10 Frugal Living Hacks to SURVIVE High Cost of Living Areas

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Living a frugal life in a high cost of living area isn't impossible, it's actually a necessity. Here are 10 frugal hacks for high cost of living areas.

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00:00 Start Here
00:54 Live In A Central Location…Even If It’s (Slightly) More Expensive
02:10 Concentrate Fun Spending On The Weekends And With Others
03:22 Do Things, But Don’t Go All Out
04:29 Embrace Free Things Going On
05:09 Always Leave Your House With A Full Stomach And A Water Bottle
05:48 Buy More Experiences And Less Stuff
06:22 Find The Cheaper Options
07:15 Don’t Become A Yuppie
08:16 Get The Cheaper Things When You Leave Your Area
09:05 Track And Stay On Top of Your Expenses

It is not only possible to be frugal in a high cost of living area, but it is a necessity. Unless you are making a huge amount of money, in order to survive a high cost of living area you must develop frugal habits. In this video, I share 10 frugal living hacks for high cost of living areas.

1. Live In A Central Location…Even If It’s (Slightly) More Expensive

A huge thing that drives up the cost of living is car ownership. When you live in a car dependent area, you spend more money on parking, gas, and wear and tear. One frugal living hack is to choose to live in an area that is in a central location where you do not have to depend on a car. Even if it's slightly more expensive, if you can walk more, you can save a lot of money.

2. Concentrate Fun Spending On The Weekends And With Others

We often spend money throughout the week on things like eating out, coffee, and convenience, but if you save your money throughout the week on those things, you will have more money to spend on fun things on the weekends without going over budget.

3. Do Things, But Don’t Go All Out

Being frugal is simply about being intentional. When you live in a high cost of living area, there are more things to spend your money on. If you are just intentional with your spending and go the frugal route and find the cheaper options, you can save money while still enjoying things.

4. Embrace Free Things Going On

Generally, high cost of living areas are more dense, which means that there is more free stuff going on. If you embrace free things going on throughout the area, you can fill you day without spending too much.

5. Always Leave Your House With A Full Stomach And A Water Bottle

Being frugal is about making sure you don't spend money when you don't have to. One simple hack is simply whenever you leave your house, make sure you have a full stomach and a water bottle. This can allow you to seek convenience and spend money on these things.

6. Buy More Experiences And Less Stuff

For most people on normal salaries, you have to prioritize what you want in life. I believe in spending more money on experiences and less on stuff. If you make that compromise, you can avoid going over budget.

7. Find The Cheaper Options

Many people think that what makes an area expensive is simply rent; however, other huge factors are where you shop, eat, and do activities. Cheaper alternatives are around and if you do research you can find cheaper options to save money.

8. Don’t Become A Yuppie

A Yuppie is a young urban professional that is often very materialistic and keeps up with the latest trends. In high cost of living areas, there are many Yuppies. Avoid becoming a Yuppie in order to save money.

9. Get The Cheaper Things When You Leave Your Area

Oftentimes when you live in a high cost of living area, prices are inflated like gas. Whenever you leave your area, run your errands to get the cheaper options.

10. Track And Stay On Top of Your Expenses

When you live in a high cost of living area, it is very easy to overspend and go over budget. It is important to track and stay on top of all your expenses on a spreadsheet in order to not go over budget.

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Success depends on the actions or steps you take to achieve it. Building wealth involves developing good habits like regularly putting money away in intervals for solid investments. Financial management is a crucial topic that most tend to shy away from, and ends up haunting them in the near future.., I pray that anyone who reads this will be successful in life!!


Thank you for this! I also just moved to an inner city region and I’m trying not to freak out about how much my expenses have increased!


I live in a high cost area (Greater Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada). We have a great public transit system, have tons of free things to do and have lots of choices on grocery stores to find the best deals. I share the cost of a 2 bedroom, 2 bath with large balcony, heat included and have been a long term tenant (living below market rent). There is a zero vacancy rate in this area. I also save money on going to the theatre by sitting in balcony or travelling off season or by purchasing a city attractions pass. One thing I do if I want to visit an amazing beautiful area, I eat before I go, take a travel water bottle, see when there is a local free festival and treat myself to a planned gelato. I live below my means and have a high savings rate. I have also reached the $100K + savings goal even though I am on a fixed disability income. I also belong to local share freely and buy nothing social media groups.


