the important issues that the teachings raise. If there are sincere questions about the teachings, or misunderstandings that can be clarified, Shunyamurti is always ready and willing to respond with helpful elaborations and even to cite texts and other authors whose writings may be of assistance to serious seekers. But comments that are simply angry and insulting, immature and unreasonable, will be removed because they undermine the educational and inspirational purpose of this project. Those who have questions that are more personal should write us in a private email and one of the teachers in our wisdom school will respond in the same way, or if the question is a very subtle or difficult one and requires a response from Shunyamurti, we will forward it to him on your behalf, and when he can, he will respond personally. By the way, we want to clarify that these teachings are new, they are not simply a repetition of old traditional teachings, but integrate current thought in the sciences, psychology, cultural studies, and philosophy. Shunyamurti speaks from his own realizations and deep clinical experience as a healer.]

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WOW! Shunyamurti's words on quantum observation/collapse just triggered a knowing. ..the energy starts to vibrate through my body.This has been coming up within my consciousness and from other sources ❤


Getting there Shunya. A speedy retreat to my true self solves all problems. I will not as you have put before drown in a puddle of fear. Love you much. Namaste❤❤😂


bless you all =)😋
In Hindu esotericism, influenced by Buddhist philosophy, the idea of duality and nonduality being the same can be explored through the concepts of Maya and Advaita.

Maya is the illusionary aspect of existence, where the world appears dualistic and filled with apparent distinctions. It is the play of the mind that creates a sense of separateness, reinforcing the idea of "I" and "other." Maya perpetuates the cycle of suffering and attachment. However, behind the veil of Maya lies the deeper truth of nonduality.

Advaita, meaning "non-duality" in Sanskrit, is the philosophical principle that emphasizes the ultimate unity of all things. It asserts that the true nature of reality is non-dualistic and that the apparent divisions are illusory. According to Advaita Vedanta, the individual self (Jiva) and the universal consciousness (Brahman) are ultimately one and the same.

From the Buddha mind perspective, the understanding of duality and nonduality as the same arises through the recognition of the illusory nature of phenomena. The Buddha taught that all things are impermanent and devoid of inherent existence. By penetrating the illusion of duality, one can realize the fundamental unity that underlies all manifestations.

In Hindu esotericism, the goal is to transcend the illusory nature of duality, represented by Maya, and realize the underlying nondual reality, represented by Advaita. Through meditation, self-inquiry, and spiritual practices, one seeks to transcend the dualistic perception of reality and directly experience the unity of all existence.

The Buddha mind in Hindu esotericism emphasizes the importance of recognizing the illusory nature of duality, understanding that it is ultimately an expression of the same underlying unity. By transcending duality and embracing nonduality, individuals can attain liberation (moksha) and experience the profound realization of their interconnectedness with all of existence.


Excellent. We are not in the world; the world is in us.

We can readily verify this in our daily experience: no matter how many objects are observed, the limitless subject-witness is never exhausted.


He’s the one of very few who really understand the Observer effect that reality renders by observation. Tom Campbell is another.


Beautifully said
Thank You Shunyamurti ❤


Hello. With the collapsed wave being what we call stillness, or flatlining. Being dead whilst in the same moment being alive. Best wishes.


Namaste: At dawn's first looking. "And God looked, and it was Good." This first looking, also denotes God's fundamental nature, which is One of Infinite, Absolute Goodness. Blessings and Kind Regards to all Sat Yoga Lamplighters


Well, because there were people here that heard when a tree fell in the past, it will make a sound anyway, (but not heard by anyone if no one is here). How about that? We know it's definitely an auditory experience. And that the five senses are needed to experience this reality.
And speaking of our Awareness when we are we aren't looking at digestion, yet its happening. All the systems are working WITHOUT OUR FOCUSED ATTENTION. Think about that one. (The microcosm).


The consciousness of infinity, is outside of finite realms. We are the universe experiencing itself, only we are not that. That is just what we are called.


Yes professor 👩‍🏫……it was kind of a shock !! Since kid I had this perception about infinity, even at the elementary school I brought this subject……and I was ridiculized 😂😂😂…..I did all by my self without guidance, it emerged by itself……yep …..damn ….I wished to be guided, so I could avoid the psychological trouble 😂😂😂


I think the catch here is that humans are not the only 'ones'—an animal such as a badger is 'someone, ' as far as legitimating the sound of a fallen tree is concerned.


I don't know quite what to think about this topic due to experience. When I was just a little older than a teenager I met someone who seemed to be quietly meditating but when I looked in their eyes it was like a scene from creation it stunned me and I always thought it was just consciousness seeing consciousness and the creation is that not separate from that? That person then gave me a white wolf t-shirt so I guess it's just a native American understanding....I still have the t-shirt lol.


Peut-on dire dans une certaine perspective,
qu'"en vérité, il n'y a rien, ni personne et il ne s'est jamais rien passé" ?


Although I agree with the position that the quantuum wave function probably operates on macro as well, I would refrain from refering to physics to support the claim since it would be a misrepresenation of the field of quantuum mechanics to claim this is consensus knowledge.


A tree fell near my house. No one saw it, no one heard it. Yet it fell. A collapsed quantum tree?


How many must accept responsibility however since we are many and we as a collective co create this world ? Or is that another ego illusion too ? Are we just one or are we many ? And if we are just one can the world switch instantly if only one person truly awakens and accepts responsibility to let go of that belief for all ? Because it is quite unlikely for every and each one to do so simultaneously as separate infividuals, no ?


Upon complete realization, there is no world "reborn", not even a heavenly one.

I agree with all of Shunyamurti's teaching, but what he is talking about isn't the conclusion of Samsara. He always concludes his stories with the rebirth of a new heavenly realm. This sounds great, however it is fundamentally more Samsara.

I don't get it. Well maybe I do. I say the same things S. says (far less eloquently) but my story concludes. His doesn't.

This is a large reason why I have so few followers. People don't want full liberation, they want more story/game. Even the seriously spiritual ones.


There is no free will and choice...that is non duality, there is only what is/ not two. So you can't let go or release and there is no soul, that is duality and a story.


consciousness doesn't manifest, it modulates.
