An Introduction To Non-Duality

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An introduction to Non-Duality by Rupert Spira. Non-duality is a contemporary, experiential approach to understanding the nature of reality and the self, involving silent meditation, guided meditation and conversation. It requires no affiliation to any religious or spiritual tradition, only an interest in the nature of experience, and the longing for love, peace and happiness.


You can watch or listen to 1000s of hours of teachings, guided meditations and answers in Rupert's full video archive here:


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Rupert holds regular retreats, roughly once per month, either in-person or online. Many in-person retreats can also be attended from the comfort of your home via livestream.




Rupert's webinars take place on Wednesday evenings, from 4pm UK time. In the first twenty to thirty minutes, Rupert leads a spontaneous meditation. The remaining time is open for attendees to discuss their questions with Rupert.



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Rupert and Adyashanti are my favorite for description and philosophy and Loch Kelly is the one who gave me a way to directly glimpse, realize and live from non-dual true nature. Thanks.


I've met R. Spira this week and I am really impressed. Thanks you! Thank you! 🙏🏻 I'd like to say something about pain.

The state before a toothache and after a toothache is the same. This is a "normal" sate of not being aware because we usually take everything for granted. But when the pain is reliefed we feel very greatfull and very happy imediatly! "Wow! How wonderfull is everything without that toothache! Thanks lord!". And we smile like a little child. This state of awareness and joy was also presente before the toothache but the pain brought back this consciousness of "wow"! We should not need any aches to be thankfull.


This probably the best camera quality I’ve ever seen in my life goddamn


Non Duality is the goal, this is a great video


This is all fine and dandy, Rupert, when you have enough to eat, a roof over your head, a warm clean clothes, a dry bed, reasonable health, no chronic pain, not having seen you children been blown apart by a scatter bomb. When we are not living on a rubbish heap somewhere in India but living in a semidetached in the suberbs of London - happiness is accessible. And I agree with you that this reality is nothing more than a 'dream in the mind of God' . We are all the one consciousness - agreed. I am Jane dreaming of Mary living London - agreed. .But.. and this is a big 'but'... dreams can be very vivid and although the dream may not be real, the experience itself of being tortures, of chronic pain, hunger, of loss, etc. IS very real indeed. Our essential reality is non-dual but we are presently experiencing this illusion and we shall not escape it until we physically die... and maybe not even then... 'Perchance to dream...aye, there's the rub!'


I went on a course for this, it was spread over 2 weekends.


Eckhart Tolle and Rupert Spira have showed me who and what I really am. Much love !!


This is the most serious trip report I've ever seen


I've said it before, I'm sure I'll say it again, but it is crazy how Mr. Rupert has really come up with such a clear and contemporary way of talking about the human experience of reality all the great Saints, Sages, Mystics and so on seem to have tried to talk about. I, of course, am pretty much completely entangled in thoughts, feelings, sensations and perceptions. At least I get it intellectually. lol!


here's what I think about,
as I watch this video...

there's a very specific person,
in reality,
like all my "situation-ships" of the past,
this person is really nothing to me.
in reality, we are really nothing
to each other...

BUT (HUGE BUT, here...)

we both provide each other with the illusion and fantasy
of love and friendship,

and I hold on, for dear life, to this illusion and fantasy.
because I've never ever, had true love or a real friend before...

and as of recent,
this illusion and fantasy
is starting to crumble and disintegrate,
and I can't let it.
I just can't.
without it, I have nothing.
without it, I'd metaphorically and literally die...


