The Institute Ending & its Epilogue - The Story of Fallout 4 Part 31

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#Oxhorn #Fallout4 #Fallout
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See... I had a couple problems with siding with the Institute... One of them was "Father" releasing his parent into the wilderness without info, supplies or expectations of survival.. Then expected us to welcome him with open arms... then he gets mad when we don't agree with him... Also when we got "kicked out" and told to not interfere with the Institute plans the first thing Father does is attacks us without trying a couple times to persuade us to join. Then gets offended that we tear it down around his ears.


Piper furiously tightening the bolt while being pissed off is comedy gold


I'm a little disappointed in how this story ends. I wish that, as director, the Sole Survivor was able to actively choose how the Institute proceeds, whether they want to continue and contribute to the experimenting, and retention of synths, as they have done, or if they want to give synths more free-will, or to contribute to actual meaningful help and preservation of above-ground life. The institute is at a very unique place, where they can be the saviors or the destroyers of those above ground, and I just feel like with how it ends, and really the lack of further story development, it seems to lean more towards how The Institute has been running the whole time; the destroyers of those above ground for their own preservation.


"I know a stone cold killer when I see one."


Oh my God I didn't even know you were still doing lore videos. I gotta catch up on this!


Shaun dying always hurts my heart especially when he says, “I think I’d like to sleep now.” Absolutely heart wrenching


I had noticed you slimming down but had no idea you had such a success!!! 100 lbs is incredible!!!! Way to go Ox! 🎉


You forgot Hancock as a companion that hates the Institute and should not continue as a companion. I get that they didn't want to deny players their companions, but I think from a lore perspective, Nick, Piper, Hancock, and Preston should stop following you.


1. Synth consciousness is never confirmed.
You can argue; if it looks, smells and sounds like a Human - we should give it the benefit of the doubt. And I am inclined to agree - Synths should be treated kindly.
The Institute doesn't exactly tyrannize their Synths though, they make them work and perform jobs such as construction, janitorial work and other tasks. But considering they are living in the most pristine place in the Commonwealth, they are lucky.

Despite this, a lot of Synths, even Coursers; go rogue. They claim they want freedom but when you approach them and ask why they want freedom - most of them say they do not know. This is due to them being simulacrums of Humans, they were designed to mimic our behavior, of course they have the potential to mimic that desire.

2. The Wasteland isn't ready for them
Regardless, the Railroad have no qualms with taking these Synths and convincing them that life in the Wasteland is better. They give them dangerous or shitty jobs. Or some become Raiders.
Even with the moral and ethical issues in play, there is also the fact that Synths do not age and they cannot sexually reproduce - eventually sooner or later, they will figure out they are Synths and have existential crisis or nervous breakdowns or others will find out they are Synths and try to destroy or exile them. They are simply not enough people around who are accepting of them. But the Railroad thinks it is ok to set them free.

3. Their Freedom is a lie
Institute Synths usually fall into one of two categories. Those who have their memories untouched and remember the Institute fully and those who have been given engrams with detailed but fake lives. Synths that go rogue tend to find they cannot cope with either of those memories - but the Railroad is more than happy to commit the same crime the Institute does - by giving them new fake memories at the Memory Den in Goodneighbour. To make matters worse, this process sometimes kills the Synth.

4. The Railroad will destroy the Synths Future
With the destruction of the Institute, the Railroad will destroy the Synths only known means of reproduction. Without the Institute's facility, the Synths will never be able to even at least mimic the growth of a culture or to create pre-fabricated family members. With no more Synths being made, the freedom of their very future will be taken away from them.

5. Synths are means to an end
The whole purpose of the Gen 3 Synth is to act as a test bed in the direction of transferring Human consciousness into the Synth. The Institute's slogan is "Mankind - Redefined" and they mean this literally. They have concluded that the Human genepool is too small and too corrupt to be successfully propagated for a meaningful length of time. The only way for us to survive is to become Human 2.0. This line of thinking, is completely beyond both the Railroad and BoS's own visions.


I wasn’t expecting you to get a sponsorship, but congrats on that. You make it sound way better than some of the other creators that I watch


Child Shaun was a gift to his Father to try and give back some of what he lost.


Goodneighbor guard: “Look, I don’t want no trouble from your friend, he scares the livin’ daylights outta me!”

X6-88: *sips water while sitting on a park bench*


This has been a fun ride. Can't wait to see the other time lines


With the institute still functioning, is it possible that Synth Shaun will be altered over time to appear older? All the Synths that we see built in robotics appear to start out looking the same, and are altered to look different in the inaccessible "Processing" area, which is a bit silly, given that the institute essentially builds their Synths twice.


Did i missed it or did you not show Fear the Future? and Mama Murphy's visions did you, like those are the biggest post ending hints Bethesda gives towards you leading the institute in a better direction.

plus with Murphy just having "You will not be loved" followed by the minutemen's " You're a hero. A symbol for a better world. Our world." is just great fun.


“All those lives lost. For what? So a group of mad scientists can keep plundering the commonwealth to their hearts content?” Every single line from Nick is fantastic. He’s the best companion in the game. Also yeah even though you do see some immediate consequences(like the factions patrolling the wasteland & their presence in diamond city), I really wish there was more reaction to your decisions in the game. It’s really bizarre. NV & F4 have the same issue. Example: You took down Caesar & all you get is “unknown assailants” on the news. Anyway Bethesda should’ve put some ending slides in F4 to show the long-term consequences.


The minuteman ending should be last, as I find it the most satisfying one and a good conclusion to this series.


Always impressed with the qualities of these videos, can’t imagine how much time and patience it takes to go through every single dialogue option and go through to show multiple outcomes of the player choices in quests.


Ox, could you super-duper-please do an updated tour of your Fallout “Shrine” / collection? It has been a major inspiration for my own and I’d love to see what all has changed or wasn’t on display before!


Nate being the military person that he is would not only have those checkpoints set up to hunt down the rest of the brotherhood and the railroad but also as a show of force in order to send a message to anybody who would threaten The institute
