M2 iPad Pro 2022 vs M2 MacBook Air - The BETTER Laptop?!

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The M2 chip is now in the iPad & the MacBook Air! Which one should you buy?

Best deals on current iPads on Amazon ⬇️

Older iPad models on Amazon ⬇️

Best deals on M1 Macs on Amazon ⬇️

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Timestamps ⬇️
M2 iPad Pro vs M2 MacBook Air - 00:00
Design Differences - 00:15
Charging Speed - 01:45
Webcam & Mic Comparison - 03:44
Authentication - 04:11
Keyboards & Trackpads - 04:36
Display Comparison - 06:02
HDR Video & Blooming - 06:30
Speaker Comparison - 07:22
Storage Speed Test - 08:41
File Transfer Test - 09:23
Web Browsing Performance - 10:08
Geekbench 5 CPU - 10:31
Geekbench 5 Metal GPU - 11:20
3DMark Gaming Test - 11:46
Lightroom Photo Editing - 12:28
Operating Systems - 13:34
Battery Life Comparison - 15:44
Which One to Buy! - 16:40


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Best deals on current iPads on Amazon ⬇


It's impressive how much performance is packed up in such a small device. IPAD M2 is like a Ferrari running in Traffic. Apple needs to step up the software game.


A big thing for me is the sheer pleasure of using the device. The iPad Pro is just a lot more pleasurable to use with its touch interface, connecting you direct to whatever you are doing rather than through a touchpad or mouse. Plus the flexibility of the device to use as tablet when not working. Tech reviewers love to say that the iPad software is dumbed down, but for what most people do it every day use, that simpler software is an advantage to get what you want done without extra complications. I have used an iPad Pro, as my main device for the last five years, running an international business, plus photo and video editing, and playing music, and watching video and web browsing. It just provides everything I need.


The ipad is still primarily a media consumption device. Reading articles, taking notes and drawing works really well. But I've yet to see anyone use an ipad pro as their primary work machine.


I could literally buy a used iPad Pro 11 128gb with A12Z and a used M1 MacBook Air 256 for the same Price as one iPad Pro 12, 9 128GB. That‘s just insane how incredibly overpriced the new iPad Pro is.


As a mobile person, MBA M1 and iPad mini 6 are a perfect duo.


I have both. The iPad is essential to me for media consumption and drawing (procreate), and most of my email and internet activity. The Mac does database and web development, and some of my writing (I’m a writer). So, both make it work for me, each doing what it does better than the other. Sent from my iPad!


Wow the iPad speakers sound so good. And as someone who has one I can say it’s not too far behind the 14” MacBook Pro I have. But not quite there yet.
It’s just so crazy that I have a TABLET that’s faster than not only any other tablet, but 98% of laptops!
Great vid as usual. Max Tech is the 🐐!!


Like every year, the answer to the question on whether iPads can replace MacBooks is… it depends, and really it doesn’t matter. Some people can and some people can’t. But that isn’t a bad thing because you should buy the tool that works best for you. If you reverse the question and ask whether a MacBook can be an iPad replacement, I’d say the answer is also maybe. Buy what you like.


I'm probably the only one, but I wish they'd bring back the 11" MacBook Air with an M2. I had an OG 11" Air and it was my favorite laptop ever.


I have a powerful gaming PC with a massive monitor and I needed something for portability. I ended up choosing an iPad Pro with the Magic Keyboard 12.9 over M2 MacBook Air and I absolutely love it. It is so much more fun to use than a computer.


My M1 iPad Pro has replaced my old MacBook. It’s an awesome machine that is artificially limited by Apple. It will do almost everything most people need


Just use Center Stage for the iPad front camera and it centers your face to the middle of your screen.


I waffled back and forth when getting my M1 iPad 13” as to whether a MacBook Air or iPad would be better. I decided that, for me, the iPad with the Logitech Combo Touch would be more flexible. I’m able to do most everything that I need on it. However, when I find that I need more power or desktop-level apps, I can use Splashtop to connect to my Mac Mini (from wherever I’m at) and use those higher-level apps. It has worked well over this past year, giving me the best of both worlds.


If they didn’t have the fancy LiDAR sensor on the iPads it could be cheaper and maybe even a single lens.


I guess I'm looking forward, and noticing that iPad Pros could be the next "all-in-one" device. The flexibility that they provide is insane. I have a laptop, but wanted a tablet size form factor.
So the iPad Pro 11" M2 wound up being the device I purchased. But if I'm the future, they release an iPad Mini Pro, I will definitely buy that one when released. For the time being, the iPad Pro 11" M2 will be absolutely sufficient for my personal needs.


I bought the new M2 iPad and I have zero complaints. I use it for studying and is perfect for my use and the user experience I find more satisfying then my MacBook Pro.


I have both, and they're both excellent in different use cases but having both really works well.


Excellent review. I recently bought both, I know I am fortunate, but I use both throughout the day for different situations. If I could only have one, it would be the MacBook Air.


I think the question shouldn’t be can the iPad be a laptop but are laptops still necessary because the iPad can do what most people use a laptop for anyway which is videos web browsing and light gaming and it is a lot easier for those who have difficulty using a computer and I think the reason a lot of people don’t like the iPad is they try to make it a laptop instead of a really really good tablet which is what it is
