World Of Warplanes VS War Thunder

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In this episode we will focus on economic aspects, not graphics or the engine or effects that depend on graphics settings.
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I've only played WT a few times. The grind looks hideous (at least compared to WoWP), though I do like the realism aspect. I have limited time for gaming right now, so I'd rather focus my efforts on the game I understand than trying to learn a new one and spend decades getting to any significant higher levels :)

Besides, I have 19 more Tier 10s to get some point....


Thanks for a good and truthful comparison video. My experience with WT says the same thing as explained.


This is why I don't play WT above about BR 4.0 on air or ground. And nothing says fun like being sniped from 5km away and having your pilot killed by a mig cannon. This video has inspired me to reinstall WoWP. Haven't played in over a year after my pc 'sploded. Maybe I'll see you in skies, soon.


i agree, i already removed WarThunder from my pc 1 year ago, WoWP is more simple and more fun though there are some annoying players who tell me to delete the game because our team lost a game, hehe. Its funny when people who have played 5-10k hours come to judge your gameplay when you have not played even 1/10 of the time as they have, hehe. But luckily my ignore list is not very long, so far, hehe


Thanks for this. I was curious about WT. . I play crossout by the same company and the grind is pretty bad, but WT seems to be a whole new level of bad.


If War Thunder had free respawn instead of requiring multiple vehicles or paying for backups, it'd likely be less frustrating. Especially for tanks, since they also have a capture point style win goal.


I've played WT arcade for years. At battle ratings 2.3 + you get a lot of obvious 'Unauthorized Mod' Users - AKA Cheats, which Gaijin seems to have no interest in policing, Gaijin leaves it to players to spend their leisure time doing their policing for them for free. I believe that the unbeatable cheats put genuine players off, because the genuine players end up feeling inadequate. I often find my self taking out B.R. 1.7 aircraft against B.R. 3.7s, the match maker often seems hopeless. Recently Gaijin have decided to clamp down on ground pounders and have altered maps and the way the maps play to reduce ground target scores, they are also inflicting lots of air domination matches, which make most strike aircraft and all bombers useless. The ground pounder issue got out of hand because of teams of players playing the same account in relays, and racking up stupid scores, so stop every body having fun. Years ago it was a common practice in WT to over size national flags to make aircraft colorful, they stopped this and then charged premium prices for national flags, someone at Gaijin hates players having fun in WT.


I like WoWP more because:
+ The game is decidedly UNrealistic. I never like realism in video games, making games a chore more than entertainment. WT fails that pretty quickly. Also there is an option to turn on predictive gun alignment in WT, which is super weird because WoWP, the less realistic game, doesn't have that at all.
+ WoWP has all these weird, experimental planes that are unique in game and in history of aviation. Add the Flying Pancake or no balls, Gaijin.
+ WoWP (and even Warships actually) is more generous than WT. 1 weekly container for playing basically 1 decent battle daily is a super nice generosity that I don't see in WT.


thanks commander all true ❤ this games a totally different, and i choose fun and not asspain. Wowp maded for pilots🎉


I agree I have world of warplanes and is more fun you can use joystick, mouse and keyboard and I have all the planes I want and have fun and the Horten in world of warplanes is very fun and rocks because is a fantasy plane the German line is full of exotic planes and the line of bombers in the games rocks


Both games have their merits and shortcomings compared to each other. Yes War Thunder is a lot more grindy and yes there are bots in War Thunder air battles but the thing is in World of Warplanes you really have to look and search for the 1 or 2 players on the other team so you can shoot them down, in War Thunder you don't have this problem because it won't be long after each match starts until you run into the players on the other team(unless you play realistic or SIM in which case it'll take a few minutes) no matter how good or bad the bots may be, if you play any game long enough you start to realize they have specific patterns and behaviors which makes them much more predictable and thus easier to beat, human players on the other hand are oftentimes more unpredictable and more of a challenge.

I know World of Warplanes has a small player-base so I guess it can't be helped when it comes to having bot-filled matches, but at least the flight characteristics and overall gameplay are more forgiving which makes it more fun for some people, as for me I find War Thunder air arcade to be more fun than World of Warplanes, probably due to the fact that I'm just not nearly as good at World of Warplanes as I am at War Thunder air arcade.

World of Warplanes does have at least 1 major thing going in its favor over War Thunder and that is the absence of Air to Air Missiles at top tier so there is that too.


wowp and wot share gold and free exp, wowp premium can be used in wot. You can play 2 games, i'm a wot player, just now i'm bored with wot so i will play wowp


Bots in WT is by mission design, you play 16х16 players and some bots for easy exp, bots here in order to if you can't shooting down other player - you will kill bots. Bots in WoWp - lack of players in general. I get it, you didn't have time AND didn't have money for F2P game (I’ll probably open your eyes (sarcasm), but when playing a F2P game, you either pay with your money for tangible progress in obtaining a new vehicle, or with your free time, if you have a lot of it for such a game). I'll tell you the following, in wowp they give you the most of everything, including gold, because the game is dying, and is trying to somehow attract players, and the very friendly economy of the game is also such a carrot. If you look at these two games from the perspective of game mechanics, gameplay, graphics, content, etc., then the War thunder is the King.
