Fallout 4: Why the Institute is Really Evil, Bad and Dumb #PumaThoughts

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Hey guys, so I've wanted to make a video discussing my thoughts on the Institute for a while now. While I've made previous videos on synths and stuff, I haven't really ever discussed my thoughts on what I think Fallout 4's Insitute is Really Evil, bad and kinda dumb.
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Not even the Think Tank were crazy or dumb enough to do the whole "Let's create superior beings, treat them like dirt, and make it so they outnumber us 20-1" thing.


The institute makes no sense, what the hell is their plan? What are they trying to accomplish? They keep saying that synths are the future of humanity; HOW? If the institute were planning to replace all of humanity with a race of super powerful near immortal synths then it would make sense to call that the future of humanity. Instead the institute sees the synths as just really fancy robots, they're no more the future of humanity then a mister gutsy. Synths are a lot better at infiltrating and destabilizing the societies of the surface, but again, to what end? They don't seem to be working towards any kind of goal, just sowing chaos for the sake of it.


The Institute, creates synth people, build thier lab underground without a door and created a teleportation system
*creates one of the worst weapons in the hole game*


I thought that the Institute doesn't actually "transfer" consciousness, but merely mimic it and give it to something else. Therefore, if you were to kill, say, Piper, and create a Piper synth, it wouldn't actually be Piper, it'd just be a synth that thinks it's Piper.


Benefits of siding with the Institute: Teleportation, Free health care, slick x01 paint job, and Elder Maxons Power Armor.


The consciousness is copied onto the synth, not transferred. You would remain the fleshbag you are and their would just be a synth copy. Even with a constant backup of your mind, your death is still your death and you would just have a copy of your thoughts that can never be you. (Unless you go the robobrain or nukaworld head in a jar rout.)


there is a difference between conciousness and memory. for example, you can be human and there can be a synth identical to you in literally every way, it still won't be you, it won't be your stream of conciousness


Nick isn't really the original valentine it's more like a clone


Personally, I enjoyed the Institute Questline (Sue me), but I do agree. They are dumb, and want totalitarian control essentially. They have crappy weapons, but, good armour and resources. Spamming Synth Rely grenades is how to win big fights.

Father actually said that he didn't want to become a Synth (around Nuclear Family), and that he wanted to go out as a human.


Anyone else find it strange how the Institute is so advanced and yet there laser weapons are weaker than pre war laser weapons?


The Institute is basically a slightly saner Think Tank, doing Science! for its own sake


Something I remember hearing once from a college professor of mine, "There is no greater fool than the intelligent man, and no wiser man than a fool..."

Not sure about the second part, but the first fits the Institute to a T.


Virgin Oxhorn taking 45 minutes mixing in mods vs Chad VPG taking 15 minutes and explaining things briefly and clearly.


I think gen 2 synths are better for what the Instatute wants (a race of severance) do to there lack of free thought. My problem is they kidnap insentient people when raiders would make better targets, you don't even need to replace them just find some raider camp and have gen 1 and 2 synths take it over for you. The point is that for a group of educated people the never seem to think.


Short anwser: Bethesda's shitty writing


What kept the Institute from replacing everyone in the Commonwealth with synths was explained in their questline: insufficient resources, specifically electricity to power the facilities used to manufacture Gen 3s. The Sole Survivor CAN assist them in remedying that problem, but then after that, the Institute has more immediate concerns (read: the Railroad and Brotherhood of Steel), but even with THAT dealt with...the different departments are relatively autonomous, with the Director only really having enough power to focus their efforts but not enough to directly order them to do certain things. Unless the Sole Survivor decides to seize more power for themselves, whether by subverting the system or just taking a page out of Joseph Stalin's playbook and purging problematic personnel (which CAN be done to a degree in-game by completing the quest 'Plugging a Leak' in a way that results in Justin Ayo being removed from his position), that would be unlikely to change.

That being said, the Institute explicitly wants to 'redefine humanity' by erasing all traces of the pre-war world to prevent the mistakes of the past from being repeated, so it's safe to assume that while they would gladly prolong their OWN lives, they would at best probably prefer that the surface dwellers all died off, or in the worst case scenario, they may try to carry out the Enclave's plan from Fallout 2 to use a modified FEV strain to wipe out all mutated life on the surface.


The institute see the future of mankind through synth servitude. For father to become a human in a synths mind would contradict the institutes ideology on synths being machines to serve.
Father would no longer be fully human and therefore miss the institute's goal to save humanity, not to transfer everyone into synths brains.
I will admit though, in other areas, the institute makes some huge mistakes.


I think the motive of all factions are irrelevant to what the sole survivor wants. Not what the player wants, but the sole survivor. The institute is the only ending where you technically complete your main quest of finding Shawn and actually having a moment of family.


Maybe the institute realizes that the fact that we die is what makes us human. Do you think the human mind could healthily cope with immortality?


the institute doesn't have power armor, power armor is superior to the institute armor