Great advice. I recently moved to Warsaw (the capital of Poland). When my family found out how much I was paying for rent, they were shocked😂, but thanks to the location, I got rid of my car, I walk everywhere and I use free city bikes.


I splurged on my bicycles, bike riding on the beaches of Florida are my ultimate experience
, I don't even go on vacations...


I watching from Johannesburg, SOUTH AFRICA🇿🇦. There is so much waste that you guys in the STATE DO. That, sometime I seat here watching all frugal contents and thinking to myself. This people really know how to enslave themselves.

While you guys calling FRUGAL for us its just normal thing.

Like coffee you guys make such a big thing to make your own coffee. Here we all drink instant coffee pour coffee, sugar, milk and hot water from the kettle and we are good.

We don't own those big coffee machine the trouble to clean, by refil paper bean. That, its for coffee shops not any other home.

I go the all week without buying anything. As normal.

Here only those who are really rich they have that wastage life.

Thanks Al Agustin for the content and growing steadily your channel.


Using cash rather than credit cards saves a lot of money too.


Also I only thrift my clothes and don’t buy any clothes unless I absolutely need them. It’s almost been a year since I’ve purchased any 😊


We're living in a pricey area now and moving to a cheaper area. My husband rides the train into the big city where he works. I started a new job. After the training, my drive will be about 10 miles each way (max). I do hang my laundry because my development is more affordable and therefore no HOA. You got a hair cut! I never buy water. God gives it to us for free. Fill a cup and drink it. We have numerous parks we can have picnics in. My phone is a Motorola G phone...very affordable.


Wow I really love the idea of not spending during the week, and then spending on the weekends. Thank you so much.


Shopping around is so important! Once I found the right combo of grocery stores, I was able to cut my food budget by 30%. Agree that frugality is also intentionality. Thanks a lot, Austin!


I learned to be frugal from my grandparents who went through the Great Depression. Living with them I saw the profound effect it had on them. Grandma was frugal to the point that when she opened her wallet George and Abe were wearing sunglasses 'cause it's been so long since they saw the light. Clothes were repaired, socks were darned, buttons and zippers were saved and reused, She use the same wax paper and brown bag for her lunch at work everyday until they wore out. She bought whole chickens and cut them up as it was cheaper than pre-cut chicken. They rarely ate out (twice a year maybe). You get the picture and I am happy to apply all this and make do, make it last and repurpose thing. The money I saved and invested led to an early retirement. It's amazing what you can do with the frugal life. Oh, if you are a saver and investor do not pair up with a big spender. It will not work out.


Almost at 100k subs, this shows the quality of your content! Each of your videos has brought me such value in terms of education on personal finance. Keep on being a success Agustin! 😊


High prices for everything have severely affected my plan. I'm concerned if people who went through the 2008 financial crisis had an easier time than I am having now. The stock market is worrying me as my income has decreased, and I fear I won't have enough savings for retirement since I can't contribute as much as before.


I track every penny I spend and I've done that for years. It means that I get the most value for my money. If I buy "fast food' or something to eat out, it's a planned purchase. I always have water in my 2007 vehicle. I plan to keep the vehicle as long as I can get parts for it. My cell phone is 2 years old and was much less expensive new than many cell phones are. I plan to keep it for 3-4 more years and maybe longer. My life is far better than what my income indicates it would be because I know how to get the maximum value for me from my money.


“Enjoying all the modern luxuries”… shows a McDonald’s meal 😂😂😂


i helped get an outdoor gym in our village so I use that, gyms are so expensive and they are a bit boring


Living in a HCOL city isn't nearly as expensive as people make it out to be. Your frugal living suggestions are on point.


Always buy used or repurposed! Good for your budget and good for environment😊


Keep them coming, remind us from time to time.