"Awareness cannot exist with duality, and mind cannot exist without duality. Awareness is non-dual, and mind is dual.
If you go outwards you will move into the world of duality. If you go inwards you will move into the world of non-duality; you will become non-polar.
Enlightenment is the realization of the non-dual.
When there is I, it creates thou. When there is I it creates duality, and all is lost in duality. When there is no I, then there is non-duality. Then you are one with existence, utterly one. Then you are nothing but a pulsation of existence itself, just a ripple in the lake of this infinite consciousness.
If you are divided in two, into man and woman, negative/ positive, darkness/light, mind/heart, thought/feeling — if you are divided in two, your energy will be going downward. Division is the way of the downward. When you are undivided, one, you start moving upward. To be one is to move upward, to be two is to move downward. Duality is the way to hell, non-duality is the way to heaven.
These are the two planes of humanity: duality, the plane of duality, what Hindus call DWAITA, the plane of two; and non-duality, the plane of one, the plane of the non-dual. When you are divided you are in this world; when you are undivided, you have transcended — you are no longer here, you have penetrated into the Beyond. Then boundaries meet and the boundaries meet in you. So the whole effort is how to become undivided, how to become one.
This has to be the criterion whether you have reached the goal or not. If there is still something as its polar opposite, you have not reached; you are still in the duality. One can move from one duality to another duality; it does not make any change. One has to move from duality to non-duality, because non-duality is the ultimate. The ultimate has no opposite to it. It is the final synthesis where all opposites have melted into one, when male and female have melted into one.
REMEMBER, when we use the word ‘oneness’, that too is part of duality. If there is no duality how can there be oneness? That’s why Hindus never use ‘oneness’. If you ask Shankara, “What is the nature of existence?” he says, “Non-dual, ADVAITA, not two.” He will never say one, because how can you say one? If there is only one, how can you say one? One needs two to be meaningful. If there is no possibility of the second, of the two, then what is the use of saying that it is one? Shankara says, “At the most, I can say not two, but I cannot say positively one. I can say what the reality is not: it is not two. I cannot say what it is, because meaning, words, all become useless.”
Enlightenment simply means you disappear, you become the whole. There is no question of separation or no separation. There is no question of oneness, because even the word `oneness’ hides behind it twoness. What do you mean when you say oneness? — you mean twoness. The mystics have avoided using the word `oneness’, but you cannot. In the very nature of intellectual understanding you can go a little roundabout — and that’s what people like Shankara have done. They talk about non-duality, no-twoness; they don’t talk about oneness. They want to indicate oneness, but they don’t want to use the word `oneness’ because oneness points towards twoness.
Enlightenment means the point from where you take a jump into the non-dual. Before that point is duality. Everything is divided.
Language creates duality, language exists through duality. It cannot indicate the non-dual. If I say ‘day’, immediately I create night. If I say ‘life’, immediately I create death. If I say ‘good’, immediately bad is created. If I say ‘no’, just by the side of the no, yes is existing. Language can exist only through the opposite. That’s why we see life as always divided — God and devil. Drop language, drop this linguistic pattern. Once language is no more on your mind and you look directly into reality, day IS night. Suddenly you will start laughing at why you missed it so long! Day, every day turns into night; night turns into day every morning again, and you have been missing. Life is always turning into death, death always turns again into life, and you have been missing. They are not two, they are one whole. This is the non-dual, ADWAITA. This is the most essential religion."


Love Rupert! Unrelated, but what camera was used to shoot this? Looks wonderful!


Wa ur video quality leh like high class sia.


🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 Thank you for your understanding and bringing it in a simple and profound way.


6 minutes of pure blissful words. May we all realize our true nature.


My dear friend my heart shines every time I hear you.


ask these two questions:

are my thoughts useful?
how do they behave?


Rupert and Bernardo Kastrup have been so important for me to gain deeper understanding of Non-duality and myself.


What a crazy time to be alive that this lovely teaching is finding so many voices through which to express itself. It's up to us now


We are essentially happiness/peace itself? That does not sound non-dualistic at all. Happiness and peace could not be experienced without the experience of unhappiness and anxiety/chaos.
Rupert, you radiate peace. Tell me, would you say that we are in some sort of dualistic virtual reality of which we need to become aware of? Is that what you mean? If so, I do not understand why this reality has to be like this. Why is there a such an amount of suffering and brutal behaviour (energy exchange) needed in nature for evolution of consciousness? Why does it seem such a challenge to thrive as humanity? Can you practically prove that we are essentially non- dualistic and that our true consciousness is at peace/happiness/love? I mean, if you are right, how do we teach our children without them having to experience suffering first?

You words really calm and energise me at the same time, and they bring up a lot of questions as well. Or are these questions a result of my non-understanding of Non-duality?
