Why is everyone talking about Tailwind?

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What the hell is going on with TailwindCSS???
#tailwindcss #webdevelopment

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@Fireship said something important yesterday. “if you wanna use tailwind use it, if you don’t wanna use it don’t use it. Nobody cares, literally nobody cares”💯


I was extremely anti-tailwind because I was burned by my experience with Bootstrap, I tried it once just to see what the hype was all about and it feels like I can't live without it now. I can style a beautiful looking website super quickly. I wouldn't have the speed I have now without tailwind, especially when it comes to spacing


Tailwind is like Typescript, once you try it you’ll never go back.


It's literally made me enjoy the styling part of my projects. I'm not even going to mention how much I disliked it prior, can't type all of it out.


The influence of a single Fireship video is insane


The thing I like about tailwind is that I can jump into any of existing project and get going right away


Native Android dev here. Only knows basic css. Tried tailwind once, never going back.


There is a vscode extension to hide class attributes : inline fold !


"the hate comes from an aversion to the syntax more than anything." - Tailwind and PHP defenders.


Fireship editors are a tad bit faster 😞


I am a web dev who also worked with Flutter as a hobby. I just love the idea of designing UI with "components" and describing these components "in your code". Using Tailwind with a library like React is closest to that style. It lets you refactor/change your code fearlessly, makes it easy to understand and reason, makes it easier to adapt to a project which you join in the middle. HTML is created for document management and designing complex UIs with it was not in mind. IMHO using raw HTML and CSS is a bad way to design any kind of UI.


I was another person that didn't see the benefit of Tailwind at first. If I was going to write CSS anyway, I don't want it in mixed in with all my JSX. Putting styles in my jsx files was seen as a horrible, ugly, nasty practice that made an already convoluted system even more convoluted. After doing absurd amounts of (s)css, I decided to make the plunge and will never look back.

I'm glad to have the knowledge and experience of messing around with pure css styles, but the guided nature of Tailwind cannot be beat. I think one of the great things about it is that you can do anything, and there are tons of classes already built in to create just about any UI you want without anything custom—in other words, it's not railroaded. I call it "guided" because while it has out-of-the-box limitations, what you can already do is vast and it fulfills the primary goal of getting you out of the weeds of minor details like rem vs px vs ch or 1rem vs 1.1rem vs 1.15rem. Anything like theming you can just extend Tailwind to override or include in a variety of ways without needing to leave its system. You can even @apply Tailwind classes into your own class definitions so there's the absolutely bare minimum custom CSS required. (This also means being able to create your own utility classes with ease.)

As an idiot who doesn't know design and needs to reference as much material as he can, something I find particularly useful is that a lot of websites use Tailwind—of which all you need to do is inspect the DOM and you see just about all there is to see about the styling in the element class—and the larger headless UI frameworks out there have Tailwind-styled examples available. While the speed of implementation is one thing, the real benefit to me is how incredibly easy it is to understand what's going on and make the necessary changes for my own app.

One problem that the dev community tackles all the time but there are always a significant amount of people still finding their way is the idea of "readability". Simply, the idea that you can sit down with code you've never seen before and quickly pick up what's happening; furthermore to the point that you can quickly, effectively, and confidently change that code. Some people don't value it, upfront, but I think that all of us except the most technically-inclined tend to gravitate towards systems that are less obtuse. Though that's only after the initial pain of getting bludgeoned with blunt frameworks. I think we often need to be that kid that touches the hot stove even though people who know better tell us not to. Only after we understand the pain of certain things do we seek out and appreciate the solutions that ease or avoid that pain. That's not to say that Tailwind is that solution for everyone, but it sure is for me.

Anyway, that's just my two cents. I'm definitely not the right person to talk about all the technical benefits of Tailwind since I'm a pretty garbage dev and an even more garbage designer, but I'm glad for channels like this that helped push me in the direction of giving it an honest go. Knowing Tailwind is not a replacement for knowing raw CSS, but it's certainly a boon.


My main joy of web development comes from prototyping UI. The easier I can prototype and get the result I want the better. Tailwind was such a breeze when I tried it. It was THE easiest solution for building UI I have tried in 9 years. And in my opinion it is a way better approach than CSS-in-JS. After installing Tailwind extensions in VSCode and trying out the Dev Experience with Tailwind I am gonna fight a man to keep Tailwind in the project


I thought everyone is talking about Tailwind because Fireship made a video about it


Wow, video quality is amazing. Good job, Theo!


If you don’t like Tailwind in your HTML, you can still create classes and IDs and use @apply in the css file to use tailwind there with all the benefits. It also has the added benefit of making your css file more readable by putting all the styling for that element on one line.


When I see Tailwind I think "this is for people who wish inline style was the norm"


"Yall gonna think i am gonna miss the oppurtunity to jump no tailwind drama? come onnn..." - Classic Theo


Hey man, this is one of my favourite videos of yours! I felt calmed by your yogic-level of calm here. Very wise take my friend! I've always been on the fence with Tailwind. Thank you for a great, informative take on the matter.


I like Tailwind with DaisyUI.
However, I think we need something more like DaisyUI because the default themes in DaisyUI isn’t so nice for enterprise apps IMO