Why Fallout 4 factions suck: explained and analyzed.

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Fallout 4 is one of my favourite games of all time. The factions are a great addition, but they are deeply flawed, and some aspects of them really suck. In this video, I will explain why they suck and what these flaws are. l will also analyze the different factions and their decisions.

If you're a fan of Fallout 4, then I hope you will watch this video, dont worry I will explain why the factions in the game suck, and give you my thoughts on the different aspects of the factions (some good and some bad). I hope you will find this video helpful in making your decision about which faction to join, or you will just find the video interesting.

Twitter: @Nathlaaar

00:00 - Introduction
00:25 - Institute
18:15 - Brotherhood Of Steel
28:55 - Railroad
39:24 - Minutemen

#Fallout4 #factions #explained

intro music by Karl Casey @WhiteBatAudio
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For the record I love Fallout 4. One of my favorite games of all time. I want to clarify that yes, the factions suck, but I think that's kinda the point. It's meant to be hard to pick one.

War never changes.

Also, yes, I forgot about Erikson in far harbor. You can stop commenting about it now.


Honestly I don't think the MinuteMen would be so hated by players if by the time you retake The Castle you got the option to just dispatch some Minute Men to help settlements instead of you having to do it personally all the time


I'm now imagining the Institute itself slowly becoming infested with synth replacements without anyone even knowing.


Institute: We're good, we swear, we just won't tell you why
Railroad: I cherish peace with all my heart, no matter how many men woman and children I have to kill to achieve it
Minutemen: You're the General but you're going to do all the work
Brotherhood: Total synth death, kill synths, behead synths, roundhouse kick a ghoul into the concrete, slam dunk a mutant into the trashcan


The thing about the Minutemen is that everything interesting about them has already happen: the creation a provisional government, treason and infighting inside the own faction, those are really cool ideas, but instead of that you are just some guy who is the ''general'' and goes around doing all the work. Like damn, give me some flavour.


To me it feels like they were trying to make there be no singular "good" choice, but in doing so they kind of failed to provide a single one that's not also a "bad" choice.


The Institute always confused me cause they ALREADY have robot servants in Fallout. Why did you make the robots smarter beyond their needed goals? Cruelty is the only reason to make your janitor bot capable of feeling unsatisfied with life.


I genuinely think with some better writing and not having those radiant quests The Minutemen would not be nearly as hated.


The idiot savant perk going off the minute Preston says “we should build artillery at all our settlements” is just icing on the cake


Personally 2 Fixes I'd give the Minutemen
1. Preston tries to be General until the Fort, falters there and YOU show leadership in his stead, becoming the General for the merit you show during the mirelurk clearing.
2. You track your Minutemen soldier counts, and can send squads of Minutemen to solve settlement issues unless too many are occupied.


The far harbor dlc does a much better job of giving moral reason to replacing people with synths than the main game


"This campaign will be costly and many lives will be lost. But in the end, we will be saving humankind from its worst enemy... itself."
This has near-identical energy to "many of you will die, but that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make".


I still think it’s stupid how they keep referencing the Quincy massacre and then proceed to not have a single quest related to Quincy or gunners


I think the thing that actually makes the factions bad in 4 is that they cannot be shaped. For example, the brotherhood in fnv is a reclusive faction. But by the end you have the capability to guide them towards being open and move them forward into an unknown future which could be dangerous. You also can make them become more reclusive, which is safer but may just end up making them go extinct in a sealed box. Fallout 4 tried to replicate FNV's success with factions but missed it's most crucial point, influencing the world around you.


Minutemen could've been improved a lot by having patrols automatically appear near and between your settlements, and having them randomly encounter bands of raiders or creatures. also the choice to send minutemen to help a settlement instead of going there yourself. Imagine using the Castle's artillery to besiege and bombard raider bases to bend them to your will and either have them become simple settlers or slaves to pay the Commonwealth back. that would introduce a moral grey area to the minutemen questline. Minutemen splinter groups that can be either fought or befriended would let the game tell more stories about how the Minutemen fell so easily, and it would also give a great reason to introduce more named characters other than Preston and Mrs. "I duct tape puppies under my shoes".


The Railroad opting to wipe Synth's memories to ease their fear and pain is really going to backfire down the line when the Synths inevitably realize they don't age.


Imagine working as a glorified slave, being threatened with having your consciousness reset for making any error, escaping under impossible odds, surviving the wasteland, and then you get “rescued” by the railroad and they pressure you into getting your memory erased anyway.


The Minutemen felt like they couldn't function without you. No matter how many resources you had, your supplies would be spread thin trying to build proper defenses for the random settlements you recruited. My first playthrough, I went all in on the Minutemen, but the reminders of settlements being attacked and Preston sending me to a new settlement really put me off the Minutemen for later playthroughs. In one, I actively avoided the Minutemen.


it was a bold move to have the decision of which faction to stick with be hard to choose by having them all be equally terrible.


Fun fact. In the FEV labs inside the institute there's holding cells containing children's toys. Both Virgil and Shaun with complacent with the institute not only kidnapping children but turning them into super mutants then releasing them back into the common wealth.
When Shaun says the surface world is a lost cause it's because he helped make it that way. That's why i always pick up those children's toys while in the FEV lab then use the junkjet to shoot them into Shaun's face while he stands on top of the CIT building, i force him to face the consequence of his action in the most direct way possible.
